Thursday, April 14, 2016

New York City Event for Creative Souls in May 2016


This is Diana
Creatives Gathering



April 2016

In celebration of being an artist in anything you do, I am throwing my first Gathering for Creatives.

When: Monday, May 2nd, 6 pm onward
Where: The Attic Rooftop and Lounge
              251 W. 48th Street (near the corner of 8th ave)

Come and join us for a truly unique list of special guests I've personally chosen (that includes you) to celebrate creating your craft.

Computer Graphics
Networkers and Marketers
Did I miss you dear artist? Add your passion to the list!!

I will also be celebrating  the completion of my humorous, yet truthful book, Stand Clear of the Loco Trains is now available on Amazon now

The book about the crazy, rude and unpredictable things that happen in trains, planes and even elevators is here!  You can view it on any device with the free app available for download.

I will have a special display area for anyone who wishes to show or promote their work/project/business for small donation cost of your choice ($10 suggested)

Either way, come and share your wares...light sexy background music, happy hour, ($6 beer, $7 wine, $8 well cocktails).), food menu available, private elevator entrance and of course YOU.

You may invite and share this event with like-minded, high frequency beings.

Thank you! I am infinitely grateful for your support of me as an indie writer/artist.

Coaching offer: I'm offering 50% off a session if you refer a paying client. For more on this offer contact me and check This is Diana for more info.  And Rudenessssucks for all other goodies

The Attic Rooftop and Lounge

251 W. 48th Street (close to the corner on 8th ave)
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  1. Hey, Diana, I'm thrilled that you're doing this... at 2 AM yet. Amazing how the creative juices flow 24 hrs. I'd just love it if you'd check out my blog. I'm so excited at the response (over 30 comments just today). They love me in Indonesia, and Japan and Lapland and the Congo -- woo hoo! Work on the 2nd edition of JOAH moving right along. Book 1 74k words, book 2 65k already. Busy, busy! Call me so we can catch up! Mary

  2. Hey, Diana, I'm thrilled that you're doing this... at 2 AM yet. Amazing how the creative juices flow 24 hrs. I'd just love it if you'd check out my blog. I'm so excited at the response (over 30 comments just today). They love me in Indonesia, and Japan and Lapland and the Congo -- woo hoo! Work on the 2nd edition of JOAH moving right along. Book 1 74k words, book 2 65k already. Busy, busy! Call me so we can catch up! Mary
