Monday, August 16, 2010

All Things Romantic--Will be Re-aired so Come and Tune IN

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010, come and join us
at 6pm for a special show what will be re-aired just for you! Click on the "Listen Live"button to hear the show that was first aired in August.

This is the shows description:

We are on for another edition on the topic of
Romantic Relationships. This time we'll be having various perspectives including our very own Jazz crooner George Aline and his beautiful wife Francine. They will be discussing their views on what makes love last.

I will be joined by Guy Shahar who will be once again co-hosting with me and discussing views from a single's perspective and what implications that has in meeting partners, dating, courting, and relationships in general.

Will discuss topics like:
1) what creates attractiveness,
2) what triggers playing games in dating,
3) consensual cheating versus fidelity, and
4) keeping romance and sensuality fresh.

We will of course show how the use of Intuition can help empower you to make the highest and best decisions in your own personal love life.

We look forward to you joining us for this fun and ever-changing topic.

For any questions or information on Intuitive Consultations check out

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