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When: TUESDAY LIVE at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
We are back with Paranormal investigator Laurence Hewett from Acme Paranormal and The After Life Research Group of New York. We'll be discussing various topics of interest related to the paranormal.
Larry organizes and creates paranormal tours, investigates haunted locations, performs ghost workshops, and arranges "coffee clutch discussions of the paranormal world". He is a certified Parapsychologist who runs the After Life Research Group of New York as well.
About This Show:
The paranormal is being explored, discussed and experienced more than ever. I had the pleasure of dedicating the Diana Navarro Working Things Out Show on this topic. This is an exciting and provocative topic for believers and skeptics alike.
If you've ever asked or heard of these questions below, then you'll enjoy listening indeed.
What was that strange noise?
Did I just see something appear and disappear in front of my eyes?
Why do I suddenly feel chills all over my body?
Why do I smell perfume/cigar/my grandfather's cologne when no one else is here?
I could have sworn I saw something move with the corner of my eye!
Why us my dog/cat/bird acting strange and acting like something/someone else is around?
Is it just our imaginations, or is there an invisible but vibrant world co-existing with ours? Are we just beginning to scientifically verify what we have already sensed intuitively? Why has the supernatural, paranormal and ghost hunting become so popular lately?
Do you have an experience you cannot explain away with logic and rational thinking or is there a question you would like to ask? Email me now at We will have an ongoing discussion on the paranormal in future shows.
Simply click: anytime, day or night, break time or downtime....AND
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