Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Magnesium helps my HEART Palpitations!

Be Still my Palpitating Heart!

As an empath, I have a few health issues I have learned to recognize and take action to manage. One of them is my heart. Physically, and emotionally I take and feel other people and animal's feelings. That's what an empath is. Sometimes I absorb so much energy from my environment that my health gets adversely affected.

It took years to learn healthy boundaries I am still putting into practice, but the biggest lesson I learned, is to take care of myself so I can healthfully help others. 

Recently a sequence of events, including having to separate from people who were much too toxic for me, many of my work items broke including my computer, and most importantly feeling the pain that is happening to our planet, animal and people, caused my heart to feel it emotionally and physically.
Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 100 mg, 240 Tablets (packaging may vary)

My palpitations came back with a vengeance as did a sharp pain where my murmur developed in my early thirties. The palpitations get really bad when I lie down and try to rest. If feels like my heart is in my throat and it will turn into a heart attack. 

I had a choice, take some prescribed medication that barely works but sedates me, and I don't need that, or back to what has worked before, namely taking Magnesium. Yes, magnesium sedates me too but in a healthy way and I take it before bed. The supplement you choose is up to you. I purchase Doctor's Best from Amazon because I can subscribe and get them sent automatically, it's vegan and high absorption. 

Huge Plls

I got a huge ole bottle, and take 1 a day along with meditation, quiet time, journaling until the storm passes. Which it always does. My only complaint is, why are the tablets so darn BIG!!! OK, that's a "small" price to pay for my heart easing down...and I go back to work. 

I would love to know if this works for other people. Does it help your palpitations? Do you feel relaxed? Is there a preferred, very effective brand?

My handy bottle from Amazon

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