Friday, December 27, 2013

5 Really Good Reasons to Say Goodbye--To Friends, Lovers, Social Media, and Even Your Phone

Note: This piece is for introspection, you are fully responsible for all choices you make in your life.

A Brief Intro
When I was in elementary school I had to learn how to say hello and goodbye a lot. I went to 6 different elementary schools and had to hear that infamous "Hello class let's welcome our new student Diana".  Each time, I was scared to death I would not be welcomed or worse be un-welcomed. By the grace of the universe I was never treated badly or made to feel un-welcomed, but that's because I had a strategy. One I still use to day and will share at another time.

The worse part of moving around was saying goodbye to the friends I made. It was heartbreaking every time. You know what they say, with practice you get better. And I did. As a child and being an *empath, it was extra hard to detach, and even as an adult I have a very difficult time letting go of people and things when the time comes. But the time does come when it is time to move on for the greater good of all. 

I deal with a lot people in one way or the other. Again as an empath, I have to be extra self-protective. Something I learned the very hard way. I can't afford to have close and ongoing encounters with individuals who are on a significant different frequency (mismatched goals, ideologies, values) than me. How about you?

Do you know when it's time to say goodbye? As a child I didn't have a choice, I was moving. But as an adult it was a bit more vague. I felt I wanted my "bff" and be with my family/friends forever, but that isn't realistic. People and circumstances come into our lives for a reason. You may not know the reason for a long time to come, but chances are you will know and see the signs it's time to say goodbye.

  1. When the greater good is no longer served, what does that mean? You know inside your mind and heart when a relationship, of work, personal or even casual is not serving the highest good:
  2. When there is an ongoing, uneven exchange of energy and resources. 
  3. When there is emotional, physical, spiritual depletion and damage to one or any of the parties involved.
  4. When you feel frustrated, confused and fatigued dealing with the person or circumstance.
  5. When you just know in the deepest level, and you do not need any logical reason.

You don't have to wait until you are so sick, upset, betrayed or experience any other negative emotion, before you move into your own peaceful space physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The key is to move on with finesse, class and proper manners. There is no point in creating more negativity when you are trying to be in a healthier place. Many people wonder just how to do that. Here is when you use that incredible brain you were given and tap into common sense. 

Family, Friends, Acquaintances
With personal contacts it can be very sticky. Particularly family and long time friends. But it is your right to have peace, love and good things should you choose it. So you begin with creating boundaries. Oh, I guarantee you it won't be a piece of cake, but it will bring you peace eventually. You don't have to run to someone's rescue all the time. So choose if you want to continue doing this. You will have resistance so prepare yourself. But hold strong, because that will pass. There are also so many support resources you can use to do a little research and give yourself that gift.

Many people come into our lives for a reason. To share experiences with, and/or to learn lessons from. Often, we are not meant to be around the same people our whole lifetimes. This includes family. Once you understand the relationship dynamics, the lessons to be learned, and karmic implications, you can begin to decide how deeply invested you want to be. 

Romantic Relationships 
This is a topic for a separate and much more involved post/episode. But the quick of it is, that if you are in a romantic relationship, you are absolutely exchanging energy in every way. Is that energy exchange a healthy one? Only you know. Check in with your body, your mind, your circumstances at various times and see what you find. From thousands of people I've consulted with, too many are inexcusably unsatisfied with their relationship. Feeling they give too much and not receive any energy equally. 

Don't be fooled thinking, "Oh, this is just a casual fling/hookup/affair." There is no such thing in the true energy field. Most people are settling  hoping something changes or until something better comes along. They may feel pass the phase of fixing their karma or learning a lesson but still hold on. This only creates more karma debt and harsh unbalance. Choose now what you want in your most intimate relationship. Peace, bliss, pleasure, joint learning, passion, respect, joy...or conflict, illness, confusion, violence, abuse, heartbreak, loneliness (while with this person). The choice is truly yours. Begin with knowing what your patterns are, who are you typically attracted to, and why? As I said above, personal romantic relationships are very complex and this is just a snippet. There will be more on this in future posts.

Social Media
Social media is relatively new but very powerful. We meet and re-meet many people we would not otherwise do so. This includes old friends, new lovers, business colleagues, and new contacts. With other social contacts as in social media, I can personally tell you, knowing who to stay in touch with and who not to has been a complex issue. I and many others don't want to "burn bridges" or create animosity with social contacts. Yet too many folks are just takers of your information, resources, energy and offer nothing in return except an attitude of entitlement, or even playing dumb. I tell those people the following.
  • Don't take it as a personal insult if I unfriend/unfollow/hide you. There is probably little that benefits us being in contact in this manner.
  • Should you want to stay in touch and increase the quality of our connection, you may contact me via email, or phone and make a proposal.
  • Respect my decision, simply taking from others does NOT benefit either party, yes including the taker. 
This is my personal standard: I believe in sharing resources and a paradigm of abundance, not a scarcity-based one of competition.

Your Phone, Car, House, Jewelry, Other Material Object (*not pets, they are sentient and should never be given up unless to a guardian who can better love them!)

We can get so attached to material objects we love them more than people, animals and ourselves. We can even become obsessed with these and that affects the overall quality of our lives. For that, I would definite go to a professional for help. But if you are just somewhat attached, like you really just like your phone or service but aren't satisfied with cost, plan, quality, but feel you must be loyal to it, then you have every right to shop around for something that better suits you. If it's a company, then bear in mind that it knows you as money or a number, not a person so trust me they will not take it personally.  

Basically, what I am saying is that it's all about YOU. but in good way. Giving yourself care, love, respect, and boundaries makes it possible for you to be whole. Always remembering that we are in a web of inter-connectedness regardless. But you have the choice to surround yourself with loving people and things. It's okay to give yourself permission for a life of peace. In a world that seems so chaotic, you have control, believe it or not, of your mind, brain, and spirit. Even if someone attempts to assault you, your heart, body and soul is YOURS so cherish it, love it and thank it. Let's get out of victim-hood and into power-hood. Feel empowered to walk a away from things that don't serve the highest good and make room to allow wonderful things to enter your life.

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*An Empath is an intuitive who in addition to expressing empathy (the ability to put oneself in another person or animals place emotionally, physically and spiritually), have abilities and characteristics that go beyond the normal senses. Empaths are extremely sensitive to their environment, people and animals. She/he literally “feel” and sense what others feel in many ways. Hence Diana received psychic information by feeling what others feel but also via visual flashes, dreams, and connecting synchronicities.

On a Quest to Bring Manners Back
With Light. Love and OM
Diana Navarro, M.S.
Psychic--Empath with a Psychology background, Radio and Video Broadcast Producer/Host, Social Commentator/Speaker, Entertainer, Consultant and features topics on Lifestyle/Manners, Humor, Entertainment, Health, The Paranormal and Causes.
Radio Show Address:
Radio Listener dial-in number: (347) 857-3160