Monday, April 16, 2018

Catching Up, Checking In and Happy Spring��

Happy Spring 2018
From Me to You!

Here is a quick catch up on what I've been working on for you!

Power Self-Care consists of actionable, conventional and unconventional tools and techniques. This includes using beauty for pain, which can be done anytime, anywhere and is customized specifically for anyone suffering from chronic pain and stress

You may have noticed I haven't sent an email in a while. Like you, I am inundated with tons of email, mostly junk ones. So I wanted to make sure I send you emails that you will find useful, timely and interesting. Today I am sharing that the last year I've made some changes. I am no longer doing events on the regular basis, including singing.

Oh, don't worry I still love that stuff. It's just that my chronic pain took a toll on what I can do. So I shifted gears and focused on finding ways of relieving pain, including bringing beautiful things into life to cancel out the stress and pain. Guess what? It works!!! And next time I do a singing show or event I'll be better suited to be at my best for you.

Therefore, I am taking my chronic pain by its insidious horns and work on what is my life purpose-- via Power Self-Care (and Beauty for Pain)

In a nutshell: Power Self-Care by This is Diana consists of actionable conventional, unconventional tools and techniques that can be used anytime, anywhere and are customized specifically for anyone suffering from chronic pain and stress.

Check this self-care GIFT for you

And...check the 38 sec video to see some of what I offer. Just click here and share if you wish.
Learn More

Power Self-Care Courses Coming Soon!

I will be providing a course that introduces what Power Self-Care is and how you can begin feeling relief from pain with a customized program. For those in New York City, you can attend in person. Otherwise, you can take the course  which will also be available in self-paced online modules. 

Please consider sharing this with someone who suffers from chronic pain and stress and could benefit from the resources and tools offered.

Upcoming Memoir and Power Self-Care Guide

This is what I've been working in the past couple of years. It will be ready soon but don't worry I'll give you previews and excerpts for you to enjoy in the meantime. But be ready, some of what you'll read will have highly emotional and violent content. However, you will get huge insight as to how pain, adversity and darkness has its gifts...we simply have to recognize them and learn from these experiences.

Sending You Healing, Joy and Love Vibes~~~~Diana

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