Monday, January 16, 2012

One FAT Propaganda, Post Holiday Myth

 This is Diana and I see Dumb People™ 

Commentary, Storytelling, Broadcasts, Performances, Intuitive/Psychic Consultations and Inspiration From Diana The Cranky Psychic!

Diana Navarro, M.S


One FAT Propaganda, Post Holiday Myth

As an Intuitive/Psychic I get cranky when I see corporations trying to pull the wool over our heads.

One of the biggest forms of propaganda perpetrated and BELIEVED is that we actually get fat due to holiday overeating. Did you know that's actually not true?
So here is the issue closer to the truth. Chances are that if you feel you got "fat" over the holidays but your fitness issues preceded any specific holiday. 

It is fair to say that during any holiday season overeating eating can result from the availability of so much for food due to: 
a) events and family gatherings, 
b) expectations to eat more, and
c) permission we give ourselves to over-indulge. It's natural for us to obviously do gain some weight. 

However, here is the usually isn't a significantly amount weight. It's usually a few ounces not pounds. So if you do gain tons of weight in a short period of time, I would suggest you consult with a health professional and see what could be happening to cause this.  

Have you noticed the huge increase in weight loss advertisements right at the turn of the New Year? I noted commercial after commercial from weight loss program after weight loss program telling us not to fret from holiday weight gain and try their product or service. Now, what is one of the most common New Year's resolution? You got it...losing weight. So what a coincidence that we are being bombarded by these weight loss ads.

If you want to be fit and healthy and being healthy includes losing weight, think if whether you want this to be a permanent process instead of yet another failed attempt so many of us have experienced. Nothing can be more discouraging than yet another try at weight loss just to gain it back and gain even more. So we must be doing something wrong and hence there must be a better way.

The better way is to be honest with yourself. LOVE yourself regardless of your weight right now, learn the truth about weight loss by doing some serious research on what really works and doesn't work. 

From my personal experience and my own research what your intentions are and what strategy you use to lose the initial weight makes a big difference. There are people who have lost weight and kept it off for years. What makes them successful? You will find that the people who have lost weight and kept it off have certain things in common. What are those things...?

  • They have decided to love themselves from deep inside. that means being honest at to the reasons they gained weight in the first place.
  • They did research on their own reasons for gaining weight. Is it a medical condition or do you have a genetic predisposition?, Is it a psychological reason that translates into behaviors that are unhealthy like self-soothing by overeating. Or is it depression? Is it lack of physical movement and eating more than your body can burn off? 
  • They have the determination to move forward despite any challenges, set backs or lack of support.
  • They are willing to learn and break free from myths. One of those myths means being on a "diet". Diet implies temporary. But diet isn't necessarily temporary. It means what you eat, how you eat and frequency of eating. I can't believe how many people still say diet with the wrong definition of the word. Don't be one of them. You want ongoing health, right? So that means making lifestyle changes that you can enjoy, live with and have success at.  
  • They participate in physical activity, aka workouts that work for them. It does NOT have to be at a gym. So whether at a gym, home workouts or other way of moving your body in a way that is defined as "exercise", let it be something you can actually incorporate in to your life permanently and even enjoy. 
  • They workout and exercise correctly. One of the biggest mistakes people make is working out the wrong way. There is no excuse with all the resources out there right now. Books, magazines, social media, websites, and an effective personal trainer--see below for my trainer's info.
Special note about personal trainers: I lost weight in 1994 and managed to keep it off despite many health issues and challenges. But I got into a plateau due to various reasons and it was necessary for me to up the ante and use a trainer. The trainer is still my trainer 7 years later. I do a combination of strength training, cardio, correct eating and continued adjustment of all of these thanks to my trainers professionalism. 

Me in 1994 at 24 years of age
Me now in my 40's with my trainer

If you are in the New York Metropolitan Area, I highly recommend MY trainer, who does the following depending on what you want and need.
Vincent Musolino
Twitter; @Vinnythetrainer

  • Trains one-on-one....correctly
  • Creates and provides routines just for your body type, age, gender, and goals
  • Gives you food tips to help you reach your fitness goals
  • Is flexible and effective
  • knows how to break a plateau and continue your fitness process
  • Helps you with stretch exercises
Remember, it makes sense that you will succeed if you know why you gained in the first place. 

If you want to be healthy, look good, be happier with yourself then start where you are, which is here and now.

I wish you love, light, OM and health.

Questions? Email me now at 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Diana The Cranky Psychic and I see Dumb People

Diana The Cranky Psychic

Available for

Commentary, Storytelling, Broadcasts, Performances, Intuitive/Psychic Consultations and Inspiration From Diana The Cranky Psychic!

Diana Navarro, M.S.


Welcome Diana The Cranky Psychic and I See Dumb People
This is the proud announcement of the birth of Diana The Cranky Psychic! Labor lasted close to 42 years but after many pushes, deep bearing down and a Universe C-section, Diana the Cranky Psychic is finally here. So help me welcome this new brand of information, inspiration, teaching, and sharing via commentary, storytelling, broadcasts, performances, writings, intuitive/psychic consultations and Inspiration to the world. Diana The Cranky Psychic provides a new brand of compassionate yet honest, raw and humorous psychic and intuitive inspiration. She uses real-life examples of how to bring back manners, social graces and etiquette.

Social Graces are the elixir that lubricate our social structure. Diana The Cranky Psychic humorously writes, consults, broadcasts, professionally speaks and does one woman performances:

  • About the real and everyday human behaviors that are, rude, unhealthy, unsophisticated and NOT working,
  • Exploring the psychic/psychological/emotional reason people do these behaviors
  • Discussing why these behaviors and actions aren’t working and what to do to create change that does work for a better, happier, healthier life for ALL.
The incredible insights she has made in the decades of research, are the result of thousands of consultations, psychic/intuitive readings and observations of private clients, celebrities and big named companies. Now all this insight is ready to be shared in various forms. She still offers the same compassionate, insightful consultations, broadcasts and talks but with a twist... intense humor and honesty--all intended to create transformational positive change and healing. In addition, she provides storytelling and entertainment about the real and everyday human behaviors that are NOT working, why they aren’t working and what to do to create change that does work.

As an intuitive consultant/psychic, radio show host, academic researcher and writer, Diana The Cranky Psychic, has come across very interesting observations about human behavior. Most behaviorists agree that in general, people want pleasure and avoid pain. However, we do things, silly things, that cause us unnecessary pain and strife. Diana the Cranky Psychic spotlights some of these no-no’s in order to demonstrate what everyday behaviors all around us ought to be avoided and which we should engage in.

People need to see and hear examples of behaviors that do and don’t work. They need to know there are social norms. Many of us want to be accepted, liked and admired. Do you really want people to know you DON’T wash your hands (or wash them correctly) after pooping and are shaking their hand hello??? I doubt it. So through these commentaries, writings, and storytelling she puts it out there for us all to see, hear and experience.

There are countless books, how-to blogs, websites, magazine articles and even courses on social etiquette, manners and common courtesy. Clearly there is a desire to understand what’s proper behavior in our very busy and interconnected social world.

So what’s missing from the current sources on etiquette and manners? You will notice that what is indeed missing is honest and vivid real-life examples of what people are doing wrong AND the insight as to what the psychological, emotional and psychic reasons are. Just why is that that people do rude, unsanitary and ignorant behaviors? Diana’s decades long counseling, advising, psychic readings and speaking led her to understand glimpses of motivations behind why people do the silly, sometimes nasty things they do.

Want in on this good stuff? Contact info is below.


Diana Navarro, M.S., is Diana The Cranky Psychic™. She is the Intuitive/Psychic/Empathic Consultant, Radio Show Host/Producer of Working Things Out Radio Show, Jazz Standards Vocalist, Professional Speaker and Animal Lover. Her background is a culmination of over 21 years of crisis counseling, intervention, academic advising, intuitive/psychic consulting and research.

She has a Bachelor's in General Psychology, Master's of Science Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and studied three additional years at the doctoral level conducting research on Environmental Psychology. She uses real life examples of how to bring back manners, social graces and etiquette into our everyday lives. She works from New York City but her work is available to the world.
In addition to thousands of personal and celebrity clients, she also worked with corporate clients that include Estee Lauder, Time-Warner, Macy's, Progressive Insurance and Skanska Construction Group.
Contact and all information, including full archived radio broadcasts, video samples of intuitive sessions, singing performances and blog can be found here:

Diana Navarro, M.S.
347 563 2135 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            347 563 2135      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
New York City
Website:  and
Twitter: @Dworksthingsout

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