Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Must Hear Show-On Demand Now

Come and check now or any time to on
to hear two special guests, the fabulous Tenor Jonathan Long and his music along with the multi-talented Sandy Jordan.

Jonathan Long has a "tenor voice of incredible clarity and style". And indeed, this is the tip of the iceberg with Mr. Long. His voice, emotion, range, resilience, and warm presence leaves me speechless and filled with joy. We will hear about his life, his history, and all about how he uses intuition in his life. Prepare for beauty-in-sound because we will play some of his most requested songs for you to enjoy.

Ms. Jordana Sands is an artist with paintings made from heaven, a vocalist, writer, special event coordinator, and psychic among other talents. She'll join our conversation and talk about how using intuition is key to all her creations.

Create a special space for yourself, a treat of sound and imagination by tuning in to this show.

For more about Diana, the Working Things Out with Intuition Show and consultations click:

Thank you, we welcome your support and sponsorships.

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