Friday, May 20, 2011

You are Invited to Join Animal Compassion Talk

Or Be Part of our LIVE audience.

When: TUESDAY LIVE at 6pm
What: Diana Navarro "Working Things Out" Show
Where:Broadcast LIVE from Giovanna's Restaurant
Join us at 1567 Lexington Ave (at 100th St)

About Our Guests:
This week we have wonderful and very interesting guests including Aylam Orian who will share who they are and how they use intuition and creativity in their lives.

"Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!" ~ Theophile Gautier

This week we have wonderful and very interesting guests who will share who they are and how they use intuition and creativity in their lives. And I also have the pleasure of having David Giardina join us again. As we get close to June 2011, David and I are preparing to do our very first music show together and we'll continue to share the wonderful details with you! I've had the pleasure of having David join me on several shows. He is a actor, vocalist, writer, producer and a highly intuitive person. He will share more on his music, life and projects, including a upcoming singing performance we will do together in June of 2011.

About This Show:
It is always the goal of Working Things Out to inspire intuitive action for a life full of joy, meaning and abundance. When we feature our guests, we spotlight their life's work as a way of seeing others shine their light and a reminder that we ALL have light within us ready be shine forth. We want to remind you that no matter what's going on in your are NEVER alone.
This special meeting and broadcast is for anyone interested in coming in, being my guest on the Working Things Out Radio show, speaking on ways we can use celebration, events and other positive ways of advocating for animal rescue and rescuers are welcome.

Come and meet us at the restaurant where we broadcast LIVE at 6pm to the world. Arrive around 5:30 or so and confirm that will join us with any particular ideas you would like to share.

Keep in mind we broadcast from a restaurant so we will keep the conversation light, positive and optimistic. We are doing this to celebrate rescuers, animal companions, ideas for healthy living and of course INTUITION.

$5 donation suggested

We are located on Lexington (closer to 100th st).

I'm excited and looking forward to seeing you there!!!!!

Email me now at with any questions, comments or to sponsor this show.

Simply click: anytime, day or night, break time or downtime....AND

For information on any of my shows or services come and visit:

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