How did I heal my broken heart?
There is nothing more painful than a broken heart. It doesn't matter what broke the heart, loss of a loved one, a break up, betrayal of a friend...the pain is very real, visceral both emotionally and physically.
I've had my heart broken a few times. That's what happens in life sometimes. I desperately felt I had to find a way to relieve that pain and yes heal. The relief was first thing I needed. I know people use all kinds of ways to find relief from pain. Some not healthy. I didn't want to use drugs, alcohol, distraction or any other way that I knew deep inside would not lead to real healing.
I put my research hat on and found that many of the suggestions out there by the self-help world, therapists, social workers, books, magazines, blogs, friends and family did not work for me. I kept on looking. Since I have a tendency to think outside the box, I went down a more integrative route. It wasn't easy and took a lot of time, which I felt was torturous since the pain was so great. The good news! I did find some relief. I dove right in and tried everything that resonated with me. Actions that provided relief while promoting real long-term healing.
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Why find true love as in my book Title?
Because ultimately, love is the answer to everything, in my humble belief. And what is true love? Ahhh good question. True love is the love that surpasses me, you and encompasses everything. As humans, how can we feel this? That seems to be the question of philosophers, poets, mystics, artists and your everyday human being.
Call me a wishful thinker, or call me whatever you want. I have had glimpses of this true love...and I do believe it's out there and inside of me. So everyday it is practice. Practice of what? Asking and working on remembering who I am and who we all are. This is what I write about and work on daily. Sometimes I have fantastic days and others I have days that I feel this is all a waste of time. But in the end, I always come back to the those glimpses of ecstasy that I have had the honor of experiencing and know are attainable.
One of my life purposes is to share this healing possibility in any way I can because perhaps this may be my infinitesimally small way of contributing to healing, truth, love to the universe to balance the pain, despair and hopelessness that seems to be overcoming so many.
What is required?
I have found through my research, personal experience with clients, and my own personal experience that there are few requirements to the road to healing.
In other words, all the wanting in the world won't help your heart heal unless you have some plan and the wherewithal to follow through. However, when you have tried techniques and they fail, compounded with the extreme pain of the actual heartbreak, it is all too easy to give up or turn to unhealthy ways of coping.
So what are some of the ways I've discovered? They are outlined more fully in my book but I will share some with you and one in particular on this post. But first, here are here are some of he requirements to start true healing.
- Readiness
- Earnest Desire
- Commitment and
- A balance between healthy skepticism and having and open mind
A bite size healing option
Some healing techniques may seen incredibly simple. Almost too simple to actually work. But guess what? Unless you have tried them and tried them long enough,you'll never know if they do work. Some are going to seem silly or even full out insane. Again, you might to try it and see what begins to happen. Go with your gut as to which one(s) you want to try and dare yourself to discover something new.
A most Surprisingly Effective Technique
I'm going to start by technique that took me by surprise. I had tried many techniques, including therapy, yoga, regular meditation, and still felt devastated. So searched and searched and found an "action" that led to healing. It is vocalizing a mantra. Yes, saying something over and over again until I felt relief. This isn't just any old positive thinking mantra. This is from a sacred language with a special vibration. Here is an excerpt from my book.
Guru Guru Wahe Guru
Guru Ram Das Guru
What this mantra means
Guru - teacher or guide (including your higher-self) who brings one from the darkness into the light and awareness.
Wahe – “exclamation of ecstasy like “WOW!''’
Ram Das –“ literally translates as "God's Servant"’
The guru here refers to Guru Ram Das, the Fourth Guru of the Sikhs “…known for its healing qualities and for imparting humility to the one who chants it… This mantra relates directly to healing and protective energy represented by Guru Ram Das. The mantra is comprised of two parts. The first part is a nirgun mantra (Guru Guru Wahe Guru). This projects the mind to the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second part is a sirgun mantra (Guru Ram Das Guru). This means the wisdom that comes as a servant of the infinite. It is the mantra of humility. It reconnects the experience of the finite to infinity.” Source:
It is simple, short and it works. It is recommended you recite it in your mind or out loud if you are able to. Recite it, over and over again whenever, and wherever. The vibration it emits somehow replaces the negative thoughts associated with the event, like the useless, repetitive blame, and guilt.
Helpful Hint: Find a way of logging your progress. This will give you the motivation you need to continue your path to healing. The way of logging is up to you. Journal, voice note, video diary, etc. The options are many and if you make it easy it's even better.
I can tell you that this has worked for me, and I am ridiculously skeptic. I suggest you give this a try for a least two weeks to see if there is relief. Remember this is just one of various ways to work on healing but it is worth a go when your other option is constant pain, guilt, regret, excessive drinking, get the picture.
I would love to hear your feedback so contact me to share your experience.
Wishing you healing, joy and love...
~Diana Navarro, M.S.
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