Saturday, February 28, 2015

Near Death Experience or Near Life Experience

Can a Death Experience be Seen as a 

Near Life Experience?

"Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths." – Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher (55 AD 135 AD)

World renowned peak performance trainer, Jack Canfield, was once asked in an interview which book most influenced his life. He replied that Dr. Raymond Moodys book, Life After Life, made a tremendous impact in his life as an author and coach.

Canfield went on to recount how Dr. Moody studied several hundred people who had near-death experiences in which they were clinically dead for several minutes. Dr. Moody found they all experienced a similar phenomenon of this lifting out-of-body sensation traveling through a dark tunnel, and at the end of the tunnel, encountering a spiritual being of light that loved them unconditionally.

The part of the book that really struck Canfield was when he recalled that, according to Dr. Moody's research, these people were asked just two questions by this loving being of light: 

  1. How have you expanded your capacity to love? and 
  2. What wisdom have you gained from your experience? [Taken from Barnes and Nobel's Meet the Writer section for Jack Canfield].
Dr. Moody's book title leaves us with a clue that perhaps these so called near-death events should actually be called near-life experiences because the people undergoing this phenomenon are brought closer to the real meaning of life and the experience of being truly alive. After stripping away all the non-essentials, isn't that what life is really all about? Love and wisdom.

But when life hands us a particularly difficult challenge, instead of making out of it a hearty stew of love and wisdom, we often become like dead people walking draining our life force by angrily fighting the challenge, or by complaining about it, or denying it, or numbing ourselves from the pain by popping pills, drinking, or indulging in other distractions.

Every challenge, every difficulty, every misfortune – whether it's 

  • dealing with a difficult boss, 
  • an unexpected layoff, a hostile relative, 
  • a bankruptcy, an illness, a divorce, 
  • or a bitter foe    
– all these events are special gifts from the universe to help us grow as spiritual beings who are truly alive to the human experience. Embrace these challenges as rare opportunities to help you expand your capacity to love and gain ever increasing wisdom.

Small goals and small problems do not really help us grow all that much. Welcome the big ones! You have to tear muscle to build it by lifting a sufficient amount of weight. Welcome the big challenges as character-building exercises to help you grow beyond your perceived limits.

The Hero's Journey is all about courageously facing these life-challenges and assimilating them into ever expanding spheres of love and wisdom to re-connect and tune with the higher Self. Delve deep within and you will find yourself bathed in this all-enveloping, all-forgiving, all-accepting field of love. As The Journey author, Brandon Bays, likes to say, "You are the love that you have been seeking."

Read More about  Near Death Experiences

I had the opportunity to interview clients who have had near death experience. They give various different perspective on how this has permanently changed them. You can read it here on my book.
 Find it here

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Lucid Dreams Series: 9 Question and Answers about Dreams

 9 Question and Answers about Dreams 

Every dreamer has asked questions about why we dream, and what those dreams mean. While every dream is unique to the person who dreams it, the world of dream interpretation is a rich, fascinating and exciting one. Included here some of the most commonly asked questions about dreams and their analysis.

  1. What is the significance of dreams? Yes. Dreams to have significance in the real world. Dreams are told in a symbolic language, and the images in dreams tend to contain hidden meanings and hidden messages. When analyzing and interpreting dreams, it is important to understand that the stories told in dreams are symbolic and not meant to be taken literally. The significance of dreams for each dreamer is a personal matter related to each persons experience and emotions.
  2. Why do recurring dreams happen? Recurring dreams are among the most common types of dreams. Most often, recurring dreams indicate that the dreamer has some issue that is not being confronted in his or her waking life. Examining these recurring dreams, and understanding what triggers them, can often allow the dreamer to resolve the underlying issue and banish the recurring dream.
  3. Do most people dream in color? Most people do dream in color, but many may not notice the colors in the dream world. Since color is such a natural part of our normal day to day experience, color may be overlooked in the dream world. In addition, because dreams fade so quickly, the sense of color may be the first thing to leave the conscious mind.
  4. Do animals dream as well? All mammals studied have exhibited the same brain activity that humans exhibit during dream sleep. Many scientists see this as proof that animals do in fact dream, although what they dream about is likely to remain a mystery.
  5. How are dreams affected by our daily lives? Any feelings or thoughts repressed during the day are likely to make an appearance in your dreams during the night. For example, if you wanted to show your anger to someone but were unable to do so, you may express anger to that person or a similar figure in a dream. In addition, those who have experienced traumatic events are often troubled by nightmares in which they relive that trauma. 
  6. Do men and women dream differently? Men and women both experience the same brain wave activity during dream sleep. The content of the dreams of men and women do differ, however. Studies of dream content have shown that men tend to dream more about other men than about women, while women tend to dream about men and women equally.
  7. Why do I remember only bad dreams and never good ones? One reason is that the most vivid dreams tend to be those that are remembered, and nightmares are generally more vivid than good dreams. In addition, sleepers are often awakened by a particularly vivid nightmare, and waking during dream sleep means that the dream will most likely be remembered in its minutest details.
  8. What does it mean to dream about dreaming? Experiencing a dream within a dream may be a way to deal with items from the subconscious mind. A dream within a dream may prevent the dreamer from waking up prematurely, and they often are reflections of a critical issue that the dreamer needs to confront and gain control of. 
  9. Will I really die if I hit the ground during a falling dream? The many people who have described hitting the ground during a dream about falling are proof positive that hitting the ground in a dream is not a terminal experience. It is true, however, that dreams of falling often wake the dreamer, and that is probably where that old legend got its start.

 The Next Level of Dreams is LUCIDITY

That is. that with a bit of effort, like making an intention to remember and writing, or recorded your dreams as soon as you wake up, your dreams will be more easily recalled. Once that happens you will slowly and eventually have more control over your dreams. That is what lucid dreams are all about. Dreams can be more than a mere psychological way of working things out. They can lead to an amazing awakening in different levels. You can read more in this book.

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Friday, February 20, 2015

"You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal!" The Book with Real Images

Are those ghost orbs around me? This book has 

many photos with orbs in it. Take a look and you 

decide. Better yet, look at your own photos and see if 

you find any.

Paranormal Information for the Rest of us

What would you expect research and statistics to say about what we think of the paranormal? That they believe in ghosts, haunted houses, telepathy/ESP, UFO’s, spiritual awakening, out-of-body experiences or tons of other types of experiences?

I noticed something odd while looking at the research, watching many paranormal programs, and reading books, articles and blogs. I noticed that people by far were asking , “Am I crazy” when they experience spiritual and paranormal events. What if you were cleared medically, physically and emotionally of any conditions and still experienced things you could not explain by normal means? This is what can happen during a spiritual awakening or paranormal encounter.

Would you be surprised to know that 3 out of 4 Americans believe in various types of paranormal experiences, according to a Gallup Poll? That’s a lot of people and doesn’t even include other countries. So many people are reporting paranormal experiences that it makes complete sense to really take a look at may be going on. If indeed there is paranormal phenomenon occurring then what effect does that have on the experiencer?

With the deluge of material out there including shows on the supernatural, books, blogs, psychics you would think it’s easier to get answers. Unfortunately it can be even more overwhelming and maddening when all you want is to know what’s going on and that you really aren’t going insane. You can also feel lonely, angry, frightened and frustrated when people in your life cannot support or understand because they aren’t experiencing the same issues.

My desire is to provide information, confirmation, validation, support and resources for various spiritual, paranormal and supernatural occurrences, so that there is a relief knowing you’re not alone on journey …

Here you will find a primer of sorts exploring a variety of topics including:
·        What incidents can be classified as paranormal versus an ordinary experience?
·        What can trigger a spiritual crisis?
·        How to identify spiritual signs and synchronicities which are meant for you
·        What a near death experience is.
·        What tools you can use to gently awaken your own intuition.
·        What yoga can do as a tool for healing.
·        What steps to take for self-care during your spiritual journey.
·        What the difference is between benign supernatural experiences and frightening or dark paranormal incidents.
·        What to do and how to recognize psychic vampires versus a true healer.
·        See images of orbs or possible angelic signs.

Although I had academic background in psychology, over 24 years of experience as a crisis counselor, and general advisor, nothing could have prepared me for my own dark night of the soul and spiritual crisis. This led to a psychic opening that allowed me to not only embrace my gift as an Empath (a spiritual sensitive) but to use it all to provide information and healing to others.

The ability to incorporate traditional counseling skills, spiritual coaching, advising, broadcasting, and speaking about not only my experience but the experience of others is utilized to ensure you that there are answers out there. You will also get a bonus section on how to create your own sacred space, anywhere simply and effectively. Additionally you can access archived radio broadcasts anytime.

Those who are overwhelmed and frightened by their spiritual emergence can know that there is information, tools, support, that can allow you to embrace your spiritual journey with confidence and joy because you’re not crazy, it’s paranormal!

Acclaim for “You’re Not Crazy, It’s Paranormal!”

“The spiritual search begins when life and the world as you once knew it transforms into something other, something often unexplainable and incomprehensible.   This book will introduce you to ancient thoughts and concepts to help guide you on your way.  Trust the journey.” 
~Bruce Joel Rubin  
Screenwriter, GHOST, JACOB’S LADDER, MY LIFE, 1991 Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Screenplay for the 1990 psychological thriller Jacob's Ladder. 

“Diana Navarro’s new book ‘You’re not Crazy, It’s Paranormal!’ is a must read for anyone bold enough to embrace his or her own spirituality.  For those who experiences massive doses of the sixth sense the question really is, ‘How do you know you are not going crazy?’
Diana Navarro does a wonderful job of explaining how one’s spiritual awakening is indeed a natural process and how it can be exciting, beguiling, and at time unsettling.  As Diana correctly points out, those of us who take that courageous step toward embracing enhanced sixth sense sensitivity are not mentally imbalanced.  The spiritual journey is not an easy one, yet is rewarding beyond measure. This book is for anyone open minded enough to realize that there is more to a person then what meets the eye. And, it is for those who realize that healing is a gift from God which is sent to us in many beautiful forms.” 
~Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer®
Author of Evidence of Eternity
and Never Letting Go

"[Diana Navarro is] full of energy and ideas – and have a lot to offer to others…Very few people show [this] kind of initiative and intelligence."
~Kenneth Roman former CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Author of The King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy, The Making of Modern Advertising, and Writing That Works, Second Edition

"A spiritual soul, performer and writer, Diana Navarro approaches the still-somewhat "taboo" topic of the paranormal with insight, thoughtfulness and wit. She adds a slice of humor to a world that many feel is forbidden. She makes those of us who harbor a sixth or seventh sense feel as though we're part of the norm, not outcast. Blending the practical with the ethereal, she also suggests techniques to enhance and expand ones spiritual skills.
From the historical to the philosophical, “You're Not Crazy, It’s Paranormal!” will make you feel like a Kid with a balloon , simultaneously floating on air and skipping on the ground. Like most things the general population has not yet accepted, the paranormal is in that limbo category of " not yet accepted"-- Diana is doing her utmost to lasso in the paranormal back into the corral of acceptance and warm heartedness. 
~Mia Berman
Blogger Huffington Post, Radio host, Mia's World City World Radio Network

“There are 8 million real-life stories in the naked city, some involving the paranormal and things that defy conventional explanations—and native New Yorker Diana Navarro, drawing on her own experiences, brings a decidedly urban perspective to the subject of the paranormal in the intriguing ‘You’re Not Crazy! It’s Paranormal!?’”
~Alex Henderson,
Journalist, Political Reporter, Cultural Critic (

If you would like more information,  do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website:
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See more fascinating statistics and information on the links below.


  Paranormal beliefs are common among Americans, according to recent
polls. Today's GoFigure infographic breaks down the stats.

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