Sunday, March 6, 2011

Smooth Edward and Jordan Siwek, This Is Awesome

What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show

About Our Guests
I had the pleasure of having Smooth Edward on a previous show and he is back to give us more of his witty thoughts, insights, music and his incredibly welcomed sense of humor

And while I had the honor if being part of a filming in small part of Cake Boss to be aired in March, I met an incredible young man, Jordan Siwek who is a musician whose talent you will hear first hand by tuning in and hearing some of his performances.

About This Show:
The New York Jazz/Cabaret world is relatively close-knit. Once you enter it, you are bound to meet incredible musicians who are not only talented but accessible as friends, advisors, and supporters. This week we will speak to two incredible vocalist about their views on New York's music scene, songs they love, their lives, current projects and of course how they use intuition in the creative works.

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