Monday, October 25, 2010

Intuitive Sessions on Discount for Halloween and Holidays

Whether it's been a while since your last consultation or you are a total newbie, now is a good time to schedule a session. See where you stand in these ever-changing moments and empower yourself to LIVE with courage, love and passion.

Exploring Coincidences-Meaninglessly Random? Or Meaningful Synchronicities?

When: TUESDAY LIVE at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)
Or listen in live on:

So glance at the time and it's 11:11, then you check again and it's 2:22. Then a before you know it you keep getting 11:11, 2:22 and other strange repeating numbers everywhere. and it almost drives you mad!!!!

You have a song in your head and hum it in the shower. You head to your room, put on the radio and there it is the same some you were thinking about....

You read an article about a woman named Tabatha, then you commute and see the name Tabatha on a train ad banner, then you go for your coffee/tea break and the customers ahead of you are talking about a woman named Tabatha...does it mean anything important or is it simply a random, meaningless coincidence?

Today we will be joined by Centanni Broadcasting host of Mia's World, Mia Berman and special guest Sig Shonholtz who will discuss with me, your host of Working Things Out with Intuition, all things related to coincidences and synchronicities. Are we humans simply seeking meaning in our random, linear lives or is there something bigger than any of us can ever imagine?

Have a question about it or comment? Email me now at so you can join our conversation.

For your own personal intuitive session check:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Worst Sleep Disorder…Ever and Why You Need Sleep for Health, Beauty and Greater Intuition

Sleep is a Necessity, Not a Luxury

Millions of people suffer from chronic and pervasive sleep disorders. But what you are about to read is not about traditional sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, night terrors, restless leg syndrome, or narcolepsy. For information on those conditions, I ask you to check with a professional source in that area. What I am providing for you here is the most preventable type of sleep disorder and problem; self-imposed sleep deprivation.

What happened to us? When did things begin to change regarding one of our most basic and necessary functions for health and wellness? When did sleep become frowned upon and why? Was it the Industrial revolution? Was it the Technology age? Who did the brainwashing?

When did sleep become a bad habit, a sign of laziness and a…gulp…luxury?

Well, finally the research is out. But sadly, it seems that no matter how much information is put out there with statistics and fancy research results, many people are NOT heeding the call to sleep. The worst of it is that we are not listening to our own intuition and biological clocks. Well this is your “wake-up” call asking you to sleep more and sleep better.

How Sleep Deprivation Harms You

Did you ever hear or say the phrase “I’ll sleep when die”? Well, guess what? Lack of sleep will catch up to you and cause you overall and long-term harm which could actually lead to premature death, or at least have you looking like a zombie, Eww!

Here below are the most common effects of the lack of proper sleep:

  • Fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Irritability and foul mood.
  • Your physical appearance is affected adversely, meaning people who don’t sleep enough look unhealthy, sunken in, older than their physical age—have you heard of beauty sleep?
  • Increased risk of diabetes.
  • Increased risk of cardio-vascular disease.
  • Pre-mature aging.
  • Weight gain.
  • And possible increased cancer risk.

Purpose of Sleep and Its Benefits-From Sleeping Beauty to Beauty Sleep

Sleep is most assuredly a biological, mental, emotional and spiritual necessity. Just like we need air to breathe and food for sustenance to survive, sleep is a required activity, and not an optional habit. Here are some of the documented benefits of sleep:

  • Biological: While you sleep, there is restoration and recovery of your cells, muscles and organs, including your biggest organ-your skin. Human Growth Hormone and Melatonin are released while you sleep and that is essential to healthy skin, hair, nail growth and anti-aging benefits. There is also the release of antioxidants and increased immune system strength. With enough sleep there is increased energy, and we can all use more of that during our waking life.
  • Mental: With more sleep, you can expect a sharper mind, better concentration, and increased memory. A more intelligent world is a better world.
  • Emotional: Forget being crabby. With restorative sleep you will have better and balanced mood, less irritability, higher optimism.
  • Spiritual: Two of my favorite reasons to sleep are to “work things out” and increase in natural intuition. We are only beginning to understand and explore both the physical and the metaphysical benefits of sleep. From personal experience and the research I have conducted, I can tell you that when you sleep at your body’s optimal level, your intuition and psychic ability are increased. You may also tend to remember your dreams more clearly and with more detail and that provides invaluable insight into your life issues, challenges and desires.
  • Physical: Sleeping works above and below. The result is literally increased beauty by increasing your overall health and giving you a refreshed appearance everyone will notice.

Your Sleep Process

How many hours do you sleep? Do you feel it is more productive to sleep less and work more? Are you feeling vital and energetic?

I say “your sleep process” because each person’s sleep cycle is. There is no cookie-cutter sleep recipe. The amount of sleep you need varies from anyone else’s in your life. Even if you sleep the same amount of sleep as someone you know, the way you drift off, your style of sleeping, the sleep position in your bed, your dream life, kind mattress or pillow you need, etc. is all your own. But more often than not, the amount you need to feel refreshed, alert and healthy will be somewhere between 7 and 9 hours. There are also factors like your age, phase of life and general health condition that affect how much sleep you need. However some people need less and some, like me, need as much as 11 or 12 hours sometimes to feel rested.

Most people do not get nearly as much sleep as they need out of guilt or the conditioned belief that sleep is a bad habit. But in the process of sleep certain biological, mental and spiritual necessary processes occur. It may take time to find the amount of sleep that works for your highest health benefit. So make that time for yourself-you are worth it.

What the Heck is Sleep Hygiene-Creating a Sleep Conducive Environment and Banishing Sleep guilt

I don’t know who came up with the term “Sleep Hygiene” but it sounds like, cleaning your sheets, or a showering before bed kind of thing. That is obviously not what it means. I believe the term does not accurately represent what it is trying to portray which is what I call, creating a Sleep Conducive Space (SCS).

Some sleep experts claim to restrict your bedroom, (assuming you sleep in a traditional bedroom) to sleep and sex only. But this is simply not realistic. But what is doable is to create the most conducive environment for yourself as possible. This process begins outside and into your bed. General useful considerations are:

  • Watch your caffeine intake, alcohol intake or medications.
  • Do something that lowers the temperature of your room to the cooler side.
  • Gentle stretching and certain gentle yoga poses.
  • Darken your environment (whether or not you are a day or night person).
  • Quiet a restless mind by having note pad and pen and list quickly all that’s on your mind to deal with another time then RELEASE it.
  • Try to use soft and pleasant scents like lavender sleep sprays.
  • Try soft nature sounds, or you respond to silence and there is a lot of noise around you use a white sound machine to block out unpleasant noise.
  • Ask a doctor or other professional about supplements like Melatonin, or Valerian root etc.

In the end, the way you choose to create a sleep conducive space, will again, be unique and customized to you. If you do the research, reacquaint yourself with your natural biological clock, and trust your intuition, you will no longer succumb to the myth the less sleep is better. You can count on being on your way to better overall health. For a healthier, youthful and more beautiful you, go ahead…Slumber Away.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Shame of Living with Chronic Pain and Finding the Freedom to Live

What is Chronic Pain?
If you experience chronic pain, you need no explanation for what it is, what if feels like or how debilitating it can be. You do not need to read how it affects your ability to work, to sleep, to have a social life, or to have freedom. You certainly don’t need to read about how shameful it can feel to have to explain to family, lovers, friends and strangers how you can’t participate in certain activities because your life hurts-literally.
If you don’t live with chronic pain, it may be easy to think there are so many options to treat pain that there is no real reason to live with pain. But not all pain can be treated by medicine, pain treatment medications, chiropractic treatments, alternative medicine, acupuncture, exercise, yoga, meditation or even prayer. Chronic pain by its nature is pervasive and insidious despite all attempts to reduce or eliminate it. The sufferer has to find a way of living with the pain and finding a way of having some kind of meaningful life despite of it. This is a huge challenge that I can poignantly testify to.
Chronic pain is pain that just does not go away. The pain varies in intensity and even location. Sometimes the pain can be emotional and equally if not more severe than physical pain. It is distinct from acute, short-term pain. It often interferes with quality of life in very important ways as stated above. It is also interconnected in many ways. One area of your life spills over into another. For example, the pain causes sleep loss which lowers your immune system which can lead to other compound illnesses.
The cause of chronic pain can be:
* A diagnosed illness or disease.
* An undiagnosed illness or disease.
* An injury or accident including victim of child abuse and domestic violence.
* Repetitive motion injury.
* Exposure to poor ergonomics and working conditions.
* Exposure to chemicals, toxins or pervasive poor nutrition.
* A combination of psychological, emotional and spiritual causes.
* And sometimes simply for unknown reasons.
No one would guess that I suffer from chronic pain. I smile as much as I can, I watch my posture when I can, I force myself out into the world and do what I call “acting happy” to get through most of my days. I don’t want to worry those around me or make them uncomfortable. I seem agile and fit. I do exercise and take as good care of myself as I can. But I am in constant pain and excruciating nonetheless.
Anyone who gets close enough to me will know that I sometimes have to miss certain events, or activities and they will wonder why. Or when I am somewhere I may not be my normal and jovial self. At some point, I choose to disclose to certain persons I do have debilitating chronic pain. Not an easy admission for the go-getter I have always been. But I had to find a way to transform the shame I felt about being in pain into constructive and positive action. I don’t have a definitive answer to eliminate or even reduce pain, but I have ways which I choose to cope, adjust and live despite of it.
What CAN be done about chronic pain?
I always try to combine the right and left brain on things. Use common sense and should you be fortunate enough to have medical insurance, seek a professional doctor’s opinion, a second opinion or even third if you have to. It’s your body and your pain. If you don’t have traditional insurance, seek clinics or medical centers which are free or sliding scale. They are out there and you deserve help for your pain. Do lots of research, there is plenty of information that can provide you comfort. Below are some of the things I have discovered help--see if they work for you.
Unconventional things that help with chronic pain:
* Continue to LIVE despite your pain. May people with chronic pain consider suicide because they feel life is unbearable. But you can have a life of quality and happiness. You are here for a reason, trust in that.
* Laugh as often as you can, it is truly a miracle pain reducer.
* Try treatments like medication in moderation and with supervision. You deserve better than to let your chronic pain make you dependent on a substance that will only make things worse in the long-term.
* Explore reputable alternative treatments with care and research.
* Give yourself love-once you love yourself, acceptance comes next. With that a wordless freedom ensues.
* Find a support system-you are not alone. Even if it feels like you are, you are not. Even if you are home-bound, or don’t have immediate family or friends, there are sources that can come to you via books, magazine, websites, organizations, spiritual groups, and volunteers that can provide you the solace you seek.
* Get an animal companion-this is one of the BEST things you can do for yourself and for a loving animal. It is documented that companion animals provide unconditional love, support and healing for those with chronic pain. I can most fervently attest to this.
* Continue to find the source. It may not stop the pain, but can provide insight and wisdom as to the big picture, non-judgmental reason you are experiencing this challenge.
* Use items or products specifically made for those in pain (like easy open jars, motion sensitive soap dispensers, etc.
* Be proud of who you are no matter what.
There is no shame in pain, but shame can be a pain….like I said laugh, even at the silly and absurd.
For more information about Working Things Out check:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tune in: The Fascination with the Paranormal

When: TUESDAY at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out With Intuition" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)
Or listen in live on:

You are welcomed to join me this week when I talk about how there seems to be a new-found fascination with the world of the paranormal.

From haunted locations, to shows that feature ghost hunting, to experimenting with tools to make out-worldly contact. Are the boundaries between the visible world and invisible world fading? Let's discuss.

You can email me questions at or just listen and and explore how this affects your life.

Of course we will continue to discuss how Intuition is related to all area of your life and include a song or two for you to enjoy.

For your own consultation or schedule a Intuition Workshop click on:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Use Your Intuition to Achieve Your Creative Goals

What Are These Things We Call Creativity and Intuition?

Who couldn’t use a little dose of creativity to enrich their lives? Whether you are a writer, scholar, plumber, parent, physician, volunteer, researcher, unemployed, retired or anything in between, creativity becomes essential in infusing our life with meaning and problem solving abilities. If you are an artist of any sort then creativity is even more essential and becomes your lifeline.

Creativity is that intangible source of ability of making “something” seemingly out of “nothing. It’s a source of power, beauty, miracles—and answers. Whether it’s a painting, a written story, a sculpture, or an invention, creativity is the source of new, reconstituted or unique outcomes. But what happens when the reservoir to our creativity becomes inaccessible, hard to tap into and dry? When our flow to creativity seems stagnant or non-existent, our ability to live a fulfilled and joyful life becomes the biggest challenge with unnecessary complications. This is the ideal time to tap into our intuition to free up the access into our creativity flow.

Intuition is a sense of knowing, an accurate and reliable combination of inner and outer insight, wisdom and guidance. It is listening to our inner creator. Some believe we have an interconnection with the original source of creativity known by many names; the Field, Infinite Intelligence, the Collective Unconscious, Divine Intelligence, Tao, All That Is It, etc. This source can be distinguished from the inner critic or ego because it provides is benevolent truth and direction and is often associated with what we call gut feeling or 6th sense.

All of us are endowed with intuition which carries us through our lives. Some people have it more fine tuned than others. These persons can be called psychic, clairvoyant, fortune-tellers or simply gifted but in fact, it’s a skill that can be developed by anyone who is interested and dedicated to this very personal and powerful process.

Sometimes the incentive for accessing our intuition is when the use of logic, analytical thinking and the rational mind becomes insufficient in reaching our goals and aspirations and our access to creativity becomes blocked. That’s when accessing our intuition becomes necessary. It simply takes a desire and plan to kick it into action and heighten its use.

Finding Your Own Personal Crystal Ball

One of the most successful ways to tap into your psychic/intuitive skills is to go into this journey with loving intention. If this process is encouraged and cultivated it also helps tremendously. I recommend for those who are interested in harnessing their intuitive skills to enhance their creativity to first decide exactly what they want and then move from there. I also strongly suggest you go into this endeavor with the purpose of making decisions for the highest and greatest good of all. Creativity by its very nature and in its highest sense adds beauty and love to our universe. So if you would like to fire up your creative juices for the best reasons, you will see how incredibly smooth and lovely the process is.

One of the most powerful ways to increase intuitive skills aside from having an open mind is to “look out for signs”. This requires paying attention. In our busy world this takes practice but can be done. It is no wonder that those who go into seclusion and meditate constantly find psychic awareness more accessible than the average 9 to 5er. But since it isn’t practical for most of us to go to the mountains of Machu Picchu or the Himalayas, I suggest a few more doable ways.

  1. Get Physical. Do things that are physically healthy for your body and mind. This could be simply drinking more water, engaging in some type of physical exercise even if for as little as 5 minutes a day. What you do is up to you. Strength training, yoga, light cardio, tai chi, gentle stretching, dancing, boxing, martial arts, the list goes on so you do have choices. Reducing stress any way you can is also recommended.
  2. Breathing. Be aware of your breathing whenever you can. Simply notice your in and out breath as many times as possible during the day. Set an alarm if you need a reminder to observe your breathing. This in of itself can be considered a form of meditation, which leads to more expanded forms of meditation.
  3. Meditation. Consider starting or strengthening a mediation practice. Mediation takes many forms. Meditation is an ancient practice of quieting the chattering mind and an activity that has endured for centuries. Both Eastern philosophy and Western thinking agree that meditation has healing effects. Some types of meditation are very simple and yet others are so complex it almost seemed to have been created to turn people away from the process. I suggest the simple. Start short, 60 seconds of observing your breathing. Then progress to more sophisticated types if you wish. Meditation can be learned my reading books/magazines, speaking to folks who do it, reading online articles, and by just doing it yourself and seeing what works for you. Exploring meditation types can actually be joyful and is one of the most reliable ways of enhancing your natural intuitive capabilities.
  4. Synchronicities. Looking for those signs mentioned above. These signs take the form of synchronicities. These are meaningful coincidences that simply are too obvious to be ignored or passed off as mere chance alone. There is much literature on this topic available. Just the other day I was thinking of a dear high school friend I had not heard from in over fifteen years. I wondered where she was, if she was married and if I would ever hear from her again. Two days later, I get an email from one of the social networking websites notifying me of a friend request. This friend was, you guessed it, the person I was thinking about two days earlier. Even though I do intuitive work regularly, I was still extremely excited at the wonder of synchronicity. You have probably heard of this popular type of synchronicity where you are thinking of a person and suddenly you get an email or call from that person when you normally would not. Or you open a newspaper and see an ad or article of an object/animal or insect that isn’t that common, say a ladybug, and suddenly see a live one later, a song plays on the radio about a ladybug, and later you see a woman across the street wearing a dress with ladybug design. There are so many examples and I imagine you may be remembering one or two instances of your own by now. That’s the power of creativity coming forth. This can be transmuted in many aspects of your life if you allow it.
  5. Trust. Believe that what you feel in your gut is real and trust it. I have had clients who have had a premonition or dream of something “bad” happening. For example, she or he may dream that a person they know passes away. The client may feel they are somehow responsible if something negative happen to the person in their dream and as a result may feel anxious and fearful. However, it simply may mean that the person who dreams or perceives this event is highly sensitive to the process of dying, and that is to be honored, not feared. I found that many people ignore their intuition because they erroneously feel they can make bad things happen just because they sense it. This is not so. It is a loving way of preparing you for life’s unexpected and often unavoidable events. In some cases, it may help prevent an incident if your gut, your magical compass/crystal ball, is followed.

There are other ways to increase your intuitive abilities. As with anything else, use common sense is highly recommended. If you are committed to this process, your creative ability will inevitably increase and inspiration will come more strongly and frequently. Look out for the increase in creativity in various forms. When you do, take that very moment, no matter how busy, or sleepy you may be to make a note of in on paper, computer or other recording device (unless you are operating machinery or doing something that requires your attention, of course, a.k.a. common sense).

Some of the new or enforced forms of intuition which will unleash your creative goals may include the following.

A) Your dreams may be recalled more easily and be more vivid.

B) You may get “flashes” and images in your mind’s eye, sounds in your ear, and feelings in your skin that are undeniably lucid and clear.

C) Synchronicities will be more common, and easily identified, verified and evoked by your desire.

D) You will find yourself encountering like-minded people who will support your journey.

Once personal evolution happens, it is up to you to act upon your creative inspirations and make this world the beautiful place it was meant to be.

Check on what the Intuitive process is like by checking:

Monday, October 4, 2010

On This Week's Radio Show...It's Corky!

When: TUESDAY at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)
Or listen in live on:

The very talented, funny, and lovely Corky will be our guest this week.

Listen in, join our conversation, and enjoy listening to her stories, music, and wise advice about life, men and having humor in all we do.

And as always, we will discuss how your natural intuition is no longer a luxury for the psychic elite, but a come and enjoy the process.

For information on re-igniting your Intuition click and visit anytime at

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