Sunday, August 12, 2012

Aug 23rd NY Spotlight On Success and The Paranormal Event With a Professional Expert Panel

NY Spotlight On Success and The Paranormal Event With a Professional Expert Panel
When: Thursday. August 23rd, 7pm
Where: Chelsea Manor 138 West 25th Street New York, NY 10001

Join us NY Spotlight on Success at Chelsea Manor Thursday 08/23/12 beginning at 7pm for our NY Spotlight on Success and the Paranormal Event. We have assembled a diverse panel of professionals from the Paranomal Community. The panel plans to inform, educate and entertain regarding paranormal and metaphysical experiences and to help each others to understand. We are open-minded and do not judge or ridicule experiences. Our goal is to share stories, information and to receive compassionate, empathetic and friendly guidance for others who have had similar experiences.

There will be an opportunity to meet and have conversation with the panel members. As always we want you to network, build strong personal and professional relationships. Our aim to connect you with whom you need to meet and we will facilitate that in anyway we can.

Chelsea Manor was the only choice for this event. NY Spotlight On Success' and Chelsea Manor's personal experiences will be revealed on Thursday August 23rd.

Meet the Panel

Hunter Shea
Author of Forest of Shadows which is Hunter Shea’s first full-length horror novel. "His short stories have appeared in dozens of magazines and he is also the author of the critically acclaimed novella, Father Exorcist.  Hunter Shea is the dark alter-ego of an ordinary man who happens to write children’s books, the first of which will be published by a division of Random House in 2013. He lives in New York with his family and savage rescue cat, where he’s working hard on his next novel.  Visit Twitter :

Jack Campisi
Jack Campisi is one half of the Monster Men, a video podcast that covers all things horror and paranormal… but does so with a sense of humor. He grew up glued to shows like Kolchak: The Night Stalker, In Search Of, Chiller Theater and even The Munsters. Fascinated by the supernatural, Jack has explored many haunted hotspots; from the magical streets of Salem, MA to the ghostly cemeteries of Easton, CT. Jack is a humorist, blogger and social media professional who has produced and co-hosted a variety of productions including the marketing themed Purple Goldfish Project and The MRA Hot Seat series.
 His blog, Back in Jack, covers pop culture, TV, movies, books, humor, food and whatever else pops in his head. Jack’s blog first gained a following for his hilarious weekly recaps of the show 24. Jack has been published in the horror magazine Insidious Reflections and he also runs a social media blog called Social Jack Twitter at @backinjack.

Dan Sturges 
Through years of extensive experience he created his own research groups including what is now Sturges Paranormal. Dan will discuss how his interest originated, some of his most interesting experiences, samples of what he's discovered and a surprise or two, including a example of an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon believed to be a disembodied voice of a spirit/ghost). Dan Sturges is co-host of The Psi Show a regular investigator  the Merchant's House Museum with the Sturges Paranormal team.

Dan is an incredibly talented actor who graduated from The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, a recipient of the Spencer Tracy Scholarship and the Charles Jehlinger Award for acting.

Laurence Hewett
Larry created Acme Paranormal and The After Life Research Group of New York is available just for the clicking.

Larry organizes and creates paranormal tours, investigates haunted locations, performs ghost workshops, and arranges "coffee clutch discussions of the paranormal world". He is a certified Parapsychologist who runs the After Life Research Group of New York as well.

Michelle Dauria
Born in Brooklyn New York, the first of five children, Michelle did not realize her gift until she acknowledged the culmination of unexplainable events over a thirty-three year period. In her late teens and early twenties she was a skeptic, dismissing those who claimed to have psychic abilities. Her first clairsentience experience was at the age of five.

Her experiences included many episodes of clairsentience (just knowing, her inner sensing), clairaudience (your inner voice, hearing words whispered in her ear), clairvoyance (seeing images in front of her) and having the ability to read photographs, including photos of those who have crossed over.

Krystin Reilly

Krystin understands that no one really crosses over to another dimension. Instead, our loved ones walk among us helping us in our daily lives. They send us messages all the time, but sometimes we’re too busy to hear them or possibly discount what we experience as a coincidence.  Krystin has a superb ability to connect with our loved ones.  She is able to translate their messages to be shared with you for assisting in healing, re-connecting, and providing proof of consciousness; life after death.

One of Krys’s unique gifts is as a medical intuitive - her awareness in knowing when someone's health may be in jeopardy.  She can communicate such to her clients so that they can mitigate a future health event or recommend next steps in their healing.  She has studied various healing modalities alongside prominent healers throughout the world so that she may offer the gift of healing to her clients.

Krystin is a very accomplished, psychic medium and empath.  You will truly enjoy her compassion, gentle communication, consideration & kindness during your reading.

Media Sponsor
S. Lee Wright

We are excited Lee will join us as one of our Media Sponsors, S. Lee Wright - HOLISTIC DESIGNER


S. Lee Wright is a self proclaimed "Learning Enthusiast."  With over 23 years of experience, training and collective wisdom, Lee has created her own unique HOLISTIC approach to create SPACES for her clients to not only live & work in, but to THRIVE in.

Lee's HOLISTIC approach is to CREATE SPACES that literally SING for her clients.  Lee believes the environments we Live & Work in have a great effect on the overall purpose, health and quality of our lives and how we can show up in the world and her MISSION is to ensure that these Spaces are the BEST they can be for us ALL.

Lee not only can design your Home or Office to be "Pretty" & "Functional", she will also make sure that it is CLEAR of any old energies left behind from the previous tenants to ensure your Environments Support you in your own LIFE QUEST.

"I started to see a pattern where spaces were seeming to be stuck in old habits and I needed to clear the energy in order to make sure the people would be able to truly THRIVE in their newly designed spaces."  ~ Lee said when recently asked why she started to do SPACE CLEARINGS.  Lee says her skills were developed from the NEED of her clients reacting to the spaces in which they were living and working in. 

Lee has created her own unique method to speak to the energy of the spaces and help shift it to be more positive for those living, working, sleeping and eating in them.  Lee has been called the "House Whisperer" and her Clients often participate in the Space Clearings with her.  She uses a collection of all of her skills in the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui philosophy, her trainings in Europe in the ancient art of Aromatherapy and the holistic modality of Reflexology plus her intense training and experience in the Interior Design, Architectural and Green Construction industries.  Her expertise in the field of spaces is a result of well over two decades in the world helping people to live and work in spaces that reflect their best.

One of Lee's first questions is "What is the Quality of YOUR intent"?"

Lee is going to be offering for the very first time ever, a course called "Sacred Space Clearings" where you can learn how to do your very own space clearing, space blessing and how to make sure the energies in the environments where you, your family and friends all spend your time are all supporting you to have a Healthy, Happy and Abundant life.

Details for the course:

Date:Saturday September 15th
Time:12 noon - 5pm
Location:TBC - (New York CIty)
Preparation:Floor plan & Birth dates
Items to Bring:Tape recording devices, notepad & pen,

Meet us at Chelsea Manor
Registration (RSVP) is required. You may bring guests but make sure to RSVP them. $10 on line and $15 at the door. Please Register ASAP as seating is limited.

Our LIVE interviews with our special panel
Special Drinks Cash Bar
Exciting News/Announcements
Meaningful Mix, Mingle & Network
Photos/Video from Marc Becker Photography

Photographers/Videographers are welcomed for this event!
Contact us at For requirements and Press Pass.

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Inspire, Educate or Inform and the "Spotlight" will be on You!

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