Because I know more and more of us are taking advantage of how Twitter can
be used, I thought I'd share a few tips I learned and am learning. Whether you are new Twitter or a reluctant Tweeter, I hope this tips are helpful and make your Tweeting more fun and productive.
- People can be lazy when it comes to social when it comes to Twitter for instance, I suggest
you create a link for them so they can just click in addition to giving them your name (handle).
- To get more followers, go ahead and start following people. From what I've learned, the more you follow the more people will follow you
back. This is the first tip I ever got and it was from @jordanasands and it works.
- Take advantage or trends like "FF" which is "Follow Friday", pick of few
people you follow Tweet their handles and so that others will follow them. They will return the favor
and this increases followers for everyone. Also, send "Shout outs" to some of your favorite people, followers so appreciate this.
- Put a picture on your profile as soon as you can, people don't like
following something or someone they can't see.
- Use the Bio section to put something that says something special and important about you.
- Spruce up your page, it's relatively simple and fast, it goes a long way
because unlike human beauty,Twitter beauty counts a lot!
- Dont pay for services they claim to get you followers. You want followers that actually care about your Tweets.
- Learn the lingo, Favoriting, Hashtag, Tweeps, Tweeups, etc, are common terms used. Be and stay updated, because social media changes very fast.
- Follow people and organizations you really care about without worrying if you'll be followed back. But watch for those followers who follow just to unfollow you to look like they have more genuine followers. They are SO annoying.
- Re-tweet things you really like and you'll eventually get re-tweeted too.
- Use smart and free third party internet tools to learn more and get more followers. Here is a great post with amazing resources and links. Of course, I use the free ones.
So there you go. I'm sure there are so many more things to explore but to keep things simple and save you time...I'll keep this short and sweet....
If you have some tips for me, go ahead and share them with us on the comment section below.
Oh and by the way...follow me here.............
With Light. Love and OM
This is Diana
Diana Navarro, M.S.
Psychic--Empath with a Psychology background, Radio and Video Broadcast Host, Speaker, Entertainer, Consultant and features topics on Lifestyle/Manners, Humor, Entertainment, Health, The Paranormal and Causes.