Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My Recent Heartbreak, How I Chose to Heal

This is Diana 

There is nothing worse than an unexpected loss of a loved one, or beloved animal companion especially in the holidays.

If you know me, you know I love my animal companions. They are my constant reminder of living, breathing love. So when I lost both my boys within 7 months, (the second very recently) my heart took another hit! This was right before the holidays. 

The pain is enormous but I am fortunate to have incredible support. Ironically, this past summer I helped get a beautiful cat off the street. Someone had abandoned her in my neighborhood. She was not doing well. But fortunately a wonderful animal rescue organization Little Wanderers, NYC did what no other big animal foundation does, they actually took her! She was in foster for several months but I couldn't take her because I had my boy Lucky Charlie Spencer.

Then literally out of nowhere he got extremely sick and showed a pet parent's worse nightmare. He was dying and at any moment. I don't know how he could go from healthy and running around to being filled with cancer, heart failure and diabetic crisis. But I had to make the painful decision right there and then to end his pain via euthanasia. Fortunately I was with loved ones and we all said goodbye by kissing him and singing to him as he crossed over.

Now I had a another hole in my heart. As a show of support, the rescue fund foster parent, sent me a picture of the cat we rescued and said she was healthy (we thought she had special health needs). But it was so soon after losing Lucky I didn't know what to do. It took me about 10 minutes to decide to take her. Now we have a light shining again in the household, helping us deal with the loss of our two beautiful boys in cat-heaven...

How we deal with grief and loss is very personal. There is no ONE way. And it does take time, years or decades for some. Unfortunately, I know from both personal experience and my extensive research on the topic. That led to me to write my second book Heal Heartbreak: Know Why and Heal I had to follow my own advice and find ways to alleviate the pain in a healthy way. I am by no means done yet. 

 Get your paperback copy now

I took this opportunity to convert my book into a paperback for those who prefer a physical book. Part of the funds go to places like Little Wanderers, NYCor to help others because the help I received is absolutely priceless how can I not continue to pay it forward....?

I hope that this email finds you in a place of peace, joy, abundance and hope. Life is most certainly painful at times. But there are people and animals willing and able to give love and healing. Trust your process and leave a little room in your heart for love.

.~Diana Navarro, M.S.

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