Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Quest To Bring Common Sense Manners Back Because Rudeness Sucks

The Quest to Bring Manners Back Because Rudeness Sucks!

Used with permission from Howard McWilliam / Town & Country Magazine
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This is Diana is Available for: Commentary, Interviews, and Interactive Storytelling

Who would’ve thought that someone born and raised in the South Bronx would have the life purpose of being on a quest to bring common sense manners back? No? Well, how rude of them!

I’ve always dreamt of a harmonious world where everyone is happy, friendly, courteous and vibrant. Clearly this isn’t the world we actually live it. It’s a big world with lots of people and many don’t have manners which can lead to all kinds of everyday societal problems. These can range from small irritations to full blown violence.
I’m an Intuitive Empath who has worked with thousands of people as a crisis counselor, college advisor, business/relationship consultant, spiritual coach, commentator, and writer.

My most passionate project is the completion of a book and project (one-woman storytelling performance) called “Oh No You Didn’t- A Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back, Part 1 I See Dumb People and Part 2 Stand Clear of the Loco Trains©”.

Through my work, I share many stories I have experienced or witnessed that show examples of lack of manners and rudeness along with its possible consequences. I do it however with a mix of seriousness and humor to get the various points across.

Consider these everyday instances:
  • Someone who sneezes or coughs all over you and a week later you're sick
  • A smoker who puffs the smoke right at your direction
  • Your on a date and the person picks up their ringing mobile phone, three times!
  • You are walking on a busy street and someone bangs really hard into you and just keeps on walking leaving you bruised and stunned. 
  • You open the door for someone and they just glide right in without saying thank you or acknowledging your presence.
  • You are with your romantic partner in a restaurant, you go to the restroom and a woman waits for you to leave to hit on him/her
  • You need to use the 1 person restroom but can't go in because someone is in there on a phone call.

This is for those who are dealing with rude people know they are not alone in their frustration and have the desire for a better way. This is also for those who are being rude to know, what they are doing is not welcomed, acceptable and will no longer be tolerated without some consequence (e.g. exposure, reprimand, even legal action for what leads to violence).

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There are other works and books out there but I find them a bit dry and the attempts at humor forced because the authors limited connection with a more diverse audience. They also leave out the very important examples of what can go very wrong if we don’t heed manners. This misses a huge market of everyday people. I talk to people from all walks of life who constantly share their desire for more manners. My book and through my social media and promotion will reach this wider audience with real life examples, humor, and stories that happen all the time.

I want others to join my quest and via common sense manners create harmony and decrease violent incidents exploring one Oh No Moment at a time.

If you would like more information on me and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and 

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Check That Skin Spot; It May Save Your Life

Check your skin, I did.

In 2008, I noticed a spot on my left calf. It bothered me because it didn’t “feel” or look right. I had my primary physician look at it during my yearly check- up but he wasn’t worried about it. As the months passed I did note that my mark, this excrescence, was getting larger and changing in shape. I finally scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist. She didn’t like the way it looked so I agreed to do a biopsy. 

For three weeks I worried about the possibility this growth could be cancerous. Were my things in order? Was my Advanced Directive and Will updated? Was I living the life I wanted to live? Well the time came for me to get my biopsy results and I sat in the waiting room for nearly an hour with no word. I was asked several times if I was OK and offered water which was unusual for a follow-up medical exam.  I got really nervous.

A few minutes later, I was finally called by my doctor and she asked if I was ready for the procedure to have the growth removed? “What?” I asked. “Does that mean it’s CANC--?”
She cut me off and told me, “Breathe.  It is a benign growth, not cancer.” I was immediately relieved. However, the pathologist recommended the growth be completely removed as soon as possible, just to be sure. This growth which is technically called a dermatomyofibroma was unusually large and in an odd location of my body. Apparently, this kind of growth would appear on a person’s upper body. I agreed I wanted it to be removed. 

I realized no matter how uncomfortable it is to have things checked by doctors sometimes, it is necessary to save one’s life at most and have peace of mind at least. A complete excision of the growth was gone. The only temporary set back was having stitches, minor discomfort and orders to modify my exercise for a couple of weeks. This is when having a trainer really comes in handy. So while I’m healing I’m working out my upper body, doing push-ups, and yoga. Once I’m back to normal I will resume my combination of full body strength training, cardio and yoga.

What should you look for?
So do you have something you need checked out? A strange pain somewhere, an itch, an odd mark somewhere in your body, even if you don’t get much sun exposure? Do you have an ongoing cough, or headache that won’t go away? Or do you have a nagging feeling something may not be right in your body or mind like depression, or anxiety? Trust yourself and get it checked, especially if you are fortunate enough to have insurance. I know it’s not fun to get a colonoscopy, GYN exam, mammography, see a proctologist, or even getting a regular physical but the peace of mind and treatment possibilities may be worth it.

I have included some links for anything related to skin cancer in case you want to check some information. Also, is very popular for checking  many kinds symptoms and conditions. But most importantly, breathe and know you always have options. I’m not sure what I would be saying if my results were different, but I do know that the five years I got with my mother after her cancer diagnosis and treatment were cherished beyond words.


Here is some more information on general skin care. Aside from using sunscreen to prevent sun damage, there are other steps to take to keep you minimize sun damage.
  1.  Keep skin hydrated, both inside and out by drinking plenty of liquids (preferably water) and using proper skin moisturizers. 
  2. Before heading out into the anywhere where you will have sun exposure, apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before.  
  3. If you want a glow, try self-tanners that are made for a variety of skin types.  
  4. Check any odd spots and remember that no matter what your skin color is, everyone is prone to getting sun damage. Additionally, other factors other than sun exposure can lead to skin growths, so check everywhere in your body, it’s better to be safe.
  5. Get plenty of rest. The saying that says "I'll sleep when I die" is ironic because lack of sleep causes aging, and all sorts of health issues. 
There is one more link for you to check for information on how Olay had teamed up with the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery to sponsor free screenings with a dermatologic surgeon for a friend and you.

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana. Sign up for my email list and receive a free e-book.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.

On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Monday, August 4, 2014

How to Get People to Help You--Using Feng Shui

Using Your Helpful People Corner to Get the Help You Need
Use the Bagua as a guide.

Sometimes all of us need a little help from others. After all, we are not an island but live in a social world of endless connections. Let’s use post as as another opportunity to give this incredible philosophical and practical process a try. 

Whether you need outside help for your career, love life, health issues, social calendar, or something more personal, adjusting your helpful people corner will provide you with the energy shift you desire. As usual this works best when you stick with general requests not specific persons because sometimes we don’t know who is best for our highest good. Let the universe take care of that part of things. Remember the helpful person(s) can take various forms so keep your eyes and mind open. Now let’s proceed.

Check our reliable bagua (above), and find your career corner. As in any other area, you can have multiple helpful people spaces. For example, you can have one in your office space and another in your home as a whole or within one of your rooms. As with your other areas you can have your helpful people area in a small space like a desk. We will continue to emphasize that the point is the intent and energy you use within that space is what matters. You can usually find your helpful people area on the “northwest” corner geographically speaking or your personal lower right hand spot of any of your spaces.

Once you’ve identified your space, you can create and make adjustments that work for you. We can’t say it enough but the more creative you are and fun you have, the more enjoyable and effective it will be.

 Examples of what we can use in this corner

You can place objects and use white, grey tones and black colors, in this space.

Items that symbolize the qualities you want in a helpful person and are balanced with the rest of your life are strongly recommended. Try to use what is for your highest and greater good and what is truly meant for you.

Symbols like wind chimes, fresh flowers, paintings and pictures with spiritual significance like:
  • angels 
  • Christ 
  • Buddha 
  • teachers 
  • mentors 
  • wise elders 
Conditions and ideals that are of personal significance can also be used. For instance, you can put on a piece of paper pictures or written words of ideal type of assistance you need, etc. Use general descriptions of qualities you want as well as values.

The element for this space is METAL. You can anything made of metal and place it in this corner (stay away from knives or other sharp cutting objects.  Have fun and be creative.

As always remember not to let the North, South, East, West directions confuse you. You simply go by the bagua and the space you are in. Not the outside world. So for instance when you enter a room or are looking at a specific space, see yourself in the center of the map. In front is Recognition, reputation and fame, to your right in the upper corner is romantic relationship, to you right/center is family, right lower corner helpful people, etc.

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana. Sign up for my email list and receive a free e-book.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Singing and Being Creative Helps with Chronic Pain

I can't speak for anyone else but singing and engaging in something creative helps alleviate my chronic pain from fibromyalgia, mitral-valve prolapse and anxiety. 

I seems counter-intuitive but it works. I assume I am using some of that pent up energy usually used for pain awareness and redistributing it in a way where pleasure is released instead. 

What if you tried something you really enjoyed, drawing, singing, writing, light dancing (if possible for you) or anything creative and see if that works for you. Share your story. I trust this inspires someone to do something they love and alleviate their pain without any additional medicine. 

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana. Sign up for my email list and receive a free e-book.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!