Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Breathing Awareness Reminder

A loving reminder about breathing and as we discussed in the recent past, PRANAYAMA is the art and practice of conscious breath control. This is practiced for various reasons including meditation, stress management, general health, as part of yoga practice and for spiritual centeredness.

It is a really good idea to practice pranayama anytime we remember to do so. It has an incredible way of making us more mindful and self-aware. Please use this as a reminder to practice the simple form of pranayama—belly-breathing.

Sit or lie down comfortably. First just notice your breath without trying to control it. You will realize that with inhalation your belly lifts and rises while your rib cage expands. Now consciously breathe in directly into your belly deeply but softly filling your lungs. Without holding your breath, gently releasing your breath back out. Do this as often as you can but it helps to do it on the regular basis as in when you first awaken or before bed. Start with a 1 to 5 minutes and work our way up when you are ready.

And here is our constant reminder of what your breath tells you on the regular basis.

Feeling relaxed, like when you are sleeping, your exhalation is twice as long as your inhalation.

Anger, your breathing is shallow. Imagine how little oxygen your brain is getting during this time.

Feeling frightened or anxious you tend to hold your breath. No oxygen = no good. So as I always say, breathe…

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