Monday, January 31, 2011

Tomorrow with Dan Sturges from Sturges Paranormal and MORE

Tune in...Tuesday, LIVE 6pm

When: Now
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)

About Our Guest
Our series exploring the Paranormal continues. We discuss various topics of interest related to the paranormal with Dan Sturges

Dan is not only an incredibly talented actor who graduated from The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, a recipient of the Spencer Tracy Scholarship and the Charles Jehlinger Award for acting but fortunately for us, an paranormal investigator.

He has been interested by the paranormal since childhood and worked extensively with various groups. Through years of extensive experience he created his own research groups including what is now Sturges Paranormal. Dan will discuss how his interest originated and some of his most interesting experiences.

About This Show:
The paranormal is being explored, discussed and experienced more than ever. I had the pleasure of dedicating the Diana Navarro Working Things Out Show on this topic. This is an exciting and provocative topic for believers and skeptics alike. This edition, Larry, Dan and I will discuss various issues related to the paranormal world and paranormal investigations.

If you've ever asked or heard of these questions below, then you'll enjoy listening indeed.

What was that strange noise?

Did I just see something appear and disappear in front of my eyes?

Why do I suddenly feel chills all over my body?

Why do I smell perfume/cigar/my grandfather's cologne when no one else is here?

I could have sworn I saw something move with the corner of my eye!

Why us my dog/cat/bird acting strange and acting like something/someone else is around?

Is it just our imaginations, or is there an invisible but vibrant world co-existing with ours? Are we just beginning to scientifically verify what we have already sensed intuitively? Why has the supernatural, paranormal and ghost hunting become so popular lately?

Do you have an experience you cannot explain away with logic and rational thinking or is there a question you would like to ask? Email me now at We will have an ongoing discussion on the paranormal in future shows.

Simply click: anytime, day or night, break time or downtime....AND

For information on any of my shows or services come and visit:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Week the Incredible Keisha St. Joan

Or Be Part of our LIVE audience.

When: TUESDAY LIVE at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where: Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)

About This Show:
Working Things Out is about all things Intuitive and this includes how we express ourselves artistically. Today's show we will talk with Keisha St. Joan who is an incredibly soulful, spiritual, and talented vocalist with a style all her own. She will thrill us with some samples of her music, tell us stories about the music scene and how her spiritual beliefs make it all happen.

Simply click: anytime, day or night, break time or downtime....AND

For information on any of my shows or services come and visit:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Power Packed Tuesday With The Fabulous Lori Snyder

Or Be Part of our LIVE audience.

When: TUESDAY LIVE at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where: Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)

About Our Guest

Lori Snyder partners with people who are ready to begin moving their lives in an forward direction." I believe that each person hold within them powerful inner strength, that when tapped into, can help them to create positive results towards making their lives an extraordinary one".

Lori has a degree in Sociology, and is a Certified Executive/Empowerment Coach; she is also an Accredited Energy Leadership Coach. Lori received this certification from IPEC School of Coaching. She is also a successful speaker, writer, workshop facilitator and entrepreneur.

Lori was a columnist for The Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women. And she also was on the advisory board for Newsdays Wellness Magazine; she acted as their Personal Development Coach, and also enjoyed doing a 6 month feature with the magazine, she was also featured in More magazine, and Generations magazine, and was recently on Life Coach TV. Lori is also an anchor for Newsbutterfly TV in NYC and also is the USA editor for "Inspirational Woman Magazine" which is set to launch this coming March. Lori can be reached at

About This Show

Working Things Out is about all things Intuitive and that includes how we express ourselves artistically and professionally. Today Lori and I will talk about her history, how she uses intuition in her work, and daily life. Come join us in a lively, insightful broadcast with the fabulous and beautiful Lori Snyder.

Simply click: anytime, day or night, break time or downtime....AND join me after this broadcast for my powerful workshop: Re-Ignite Your Intuition, all information can be found here

You Don't Have to Be a "Psychic" to Know How Psychic Tools Work

Your intuition is already there, always was and always will be. When we don’t actively use it, we come to rely mostly logical thinking. And that deprives us of wisdom, insight and growth. There are so many tools we can use to ignite our innate psychic. But the absolute best tool is you and your body.

Did you know you have a six-pack in your abdominal core? Sure, most of us can’t see the chiseled cuts but the muscles are there, deep insides, sometimes buried under layers of fat. But they are there. This is similar to how our intuition works. It is there, but sometimes buried under, logic, fear, lack of use, and myth.

Once a decision is made to actively re-use your intuition--your all knowing source of truth—you will experience your life change in extraordinary ways.

If intuition is used in every area of your life-you CAN have the life you were meant to live. One of joy, laughter, incredible challenge-solving abilities, abundance, and love of self and others. The best strategy is to learn as much as you can about the process. Discover how others are using their intuition actively and learn which tools are available for you to use to re-ignite your intuition.

Your Starting Point the Exploration of Traditional External Tools
Many tools and methodologies to re-ignite intuition are cloaked in mystery, are often misunderstood and even wrongfully feared. This is why it is important do research on the process and to create boundaries of protection. It is essential that you know you are the boss in choosing how much you want to use these tools.
While exploring your intuition, the line between ordinary living and the invisible world often blurs. There is an intermingling of information from sources which may be unfamiliar. So of course before engaging in a new venture, check with a professional to ensure you are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. This is important because often your senses begin to expand and you may begin to see, hear, feel, smell and taste things that are unexplainable by ordinary means. This can be both exciting and frightening so if you know more or less what to expect the process is enjoyable.

Common External Tools
Tools like the ones listed below are ways of focusing and concentrating your physical, mental and emotional energies. This focus clears the way for you to tap into your intuitive abilities proactively. You don’t have to be professional “psychic”, “intuitive” or “medium” to use these tools. All you need is a basic guideline of using all these tools, for purposes that will benefit you and all for the highest good and proceed with joy and confidence.

Armed with information, you can choose which tool resonates with you best. With a healthy balance of skepticism, an open mind and trust you will know which tools work best for you. Here are examples of some of the tools you can consider using. A detailed description of each tool is beyond the scope of this article, but you will find a brief description of each below and if it wets your appetite I encourage you to delve in deeper.

Common and effective tools used for exploring your intuition include:
· The Use of Natural Elements-crystals, stones, candles, herbs, scented oils. These can be used in numerous ways including to create an environment conducive to intuitive energy.
· Handwriting Analysis-The use of a person’s handwriting style, letter spacing, size, and shape to understand person’s personality, tendencies and potentials.
· Numerology-The language of using the symbolic meaning of numbers
· Cards (Tarot, Oracle, Angel Cards)-Use archetypical symbols to provide insight into person’s life situation
· Writing-Journaling and free flow writing can be used to tap into your higher self’s reserve of information
· Astrology-the use of place and time of birth to see how the planets and cosmic objects affect a person’s life
· Dowsing Rods-rods made out of metal or wood said to detect, underground water, metals, electromagnetic energy and for divination.
· Body Movement (exercise, yoga, dance, etc.)-Body movement is believed to help enhance a persons life energy source and hence spiritual awakening.
· Meditation-quieting the mind to connect with one’s higher self and the Universe.
· Dream Analysis (we ALL dream, whether you remember them or not)-the attempt to use interpret dreams and their meaning in one’s life.
· Pendulums-this is a weight, often a crystal, suspended and made to swing freely and can used as an intuitive tool
· Runes-ancient druidic stones with symbols said to provide energy and archetypal information
· I-Ching-also known as the Book of Changes and provides a method using yarrow sticks or dimes to create hexograms which is are used for divination
· Tea Leaves/Coffee grounds-the size, shape and position of these are said to provide intuitive insight into the questioner
· Feng Shui the ancient are of placement. According to this ancient and effective practice, moving certain objects in your environment affects you very directly positively or negatively.
· Gazing with Crystal Balls, Water or Mirrors-this can provide powerful mental images due to concentrate ability these aids provide
· Palmistry-analysis the hand's shape, size and lines provide information about a person’s personality, past and potential life paths
· Spotting Synchronicities—noticing meaningful coincidences help in see and understand patterns in your life which hold key insights.

Your Best Psychic Tool, Using Your Body
Believe it or not, your best tool is your body and the use your natural senses. It matters not whether your vision or any other physical senses are perfect. What does matter is that you use what you do have as mindfully, carefully, and as consciously as possible.

You begin by paying attention to what is inside of you including your breath, your thoughts, your body’s mechanics, its normal processes like eating, sleeping, sexual desires, movements, etc. You also become aware of your body's pains, aches, twitches and defenses. Paying attention to your body is a core starting point and you can expect to spend your lifetime in this exciting venture. Re-familiarizing yourself with your internal workings.

This is very important because we live in an interconnected social world. We work, play, live, travel with countless of people and animals. How do you know what your feeling comes from you or your surroundings? That's why it is so important to take care and ground yourself on the regular basis. Grounding can be as simple as breathing, getting enough rest, eating, making quiet time for yourself (yes it is possible) playing and laughing among other simple strategies.

Once you are grounded you can better discern what comes from you versus others. You can use this wherever you go to understand your world better. This is particularly essential your well being if you happen to be sensitive. As a psychic whose special sense is being an empath, I know my body. On a particular social event recently I was feeling good, I ate well, got enough rest, felt relatively relaxed. At some point I was introduced to someone, shook her hand and quickly became ill. I knew this person did NOT like me at all. I felt a rush of feelings of anger, jealousy, and annoyance. I had experienced this enough to know those were not MY feelings but her feelings towards me. Luckily, we didn't spend too much time near each other at  this event and quickly became my normal self.

Another example of when my body told me who to avoid occurred at another event. I saw a woman and instantly had a reaction of my stomach hurting, nausea and anxiety. I saw her a few other times and had the same sinking feeling of nausea, pain and distress . It turned out she was after and did end up having an affair with the man I was dating at the time.Luckily, life equaled out and that affair didn't go where she'd hoped. Of course I am happy to say that the feelings go both ways. I meet people day after day and feel relaxed, joyful, happy, chills of light and love. I know those are people I want around me on the regular basis.

This feelings in our bodies can also relate to people, places, potential danger, and personal decisions we need to make about career, love, health or anything else in life Below are some starter questions to ask yourself and things to look out for about yourself and your body.

Special Note: Always check with your physician that you are in good general health and if any symptoms seem out of the ordinary, rule out any somatic or psychological reasons first.
  • Does your breathing change suddenly?
  • How about your heart rate?
  • When you think about a decision and check in with your gut, or solar plexus, do you feel butterflies or sinking feeling?
  • Does your throat expand with joy or contract with fear?
  • Do you feel suddenly extreme cold and shivers or heat or comfortable warmth?
  • Do you feel numbness in your arms, legs, fingers and toes?
  • Do your ears ring suddenly and unnaturally or do you hear unusual sounds that can't be explained?
  • Do your eyes get watery and irritated, or do you see things out of the ordinary, lights, flashes, shadows?
  • Do you feel an emotions that are out of character for you?
  • Has your sleep pattern changed in an unusual way?
  • Do you have a sudden skin flare-up with no physical explanation?
Once you can tell the difference between your own natural bodily reactions and the fact that you are picking up on things outside yourself, remember one can always regain control of yourself. Follow simple centering and grounding techniques. Do research on simple and natural cleansing and seek help from a credible source via word of mouth and referral you can speak to for support. There is help and love out there for you. As I always say after my Working Things Out broadcasts, you are never alone  so enjoy your ongoing psychic journey.

How each person demonstrates intuition is as unique as their finger print or DNA. So too are the
tools a person chooses to use to explore enhancing their intuition. Learn how to trust yourself and your body beyond all else, Additionally, if a description of any of the tools appeals to you, then you can proceed to learn more about and see if you enjoy using it/them.

Chances are you will want to try more than one tool and with time increase your intuition skill-set. In
the end, using your intuition more frequently and purposely will give you that intuitive six-pack and
increase the quality of your life in countless ways.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Do Men Avoid Intuition?

In my years of advising, intuitive consulting and workshop facilitating, I have noticed one strange thing? My clients are mostly women. Why?

Is it that women are more intuitive than men? Of course not! Many of the worlds incredible “intuitives” are men, so what explains the gender discrepancy?

First let’s define what we mean by intuition. In this context, I refer to intuition as:

A sense of knowing. An accurate and reliable combination of inner and outer insight, wisdom and guidance. It is listening to our inner creator. An interconnection with the original source of creativity known by many names; the Field, Infinite Intelligence, the Collective Unconscious, Divine Intelligence, Spirit, Tao, All That Is It, God, etc. This source can be distinguished from the inner critic or ego because it provides is benevolent truth and direction and is often associated with what we call gut feeling or 6th sense.

So what’s happening that it appears that more women than men are open to using, expanding and acknowledging their intuition? Why are women disproportionately the ones seeking advice from credible intuitive consultants, participating in workshops, exploring their spirituality, reading relevant literature, engaging in yoga and meditation and seeking holistic nutrition.

Well there are a few theories floating around. One possible theory suggests that many men in our current Western society rely more on logic and linear thinking. Another indicates that anything related to intuition and feelings, even when included with traditional rational problem-solving is seen as too feminine and even weak. Some believe that intuition itself is a myth and women are just more attuned with the natural cycles due to their biology and calling this cyclical attunement intuition. Still others believe that women truly are more intuitive and always will be more open to expressing and admitting that they are.

How can an awareness be created that intuition is a natural but powerful ability accessible to both genders? That both genders are capable of accessing and expressing in equal intensity

How can we help spread the word that using intuition provides you access to answers about:

· Personal, professional and social relationships in your life,

· Career and work options that are for the highest and greatest good,

· Increased emotional intelligence

· Increased compassion, empathy and ABUNDANCE in the truest sense

· Creation of a healthier lifestyle

· Discernment between true joy and temporary and fleeting pleasure that leaves you empty later on.

· Understanding old patterns and addiction that don’t serve you and how to take steps to live consciously and with freedom.

By infusing intuition into your life, you create a gateway of divine information to flow through you which only fuels your life with guidance, truth and joy despite any challenges. So why not close the gender gap and join the intuitive challenge—Re-ignite it!

Attend my ongoing workshop series called “Re-Ignite Your Natural Intuition”. The first is scheduled for 1.11.11.

You can register here:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Working Things Out Show Review and Outlook

Or Be Part of our LIVE audience.

When: TUESDAY LIVE at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)

  • Get the dream job?
  • Find your life purpose and reason for BEING?
  • Find that incredible lover/life partner?
  • Reach your fitness and health goals?
  • Travel where you wanted to go?
  • Overcome a difficult challenge in your life?
  • Pay off all of your debt?
  • Conquer your fear(s)?
  • Write that book/script/audition for that part?
  • Declare your boundaries and express your FREEDOM?
  • Share compassion with yourself, loved ones (including animal companions), friends. colleagues, strangers?

Many are looking forward to a powerful 2011. Looking back at 2010 many people were ready to put things behind and move onward. How can we live in the PRESENT and be mindful of every moment to avoid disappointments when goals in our lives are not met?

This is the time to mark your intentions, set your goals and re-goal your unfulfilled goals with momentum, positive expectation and realistic optimism.

In this broadcast I will have special "inspired: intuitive messages for you, important announcements and music for your listening pleasure. Come and join me, you are always welcomed.

For information on intuitive sessions and coming workshops and events, come and visit me here: