The "This is Diana" Dumb-ology© Scale
An Excerpt From "Heartbreak, How to Fix it Fast", the Oh No You Didn't Quest to Bring Back Manners and Reduce Rudeness
I just can't wait to share this with you today. It is the The Dumb-ology© Scale and here it is for you to use. A simple yet powerful tool for your personal use.
The This
is Diana Dumb-ology© Scale
A Little Dumb
Plain Ol’ Dumb
Seriously?? Dumb
Ridiculously Dumb
Dangerously Dumb
The Dumb-ology© Scale is a
way of measuring the amount of inappropriateness in certain behaviors. I simply
call then “dumb” behaviors, but they can have a wide spectrum, ranging from a little annoying to outright
dangerous. These include the following:
1. The lowest type of dumb
behavior attributed to simple absentmindedness and human error anyone can do
to. Slowing down suddenly while walking trying to find an address. Just say sorry and move on.
2. An increase in dumbness
that is pretty darn annoying for instance, when someone is having a
conversation next to you with someone live or on the phone very unnecessarily
loud. Or someone begins eating next to you a full smelly meal on a bus or train.
3. This gets more serious,
yet can be avoidable with education and awareness, e.g. I hail a cab in the
city, it approaches me and someone out of nowhere takes the cab and leaves me
there. You say to yourself “Seriously?”, did that just happen?
4. We are in the chronic
dumbness here. You are walking down a city street and someone passes you bumping you really hard and just keeps going. Or someone goes to the restroom and does not wash their hands, or
barely wets them touches the knob you are about to touch, yeah, lovely. You wake up a day or two later sick because you have lots of poop bacteria virus all over you. Gross but this DOES happen all the time.
5. This is the one where I
really cringe. This is dangerous, serious, deadly dumbness, that if a
forethought would be given to the behavior, harm to one or many can be
avoided. This is road rage, violence or anything that causes extreme harm to anyone or anything.
Use the scale in your own
daily observations. Compare it with others and see if you agree what a little
dumb versus Ludicrously-dangerous dumb is. It might surprise you to see how
differently or similarly we each think dumb behavior is.
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