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Recently, I expressed my feelings of being displeased with behavior of some folks I believed were my colleagues. I stated that although not obligatory, it is socially and professionally expected to be appreciated for services provided. That appreciation can take many forms, a simple thank you, a public acknowledgement, referrals (especially if helps the person's business), offer of some compensation for future services, and so on. Any of these gestures would do. That is what I was attempting to express since I didn't receive any of the above for providing one of the services I do as a psychic-empath, social connecting.
Oddly I had an extremely negative reaction including being dismissed as being "too sensitive". Needless to say they currently do not speak to me. At first I felt very offended because I thought I had established enough rapport to be supported and respected. However, I quickly realized I had to 1) Let it go because my point was not going to be understood, 2) Share it so we can all learn lessons from this.
So, as a professional I did let it go. Knowing it's a connected world and we will see each other again at some point. As an psyhic-empath I thought to myself, They are right in calling me too-sensitive. That's a good thing because what it actually means is that I sense from them why this situation occurred and can tell where it's heading. This isn't easy to share directly with people who don't have a certain level of intuitive awakening, hence this post. This experience, one of many actually, served as an incentive to describe exactly what I do as a psychic-empath and what kind of work is in progress because of it.
What Kind of Psychics are There and what do I specifically do
Before I go any further let me explain what an Empath is:
An Empath is an Intuitive who in addition to expressing empathy (the ability to put oneself in another person or animal's place emotionally, physically and spiritually), has abilities and characteristics that go beyond the normal five senses. Empaths are extremely sensitive to their environment, people and animals. S/he literally “feels” and senses what others feel, think and the motives behind these. An Empath can receive psychic information by feeling what others feel/think but also via visual flashes, dreams, and connecting synchronicities.
You may or may not know that there are many types of Psychics. I mean real legitimate people who use their intuition to serve humanity with light, love and healing in many ways. They are called many names including Sensitives, Seers, Oracles, Intuitives, Mediums, Empaths, Lightworkers, Clairvoyants, and good old fashion Psychics. The younger generations being born are called Indigo, Crystal and Star children. There is quite a bit of information on this out there should you want to know more about each type.
You should also know that there are other types of people with intuitive gifts who don't use it to spread light and love. They are also called Psychics, fortune-tellers, any of the above names, Gypsy Psychics (though not all Gypsy's are in this category--hear the show with Psychic Medium Mark Anthony who elegantly tells us the difference) and what I term as Charlatans. These people may or may not have genuine psychic abilities but use whatever skill they do have to hurt, profit, and destroy others with no care or repercussions. We won't go into detail here on that but will in the near future.
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What a (genuine) Psychic is NOT
- Happy-go-lucky all the time, We are human beings. We get hurt, angry, jealous, and sad like everyone else. But we work on it as humans that we are.
- Omniscient in this human form. We most certainly do not have all the answers. Some are more skilled at certain abilities than others. But as for me, I see signposts, trajectories, potentialities, and current patterns.
- Someone who should be disrespected and devalued because we charge for our contribution. We do as any other human does for their life;s work (musician, carpenter, accountant, dancer, actor etc.). Intuitive work is very, very challenging, emotional and important beyond words. A skilled, ethical intuitive should and does charge reasonably for what they offer as light, healing, and resources. For more this I ask you listen to a special broadcast I did with Psychic Mark Anthony On Life, Death and Healing.
- Available 24/7 for every question, it is important for clients to do critical self-work within the power of their own free will.
- Necessarily from the same spiritual belief or religious system as other psychics.
- The same as other psychics in skill type, level, compassion, integrity and understand.
- Someone who casts spells to control others. That's messing with Free Will and a big Karmic no-no.
Therefore, a genuine psychic ideally is open to increasing their skills, understanding, and wisdom. Also, cooperation, support, and exchange of resources would be amazing goals within this community.
For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to the work I do as a psychic empath. As an empath, I've had to learn through much hard work to put boundaries between what others are feeling and what I feel. It is so difficult to tell the difference, especially as a child. Many children who are called oversensitive are empaths and suffer so much because of ignorance and lack of support. Fortunately, times are changing and there is much more awareness.
It is often difficult to see this ability as a gift. If feels like a curse because for some reason most empaths are attuned to others' pain as opposed to positive feelings. With the right resources that can change. Not only does boundary work help understand the pain, it helps one to receive more of the feelings of love, compassion and joy.
Boundary work is really a life-time project. That's the bad news. The good news is, it's doable and you get stronger, better and more resources with time. Boundary work is also complex and takes stepping out of the logical realm into the balanced realm. The balanced realm includes logical reasoning with non-linear, creative and spiritual exploration.
As an empath I want everyone and everything to feel good. That means people, animals, and the environment (yes the environment can sense). Why? Well maybe an admittedly selfish reason is that if you feel good, I feel good. In either case, I always declare what I do be for the highest and greatest good of all. That means there are a lot, I mean a lot of people who do NOT feel this way. That's humanity...free will for all. So in a way it's kind of a war of spreading light versus pain. Notice I didn't say dark...dark can be a good thing.
One way I am contributing is to do a work of pointing out what decreases social harmony, e.g. rudeness and explore ways of increasing harmony, e.g. manners.. After all in a planet with 7 billion people, not counting all the billions of non-human animals, we've got some work to do. It is quite simple really. You start with YOU. Being self-aware and other-aware, then taking proper action is a good place to start. In "I see Dumb People: The Quest to End Rudeness and Increase Harmony With Manners©" I speak in both a serious and humorous way about some of things we all do that range from absent mindedness to dangerously rude. I also point out times we can do something about it and times we shouldn't. For those times we shouldn't because it may put us or others at risk of harm, I have this work to share via writings, broadcast, storytelling and one-woman show.
Other offerings include: Private intuitive sessions (with or without intuitive tools) that incorporate psychological-spiritual principles, Celebratory Events with Social Connection Referral Services and Entertainment and Support for Animal Rescue and other worthy Causes.
If you want to share your thoughts or keep up with this work, contact me and I will keep you updated via email and tweets.
Oh and by the way...follow me here.............

With Light. Love and OM
Diana Navarro, M.S.
Psychic--Empath with a Psychology background, Radio and Video Broadcast Host, Speaker, Entertainer, Consultant and features topics on Lifestyle/Manners, Humor, Entertainment, Health, The Paranormal and Causes.
Diana Navarro, M.S.
Psychic--Empath with a Psychology background, Radio and Video Broadcast Host, Speaker, Entertainer, Consultant and features topics on Lifestyle/Manners, Humor, Entertainment, Health, The Paranormal and Causes.