The of Genesis Working Things Out
Working Things Out (WTO) is about living your life by integrating all aspects of you’re mind, body and spirit using your innate ability of Intuition. Providing Empowerment, encouraging you to exercise your Free Will and help myself and others to cultivate compassion are my main goals. But before anything else, I’ll give you the mandatory list of credentials and then get right into the nitty gritty of what WTO is all about.
I use my experience in research, academia, counseling and spiritual inquiry, to weave stories of the complex human response to life's transformative experiences. I perform intuitive work in the form of consultations, workshops and writings which are a culmination of over 21 years of crisis counseling/intervention, academic advising, and independent research. Much of the work incorporates decades of spiritual inquiry, writing and experiential background. I also sing Jazz Standards for performances in various venues and also for fundraisers that sponsor humane and other worthy causes.
I was born and raised in New York City, lived in San Francisco for few years and am currently back in New York. I have a Bachelor's in General Psychology and Master's Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and studied three additional years at the doctoral level conducting research on Near Death Experiences and Environmental Psychology. I also currently host a radio show Diana’s Working Things Out on and may be contacted at
There are several services provided. But there is a story behind each service; a reason and history. I perform work that uses INTUITION as its primary skill. The years of academia, counseling, researching were foundational for me. I needed to be scholarly and intellectual because it is what is emphasized in today’s educational system. But my unique exposure to various experiences as a child and young adult had triggered the introspective intuitive side of me. I worked very hard at suppressing it and was quite successful for a while. But life’s and the Universe have a way of equalizing things and creating balance in the end. Fortunately for my clients, readers and audience, I work everyday at balancing both the right and left side of my brain as well as my logical and spiritual side.
The services I offer are:
1) Intuitive Consultations which uses intuitive cards, hand writing analysis and other tools to receive insights into issues and questions in your current situation.
2) Information on all things Intuitive and spiritual awakening in the form of workshops, radio broadcasts and seminars.
3) Services of offering information Feng Shui, and energy cleansing/grounding consultations.
4) Information on Yoga philosophy, meditation and physical fitness (I will be happy to share my fat pictures of many year ago with you), and
5) Jazz Standards Singing performances.
I’ve done thousands of consultations and use various tools and skills. I listen and then use something like a Tarot card deck for general intuitive queries. I like to explain that Tarot is not some scary, silly trick card thing. It’s a very serious tool with a rich and complex history. Yes, many misuse and misunderstand but that is what my other writings are for. They are there to give information, explanations and resources so you can determine for yourself what tool if any will work for you.
I enjoy collaborating with others and find that competing for resources and clients doesn’t work in this field. We all have something unique to add to the mix. I also take pride in the fact that I like to offer real world tools you can use to have you re-ignite your own intuition throughout the process of working together and beyond.
You will see that each writing will contain different topics and ideas-all meant to give information, resources, treasures and inspirations you can use.