Friday, August 1, 2014

Singing and Being Creative Helps with Chronic Pain

I can't speak for anyone else but singing and engaging in something creative helps alleviate my chronic pain from fibromyalgia, mitral-valve prolapse and anxiety. 

I seems counter-intuitive but it works. I assume I am using some of that pent up energy usually used for pain awareness and redistributing it in a way where pleasure is released instead. 

What if you tried something you really enjoyed, drawing, singing, writing, light dancing (if possible for you) or anything creative and see if that works for you. Share your story. I trust this inspires someone to do something they love and alleviate their pain without any additional medicine. 

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana. Sign up for my email list and receive a free e-book.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

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