Monday, August 30, 2010

Do You Need A Shot Of Courage?

What role does COURAGE have in our lives today? How is this related to Intuition?

Simply put, courage is the strength to move forward, ahead, and within your life--despite fear, apprehension, pain, obstacles, and pressure to conform to the "norm".

Intuition gives you the inner/outer truthful guidance to tap into that ever-available reserve of strength aka courage.

In this week's Diana Navarro Show, live on Tuesday at 6pm on Diana Navarro and Co-host Guy Shahar will delve into the issue of Courage in multiple areas of YOUR life.

Courage to Forgive
Courage to Love
Courage to Express your Authentic Self
Courage to Engage in healthy relationships

We will speak of other areas of interest with humor, honesty and compassion. Take the plunge and join us either in person at Giovanna's located at 1567 Lexington Avenue (between 100 and 101st street) or from the comfort of your internet service by clicking on the link above.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Are Women Scared to be Approached by Men?

Ladies, if a man tries to approach you on the street, coffee shop, party, special event, on line, does that scare you?

Some men say they can't seem to talk to women these days because women are scared of them. Is that true? If so, why?

If you feel completely comfortable with potential partner approaching, what can you share with those who are literally afraid?

Do men get afraid too?

There are so many scared people out there. No, not everyone, but enough to affect the vibes in the air. What can we do to address the issue in the world of dating--and in general?

Can Intuition Help us With Overcoming Fear of Each Other?

Come and join us either in-person or via internet radio, Tuesday LIVE at 6pm on the Diana Navarro Show where my summer co-host Guy Shahar and I will broadcast on to talk this over.

We will be at Giovanna's on 1567 Lexington Ave, (bet 100 &101st street).

We will also talk of other topics and how the use of your innate Intuition can empower you into a more joyful, resilient, person with positive expectation, love and light.

And for more information on Intuitive Consultations click here:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Get Helpful People in Your Corner With Feng Shui

Sometimes all of us need a little help from others. After all, we are not an island but live in a social world of endless connections. Let’s use this month as another opportunity to give this incredible philosophical and practical process a try.

Whether you need outside help for your career, love life, health issues, social calendar, or something more personal, adjusting your helpful people corner will provide you with the energy shift you desire. As usual this works best when you stick with general requests not specific persons because sometimes we don’t know who is best for our highest good. Let the universe take care of that part of things. Remember the helpful person(s) can take various forms so keep your eyes and mind open. Now let’s proceed.

Check our reliable bagua, and find your helpful people area. As in any other area, you can have multiple helpful people spaces. For example, you can have one in your office space and another in your home as a whole or within one of your rooms. As with your other areas you can have your helpful people area in a small space like a desk. We will continue to emphasize that the point is the intent and energy you use within that space is what matters. You can usually find your helpful people area on the “northwest” corner geographically speaking or your personal lower right hand spot of any of your spaces.

Once you’ve identified your space, you can create and make adjustments that work for you. We can’t say it enough but the more creative you are and fun you have, the more enjoyable and effective it will be.

Use the Bagua as a guide. Let’s review examples of what we can use.

You can place objects and use white, grey tones and black colors, in this space.

Items that symbolize the qualities you want in a helpful person and are balanced with the rest of your life are strongly recommended. Try to use what is for your highest and greater good and what is truly meant for you.

Symbols like wind chimes, fresh flowers, paintings and pictures with spiritual significance like angels, Christ, Buddha, teachers, mentors, wise elders can be placed here. Also, conditions and ideals that are of personal significance can be used. For instance, you can put on a piece of paper pictures or written words of ideal type of assistance you need, etc. Use general descriptions of qualities you want as well as values.

The element for this space is METAL. You can anything made of metal and place it in this corner (stay away from knives or other sharp cutting objects. Have fun and be creative.

As always remember not to let the North, South, East, West directions confuse you. You simply go by the bagua and the space you are in. Not the outside world. So for instance when you enter a room or are looking at a specific space, see yourself in the center of the map. In front is Recognition, reputation and fame, to your right in the upper corner is romantic relationship, to you right/center is family, right lower corner helpful people, etc.

Enjoy the process and should you want more information on Feng Shui, check

If you would like to benefit from the discounted consultations click on this exclusive link.

A Breathing Awareness Reminder

A loving reminder about breathing and as we discussed in the recent past, PRANAYAMA is the art and practice of conscious breath control. This is practiced for various reasons including meditation, stress management, general health, as part of yoga practice and for spiritual centeredness.

It is a really good idea to practice pranayama anytime we remember to do so. It has an incredible way of making us more mindful and self-aware. Please use this as a reminder to practice the simple form of pranayama—belly-breathing.

Sit or lie down comfortably. First just notice your breath without trying to control it. You will realize that with inhalation your belly lifts and rises while your rib cage expands. Now consciously breathe in directly into your belly deeply but softly filling your lungs. Without holding your breath, gently releasing your breath back out. Do this as often as you can but it helps to do it on the regular basis as in when you first awaken or before bed. Start with a 1 to 5 minutes and work our way up when you are ready.

And here is our constant reminder of what your breath tells you on the regular basis.

Feeling relaxed, like when you are sleeping, your exhalation is twice as long as your inhalation.

Anger, your breathing is shallow. Imagine how little oxygen your brain is getting during this time.

Feeling frightened or anxious you tend to hold your breath. No oxygen = no good. So as I always say, breathe…

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Diana Navarro "The Nearness of You" LIVE at the Algonquin

It was a pleasure and honor to sing with the Larry Luger Trio at an evening put together by Sandy Jordan with so many talented musicians at the Algonquin Hotel.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Consensual Cheating, Who Pays for Dates and More

Come join the conversation by listening in to a show where Co-host Guy Shahar, guests George and Francine Aline and I talked about all kinds of controversial issues related to romantic relationship.

You will nod, shake your head, laugh, sigh and even feel the need to yell "yes!" or "no!" to some of the questions and issues we pose on the Diana Navarro Show on

If you are in need of your own insight, check our limited time discounted readings available by clicking this exclusive link

Monday, August 16, 2010

All Things Romantic--Will be Re-aired so Come and Tune IN

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010, come and join us
at 6pm for a special show what will be re-aired just for you! Click on the "Listen Live"button to hear the show that was first aired in August.

This is the shows description:

We are on for another edition on the topic of
Romantic Relationships. This time we'll be having various perspectives including our very own Jazz crooner George Aline and his beautiful wife Francine. They will be discussing their views on what makes love last.

I will be joined by Guy Shahar who will be once again co-hosting with me and discussing views from a single's perspective and what implications that has in meeting partners, dating, courting, and relationships in general.

Will discuss topics like:
1) what creates attractiveness,
2) what triggers playing games in dating,
3) consensual cheating versus fidelity, and
4) keeping romance and sensuality fresh.

We will of course show how the use of Intuition can help empower you to make the highest and best decisions in your own personal love life.

We look forward to you joining us for this fun and ever-changing topic.

For any questions or information on Intuitive Consultations check out

Friday, August 13, 2010

Radio Show Available NOW For You to Hear On: Looking for Love, Nookie and Whoopee

What's your take on this whole love, dating, partner, marriage, hooking-up, meaningful exchange area of our lives?

Come now and tune in to enjoy the show on various provocative issues on these most interesting topic.

You can check by clicking:

For other shows on various topics related to Intuition and your everyday life check any of the Diana Navarro Shows on

We welcome your support.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Looking for Love, Nookie and Whoopee

We announced falling in love on our recent broadcast...did you hear who we fell in love with? Check it out here

However this Tuesday at 6pm we will be broadcasting live at the Diana Navarro show on, and taking the concept of falling in love with yourself and romantic relationships a step further. We will delve into how Intuition is related to every aspect of your quest for a healthy, passionate, loving, joyous relationship.

Guest host Guy Shahar and I will be discussing and exploring issues about:
1. Allowing healthy love to enter your life
2. What this whole issue of dating really is (playing games versus the open-hearted process)
3. Defining relationships
4. How your self-esteem affects who you DO and DON'T attract
5. Identifying your unhealthy history and patterns in your relationships

You are welcomed to join us while we air by visiting us at Giovanna's Restaurant on 1567 Lexington Ave (between 100 and 101th street) on Tuesday at 6pm.

We may have the added bonus of taking about the concept of women's relationship with each other with writer/author Mia Berman and how that very much affects our dating life.

Also, take advantage of discount Intuitive reading rates by scheduling your consultation using this exclusive link today.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cool Intuitive Oasis in HOT August

August is hot, full of chaotic activity and worst of all, a time where most therapists go away on vacation.

But you should know that you have an additional resource that remains throughout the year and includes this month--You can treat yourself to an Intuitive Consultation.

Currently and for a limited time, I'm offering $10 off on a 1/2 hour consultation.

Schedule your reading in advance by using this exclusive discount link.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tune in to

I look forward to you joining me for today's broadcast live at 6pm on the Diana Navarro Show.

We'll talk about Intuition in everyday life, have music and a reminder to breathe.....

And for all sorts of information on Working Things Out, visit and enjoy the sight.