Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Art of Simple Mediation and Conscious Breathing for All of Us

What is Meditation? The Age Old Question

As you may know just by finding this post alone, there are 80 million references on meditation online alone. There are online web resources, books, magazines and people all offering information on what meditation is and how to do it. Finally science and medicine is catching up on the incredible health benefits of meditation. 

But how does one go about exploring what meditation is without getting overwhelmed? The first step is to ask yourself why it is you are interested in meditation. 
  • Is it to learn how to relax?
  • Is it for spiritual purposes?
  • Is it for a specific mental technique, e.g. improved memory, clarity, focus?
  • Curiosity?
The simplest way to describe meditation is to think of it as taking control of your own mental thoughts. The mind can have billions of thoughts racing through it. Many of them we are completely unaware of how they even ended up in there, but they do. Also many times these thoughts are more like noise, or useless chatter that simply is wasting internal energy we can use for otherwise beneficial purposes.

Mediation has been shown both experientially and scientifically to have many benefits. It has been used since the beginning of our known human history by many cultures for various reasons. One of the most popular reasons include: 

--to reduce stress, 
--promote good health,
--provide mental focus, 
--improve sleep, 
--increase self and other awareness, 
--awaken mindfulness 
--for those on a spiritual quest, it can aid in the enlightenment process.

Once you know why, then you can start eliminating what does not apply to you. So if you would like to use meditation to reduce stress only, then you don’t want to go to a web link on Zen Buddhist meditation. You may want to just look at the health resources for more information that suits you. 

Next, now you want to decide how much time you should spend meditating and what technique to use. This depends on the reason you are meditating. Meditation can be extremely challenging because in most cases it requires disciplining your thoughts. You don’t have to be a guru, philosopher, yogi, sage or mystic to utilize meditation. All you need is the desire to learn about it and explore it. Anyone and everyone can engage in meditation.

I would venture to say that your best bet for beginning meditation is the simplest. You can always elaborate on it whenever you are ready by changing technique and time you dedicate to meditating. There is no need to judge yourself or others about mediation, engaging in it with an open mind is the most beneficial way to go about it.

In case you feel don't have to sit and mediate, try walking meditation or practicing awareness of what you are doing whenever you can. Try it while you're washing up when you get up. As you are riding an elevator, as you are shopping for food or even online. You can actually be creative and make this an integral part of your schedule. I even do it when I change the little box...ok that may not be your ideal but you choose when you'd like to try it. This are simply variations of mediation because you come back to yourself and that goes a long way.

Once you want to engage more in medication, you can try it for longer times, or in certain positions/postures that may enhance your experience. You will find that the more you try it, the more you want to do it. The resistance is very normal at first, so be aware and don't give up because it s a natural part of the process.  

Warnings About Meditation are They Valid?

Many people with their own agendas, whether they be ignorance or religious control warn against meditation. You may have heard from some that meditation can be dangerous. Yes, dangerous. But this is because it is feared and misunderstood by many seemingly otherwise intelligent persons—or maybe not so intelligent. 

Some persons will warn that meditation will make the person vulnerable and susceptible to all kinds of spiritual or mental dangers. By clearing ones mind, one can leave oneself to woo woo  spirit possession or even insanity. This is extremely unlikely and unsubstantiated. Do the research, trust your instinct and be informed. You likely conclude the benefits of meditation wildly outweigh any so-called “warnings”. Just remember you can control or manage your thoughts but it takes patience, time, discipline, and the right technique that works for you.

Simple Technique, Try 30 Seconds

There are many, many types of meditation but just for starters you can find research on meditation which suits you. One of the very important components of meditation is breathing (as in Pranayama—conscious breath awareness techniques). So if you simply find a way of incorporating some quiet time, say 1 to 5 minutes where you can sit and be undisturbed. In fact I would personally suggest 30 seconds to start. 

You can begin by simply counting you in breaths and out breaths. Every time a thought comes rushing or wondering through, and they most certainly will, simply resume counting. Some people incorporate a word or phrase, what some call mantras that aid in their meditation. Simply using the word “in” when inhaling and “out” when exhaling can prove incredibly doable for a beginner. The absolutely most important thing to remember about meditation is: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. It does become easier with practice and the best part is that there is no wrong way of doing it. Even if someone disagrees, they probably have some personal agenda in discouraging others. Believe in your ability to master this in your timing. The benefits are so worth it.

Breathing and Pranayama

Breathing is essential. But I figured you knew that by now. But being AWARE of your breathing can do wonders for you over all health. That is what PRANAYAMA is all about. 

When we don’t pay attention to our breathing we tend to develop poor habits and therefore suffer from the effects of bad habits. For instance many people only utilize the top third of their lungs. This leaves us with much less oxygen in our bodies and less carbon dioxide leaving our bodies. This can lead to unexpected effects like fatigue, anxiety attacks, increase heart beat in an attempt to increase the oxygen input and even palpitations. This I know from personal experience and what led me to exploring breathing more consciously.

PRANAYAMA is the art and practice of conscious breath control. This is practiced for various reasons including meditation, stress management, general health, as part of yoga practice and for spiritual centered-ness.

It is a really good idea to practice pranayama anytime we remember to do so. It has an incredible way of making us more mindful and self-aware. Please use this section as a reminder to practice the simple form of pranayama we began with last time—belly-breathing.

~Sit or lie down comfortably. First just notice your breath without trying to control it. You will realize that with inhalation your belly lifts and rises while your rib cage expands. 

~Now consciously breathe in directly into your belly deeply but softly filling your lungs. Without holding your breath, gently releasing your breath back out. 

Do this as often as you can but it helps to do it on the regular basis as in when you first awaken or before bed. Start with a 1 to 5 minutes and work our way up when you are ready.

And here is our constant reminder of what your breath tells you on the regular basis:
Feeling relaxed, like when you are sleeping, your exhalation is twice as long as your inhalation.
Anger, your breathing is shallow. Imagine how little oxygen your brain is getting during this time.
Feeling frightened or anxious you tend to hold your breath. 

Find Much More Here

Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana. Sign up for my email list and receive a free e-book.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Monday, July 28, 2014

6 Really Good Reasons to Workout and Self-Care No Matter What

6 Really Good Reasons to Workout

On a previous post I wrote many of the reasons we don't work out and debunked them. On this post, we’ll be reviewing reasons to actually workout.  Back in 1994, I was eating up to two bacon double cheese hamburgers an extra large fries and large soft drink—and that was just one meal alone. I would usually include another high fat, high calorie meal plus all the fixin’s. Did I mention dessert and candy I would eat in between? Oh, yes and I didn’t do anything physical activity other than my walk to and from school and/or work. After seeing myself in the mirror and making a simple decision—to be fit—I decided to live healthier. My diet is very specific to me so I won’t impose what I eat upon you, but changing what I put in my body and physically exercising on the permanent basis has helped me stay within a weight limit for the last 14 years.

The reasons I continue to exercise despite physical injuries and fibromyalgia, arthritis and various other health issues are 1) to reduce further injury, 2) prevent diseases that run in my family like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer and high blood pressure, and 3) not to be the way I was back in 1994—a bad health risk. So go ahead take another peak at me, I don’t mind. It’s still me except that now in my mid 40's I can stand a little taller and a little stronger thanks to fitness. And did I mention I look feel younger now than I did then?

Diana in 1994
Diana  in 2013/14

Then what are the reasons YOU should consider deciding to workout and engage in physical fitness?

  1. Physicians Advice/ Health Reasons—Often a health professional or you intuitively may know that working out and living healthy is crucial to your wellness. It may be obesity, or a health condition that could lead to the “warning” to begin focusing on your physical health.
  2. To live longer and better-I’m not going to give you statistics because you can find that very easily anywhere, but I will tell you that many of us don’t want to live a short, unpleasant and painful life.
  3. Reduction of chronic pain-Engaging in the proper physical fitness program can increase your physical strength and reduce the pain you may already suffer from. Always consult a health professional for the appropriate program for you.
  4. Increase energy/better sleep-Increase stamina and deeper sleep, who wouldn’t want that?
  5. Physical appearance-(number one reason TV and internet ads target their audience)
  6. For enjoyment and a better love life-people who stick with their physical fitness routine as a life change tend to enjoy the process by choosing to implement it as part of their lives. They choose exercises they enjoy and they eat food they love while maintaining their health benefits. There is also significant evidence that engaging in a fitness routine improves a person's love life significantly. Just do a quick online search and see amazing research posted. (I've saved you some work, click here) and HERE

Now a review of why we don’t workout.

What stops us from working out? I've listed the reasons again for you to analyze. There are so many reasons why working out and a fitness routine gets put on the back burner. How many on the list below look familiar to you? I’m willing to bet there are some I have forgotten to list. Perhaps you can email us and we can reprint the list next month with the new ones added.

With what we have listed below you can begin to identify the reasons you don’t make your health and body a priority. Once you do this you can take a deeper look at your own specific situations and ask yourself, are these reasons I don’t practice fitness really valid? Is there a way around these obstacles so you can find a way to place priority on this miraculous vehicle you inhabit—your body?!?

Can you identify which reason(s) prevent you from working out? 

__Too Busy
__No Time
__Too Tried
__Not Motivated
__No Support From Others
__Lack of Strategy
__My Body Hurts
__It Doesn’t Work
__I’m Too Old
__I Don’t Need To Because I’m Naturally Fit
__It’s Too Expensive
__No or little space

For every reason not to workout there is a reason that trumps it (again, see previous post to see it). Why not take care of yourself and the best tool you have starting today? There are so many ways to do fitness, you can find that works for you and start with 10 minutes a day and work your way up...

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana. 

For more information visit: 
Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Money Troubles? Use Feng Shui to Jump Start Positive Financial/Life Purpose Change

Improve Your Money Career/Profession/Purpose (corner)

It is my hope that you are having success with your Feng Shui movements. Here is another opportunity to give this incredible philosophical and practical process a try. Many people, too many, are incredibly unhappy in their careers and jobs. To gain clarity and ignite the fires of positive change, let’s concentrate on our career corner. Many careers are tied to our ultimate purpose during our lives. When combined, work CAN be play and life is enjoyable and livable; not just bearable. We will use the word “career” which will include profession, purpose and life’s work.  Now, let’s give this a go.

Check our reliable bagua, and find your career corner. As in any other area, you can have multiple career spaces. For example, you can have one in your office space and another in your home as a whole or within one of your rooms. As with your other areas you can have your career area in a small space like a desk. We will continue to emphasize that the point is the intent and energy you use within that space is what matters. You can usually find your career area on the “north” corner geographically speaking or your personal lower, middle/center spot of any of your spaces.

Once you’ve identified your career corner, you can create and make adjustments that work for you. We can’t say it enough but the more creative you are and fun you have, the more enjoyable and effective it will be.

Use the our Bagua as a guide and let’s review examples of what we can use:
Bagua image courtesy of "Christine's Simplified Feng Shui Map"

You can place objects and use colors which are of various deep tones such as deep blue, black, in this space. The color white can indeed also be used as well as metal as a secondary element.

Items that symbolize what YOU identify as professional success and happiness which are balanced with the rest of your life are strongly recommended. Try to use what is for your highest and greater good and what is truly meant for you. 

Use These Symbols:
  • Fish 
  • Seascapes can be placed here 
  • Images of wealth
  • Conditions and ideals that are of personal significance can be used. For instance, you can put on a piece of paper pictures or written words of ideal salary, working conditions, schedule style, travel or lack of it, etc. 
  • General descriptions of qualities you want as well as values
  • Place a red envelop with $1 or any money amount you wish for some time
  • Coins
  • Feng Shui money frog (you can get these in China/Japan Town, Buddhist and New Age stores or online

The element for this space is WATER. 
You can use a small water fountain or clear/white bowl of water in your corner too.  Have fun and be creative.

As always remember not to let the North, South, East, West directions confuse you. You simply go by the bagua and the space you are in. Not the outside world. So for instance when you enter a room or are looking at a specific space, see yourself in the center of the map. In front is Recognition, reputation and fame, to your right in the upper corner is romantic relationship, to you right/center is family, right lower corner helpful people, etc. 

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Self-Care, 11 Reasons Why You Don't Workout and Debunking Them For a Better You

11 Reasons Not To Workout and Debunking Them for a Better YOU

What stops us from working out? There are so many reasons why working out and a fitness routine gets put on the back burner. How many on the list below look familiar to you? I’m willing to bet there are some I have forgotten to list. Perhaps you can email us and we can reprint the list next month with the new ones added.

With what we have listed below you can begin to identify the reasons you don’t make your health and body a priority. Once you do this you can take a deeper look at your own specific situations and ask yourself, are these reasons I don’t practice fitness really valid? Is there a way around these obstacles so you can find a way to place priority on this miraculous vehicle you inhabit—your body?

Can you identify which reason(s) prevent you from working out?

__Too Busy
__No Time
__Too Tried
__Not Motivated
__No Support From Others
__Lack of Strategy
__My Body Hurts
__It Doesn’t Work
__I’m Too Old
__I Don’t Need To Because I’m Naturally Fit
__It’s Too Expensive

Trust me, most of us struggle with several of these on the regular basis. This is why some people require multiple incentives to begin and stay with a fitness program. Some need the support of their family and friends, others thrive in competition, while others prefer to perform their activities in solitude.

I think beginning with small steps works well with many so let’s start there by working at your own pace and following some of the moves Vinny and provide for you. We also include that fitness routine includes eating healthy, not smoking, and drinking moderately. But as we said earlier, let’s start with baby steps, one move at a time and work our way up. This month Vinny and I want you to try something that most people want help with; YOUR BELLY! See below for your next step to overall fitness. And next time we’ll discus reasons to start and stay with a fitness routine.

Let’s begin with de-bunking.

__TOO BUSY. This one is doozy. Most of us are no stranger to “busy-ness”. But ask yourself this; is there anything more important than the physical vehicle that carries you through this life? Probably not. Therefore, making, creating, and finding the time for fitness is possible and do-able and completely up to you. This Working Things Out newsletter tries to incorporate workout moves you can do in sets or while doing other activities. Ideally, with time it is best to give yourself the gift of time to workout. But while you are working on getting there the moves we provide can be done almost anywhere and anytime. Why not give yourself the chance to try some of these if you haven’t already?

__NO TIME. This is one of the top reasons people do not workout and is related to the above. But try to think of all the times we are just idle, doing nothing, or wasting time browsing the internet, paying games, waiting on lines etc. You can certainly fit a few minutes every other day to take care of the most important thing, and that is YOU. 

__TOO TIRED. This is my personal Achilles heel. It’s almost impossible to exercise when one is tired. Ultimately however, making the effort to workout will lead to more energy, not less. Starting with short workouts can be a starting point. Even five minutes of doing squats can begin to prepare the body for more time in the future for that and other fitness moves.

__BORED. Many people claim they get bored when they workout. One possible solution is to find a particular fitness style that challenges them or an activity that is both interesting to them and has health benefits. Whether you workout at home or in the gym there are lots of tips to make your sessions interesting. You can check fitness magazines, consult with a personal trainer, like Vinny for ideas and check local gyms for strategies they use and implement them yourself. For an example of a simple yet effective motivator, you can see how music adds fuel to most individual’s fitness sessions. Many fitness magazines and online newsletters offer tips on particular songs or music genres you can use for specific types of workouts.

__NOT MOTIVATED. This is also a challenged and can have multiple reasons. Fear, lack of strategy and impatience can be reasons not to feel motivated. One of the ways to combat this is to find support from friends, love ones, or like-minded persons. Even on the computer you can find health communities that can help you get that “oomph” to get started.

__NO SUPPORT FROM OTHERS. As you can see from above, computer communities can be a starting point. Another way is to ask friends, co-workers, family and other persons that show a similar interest. If you find someone in your life is not being supportive, you are not obligated to share you goals with them. You can either find another way of communicating to them that you desire their support or choose to find another resource to reach out to. It is your body and you ought to be the one who chooses how to best care for you.

__LACK OF STRATEGY. This can be combated by doing a tiny bit of research and creating routines and setting goals. To help you with this are again, personal trainers, coaches, online communities and even health professionals.

__MY BODY HURTS. It is always advised that you check with a physician to make sure you can engage in physical exercise. There is almost always something that can be done, whether it’s simple stretching, physical therapy, strength training (varying in intensity), yoga, etc. Make sure you have no injuries and expect to have slight soreness once you do begin any new physical routine. It is also very important to perform specific moves correctly to prevent injuries.

__IT DOESN’T WORK. Not seeing results is usually caused using incorrect workout strategies, not eating appropriately, illness, unhealthy habits or even being impatient. First, check with a physician to see what type of fitness routine you should engage in. Next, consult a personal trainer and/or nutritionist to assess where you are in your fitness goals. Then, and this is important, give it time to work.

__I’M TOO OLD. This one is just a plain myth. Anyone at any age can exercise. Just consult with a professional first to see what fitness routine is best for you. Many “older” adults reaching up to their 80’s and beyond are in better shape than many children and young adults.

__I DON’T NEED IT BECAUSE I AM NATURALLY FIT. Even people who are naturally slim can have many unhealthy habits and lifestyles. This can lead to illnesses, risk of future diseases like cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, cancer, and many more. Being healthy is a lifestyle. This includes health screenings, if money provides, of course, a healthy diet, not smoking, sun protection, keeping hydrated, reducing or managing stress, living a balanced life, not drinking alcohol or drinking in moderation.

__IT’S TOO EXPENSIVE. This is true if you are not creative and fall for the hype that fitness can only be attained by joining an expensive gym. Fitness can be attained and not necessary affect your bottom-line in a negative way. In fact, you may be saving yourself and untold amount of money by avoiding illness and other maladies.

__NO OR LITTLE SPACE. This is another challenge that can be overcome. Specific moves can be done virtually anywhere and require very little space. This is something I have much experience with. Again, a little creativity and determination is all that is really required.

Fitness is a way of life not a temporary activity performed for special events like swimsuit season or holiday parties. But as we like to emphasis it takes small, gradual changes to make the transition to a healthy life long-lasting. Be kind to yourself if you backslide and know you can ALWAYS start over. The only one judging you is you.

If you are interested in more information on self-care in the form of fitness, trainer referral or any This is Diana coaching, events and to book her on speaking engagements, go to:

~On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!~

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Monday, July 21, 2014

A Great Way to Bring LOVE Into Your Life NOW!

How To Attract LOVE with simple but effective 

Feng Shui (the ancient art of placement)

An excerpt from upcoming book Oh No You Didn't...Just Break my Heart: Now How do I Fix it Fast?

In the Mood for Love (corner)

The last few times we focused on our wealth corner. I don’t know about you but it did increase the flow of income into my life and is something I continue to plan to work on for the future. I do hope you were able to experiment with this area of your life. But even if you did not, you can always refer to that place when you whenever you like.
This month we are working on our LOVE and relationship corner. Don’t worry if you are not in a relationship or even if you don’t want one. The love corner is also self-love. And if you don’t love yourself, who will. In either case, let’s learn more about this space.

If you check with our reliable bagua, you can find your love corner. As in any other area, you can have multiple love spaces. For example, you can have one in your work space and another in your home as a whole or within one of your rooms. As with your wealth area you can have your love area in a small space like a desk. The point is the intent and energy you use within that space is what matters. You can usually find your LOVE area on the southwest corner geographically speaking or your personal upper right hand side of any of your spaces.

Once you’ve identified your love corner, you can create and make adjustments that work for you. The more creative you are and fun you have, the more enjoyable and effective it will be.

Use the our Bagua as a guide. Let’s review examples of what we can use.

You can place objects and use colors which are RED, WHITE and PINK in this space.

Items that symbolize positive love and romance are strongly recommended. Sometimes people subconsciously place objects that have a negative connotation. They inadvertently  use symbolic things that repel love.

Avoid using:
  • swords 
  • knives 
  • symbols divorce, or separation
  • broken and jagged objects 
  • anything symbolizing loneliness
You want to avoid this and place what you truly want to attract. You also want to use things that are not too specific. For instance you there is someone you are interested in but are not sure if it is returned, avoid using that persons name or picture. Instead use what is for your highest good and who is truly meant for you. Use general descriptions of qualities you want as well as values. 

You may use:
  • flowers
  • hearts 
  • lamps 
  • doves 
  • paintings of couples or whatever object resonates with you specifically. For instance, you might want a mate that loves motorcycles or jumping of planes with you 
  • If you are already in a relationship, it is usually fine to use a picture of you both
  • Anything lovely in pairs

If you are interested in cultivating more self-love, use objects that you personally find nurturing and loving. Giving yourself love, authentically, is the best and truest way to bring any kind of love to you. 

The element for this space is EARTH. You can use a plant in your corner too.  Have fun and be creative.

As always remember not to let the North, South, East, West directions confuse you. You simply go by the bagua and the space you are in. Not the outside world. So for instance when you enter a room or are looking at a specific space, see yourself in the center of the map. In front is Recognition, reputation and fame, to your right in the upper corner is romantic relationship, to you right/center is family, right lower corner helpful people, etc.

If you are interested in more information on this or any This is Diana coaching, events and to book her on speaking engagements, go to:

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~Diana Navarro, M.S.
Finding the Beautiful Things in LIfe--Including Manners


You CAN Help Rescue and Help Abused Animals

Why Talk About Animal Cruelty and Rescue?

Anyone who knows me knows I love animals and would do any thing I can to help an animal in need. But as my brother wisely told me once, I can't do everything myself. So here is some information to be shared to anyone who cares about animals.

This is originally from an ASPCA newsletter and the links are included below with emails to contact them.

What constitutes animal cruelty?
Animal cruelty occurs when someone intentionally injures or harms an animal or when a person willfully deprives an animal of food, water or necessary medical care. Here are some signs that may indicate abuse or neglect:
  • Tick or flea infestations
  • Wounds on the body
  • Patches of missing hair
  • Extremely thin, starving animal
  • Limping
  • An owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal
  • Dogs who are repeatedly left alone without food and water, and often chained in a yard
  • Dogs who have been hit by cars—or are showing any of the signs listed here—and have not been taken to a veterinarian
  • Dogs who are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions
  • Animals who cower in fear or act aggressively when approached by their owners
What constitutes federal cruelty to animals? There is no federal cruelty law—and technically, there cannot be. Animal cruelty is dealt with on the state level because the United States Constitution limits the areas in which Congress can pass federal laws applicable nationwide (Article 1, Section 8), and instructs that everything else is up to individual states to handle.
The U.S. Congress’s broadest Constitutional power is over activities that impact or affect international and interstate commerce. Acts of animal cruelty typically occur in a fixed place, and probably cannot be interpreted to impact interstate commerce—not yet, anyway—so the federal government has no jurisdiction over them. Some exceptions to the rule are federal laws involving the transportation of animals across state lines, such as the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act.
The growth of Internet commerce has led to another exception—the federal government's "Crush Act," which provides punishment, ranging in severity from a fine to five years in prison, for the display of acts of cruelty and sexual abuse intended for interstate commerce.

Why is it important to report animal cruelty? The ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement department finds out about most instances of animal abuse in New York through phone calls from concerned citizens who witness cruelty in their neighborhoods. Without tips from the public, many animals would remain in abusive circumstances, mute and unable to defend themselves. It all starts with you—that's why it's so important to learn how to recognize and report crimes against animals.

There’s an animal in my community who isn’t being cared for properly—is that cruelty? Yes, it is. You don’t have to hit an animal to be cruel to him—depriving an animal of food, water or necessary medical care is neglect, which is a form of cruelty.
There are two general categories of animal neglect: simple neglect and gross, willful, cruel or malicious neglect. Simple neglect (failure to provide basic needs) is not always considered a criminal act, and can often be resolved by the intervention of local animal care and control or humane agencies, which may be able to offer resources and educate offenders on how to provide proper care for their animals. However, a growing number of states make a distinction between simply failing to take adequate care of animals and intentionally or knowingly withholding sustenance. Accordingly, “willful” neglect is considered a more serious, often prosecutable offense.
Neglect can also be an indicator of “animal hoarding,” the accumulation of large numbers of animals in extremely unsanitary conditions, often resulting in the death of many animals and potentially serious health consequences for the people who are living with them. In many cases, individuals charged with animal abuse and neglect in hoarding situations have been found to have children or dependent adults living in the same conditions as the animals who are suffering.

Laws About Animal Cruelty
Are there laws against animal cruelty in my state?
Most animal cruelty laws vary from state to state. Knowing your state's laws is crucial to fighting animal cruelty. The ASPCA has an online database with more than 550 animal cruelty laws—and their penalties—from all 50 states. This database, maintained by the ASPCA Government Affairs and Public Policy department, is a dynamic resource for providing information relating to animal cruelty laws. You can select your state, or even use our keyword search to find a specific topic. Access this database and find out about the laws against animal cruelty in your state.

Will someone who is found guilty of animal cruelty go to jail?  Some will and some will not—the penalties for animal cruelty vary widely from state to state, and they also depend on the exact charges, the heinousness of the crime and on the perpetrator’s criminal record.
Felonies almost always carry stronger penalties than misdemeanors, which rarely involve a jail sentence. Whether a particular criminal act is considered a felony or a misdemeanor can vary from state to state, and the federal government has its own definitions as well.
Sometimes, repetition of a misdemeanor-level crime can lead to a felony-level charge—meaning that a subsequent offense of a crime a person has been convicted of in the past will be considered a felony, and not a misdemeanor. This is not true of all laws, however, or of all states. In Colorado, for instance, a person’s first conviction for animal cruelty is a Class 1 Misdemeanor, but a second or subsequent conviction for animal cruelty is a Class 6 Felony.

Are veterinarians obligated by law to report suspicions that an animal patient is a victim of cruelty at home?
Eleven states currently mandate that veterinarians report suspicions of animal cruelty, including suspected dog fighting activity, to the appropriate authorities. Many other states encourage veterinarians to report suspected animal cruelty by granting civil immunity to those who make good-faith reports to the appropriate agencies. Such reporting is supported by professional veterinary organizations including the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). The AAHA position statement on reporting, revised in 2003, states:
“Since veterinarians have a responsibility to the welfare of animals and the public and can be the first to detect animal abuse in a family, they should take an active role in detecting, preventing and reporting animal abuse. While some states and provinces do not require veterinarians to report animal abuse, the association supports the adoption of laws requiring, under certain circumstances, veterinarians to report suspected cases of animal abuse. Reporting should only be required when client education has failed, when there is no likelihood that client education will be successful, or in situations in which immediate intervention is indicated and only when the law exempts veterinarians from civil and criminal liability for reporting.”

Someone in my neighborhood is threatening to harm my pet, but they haven’t done anything yet. What can I do to protect my pet from this person?
If you feel that your pet is in danger, do whatever you can to shield him or her from harm—for instance, bring your outdoor cat inside and always accompany your dog outside, keeping him on a leash at all times.
You should also file a complaint with your local police; depending on the law where you live, verbal or written threats may constitute criminal harassment. Be sure to keep any tangible evidence of threats against your pets and yourself. If the threats are serious enough, you may be able to get a restraining order against the person making them. If this is the route you wish to go, enlist the aid of a lawyer. Above all, please be careful.

Why doesn’t my community have animal cops like the ASPCA’s Humane Law Enforcement agents? How can we get animal cops where I live? Establishing a dedicated squad of animal cruelty officers with investigatory and arrest powers, like the ASPCA’s HLE agents in New York, requires changes to a state’s statute. This is extremely difficult to achieve. The next best thing you can do to make sure that complaints of animal cruelty are answered is to work with your community’s current police officers, who already have the power to enforce all of your state’s laws—including animal cruelty laws. Police are paid with tax dollars—you have the right to be the proverbial “squeaky wheel” and make sure that they are willing and able to respond to cruelty.
One idea is to lobby your police department to implement a plan similar to the one used by the police force of Granite City, IL. The Granite City Police Department asked for existing officers who liked animals to volunteer to be regular responders to animal- and cruelty-related complaints and 911 emergencies. At the department’s request, educators from the ASPCA gave these officers on-site training to prepare them for the unique demands of this specialized form of law enforcement. The Granite City P.D. then made sure to arrange work schedules so that at least one of these officers would be working every shift. The result is that there is always a police officer on duty who is qualified to handle animal cruelty cases.
If you have questions about on-site training for law enforcement, please send an email to; don’t forget to include your location. The ASPCA also offers a free online training course, "Investigating Animal Abuse for Law Enforcement,” for police and animal control officers. It covers such vital topics as animal abuse and community policing, evidence collection and preservation, and officer safety. To learn more, please email

Where do I report animal cruelty in New York City? You can report cruelty or fighting complaints to either the New York City Police Department or to the ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement department, which can be reached at (212) 876-7700, ext. 4450, or

Where does the ASPCA have jurisdiction to pursue allegations of animal cruelty? ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement officers are considered New York State peace officers. Therefore, they can investigate crimes against animals anywhere within the state of New York.

Where do I report animal cruelty in New Jersey? Reports of animal cruelty can be directed to the police department with jurisdiction over your city, town or county. The New Jersey SPCA also investigates animal cruelty cases. Call (800) 582-5979.

Where do I report animal cruelty outside of New York City and New Jersey? The police department that covers your city, town or county is required to investigate criminal complaints, including complaints of animal cruelty and animal fighting. There may also be an animal control agency, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (SPCA) or humane society that has authority to conduct these investigations.
If you encounter difficulty identifying the correct law enforcement agency with which to file a report of animal cruelty, you may wish to contact your local shelter or animal control agency for help finding this information. To find your local shelter, visit the ASPCA’s searchable shelter database containing contact information for nearly 5,000 community SPCAs, humane societies and animal control organizations.

How do I find out what agencies are authorized to investigate and arrest instances of animal cruelty in my state? To find out if there is an agency other than the police authorized to conduct cruelty investigations in your area, visit our state-by-state list of anti-cruelty investigatory-arrest powers.

Where do I report cruelty to horses at a racetrack? Racetracks are an exception to the investigatory and arrest powers of ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement. The ASPCA’s Humane Law Enforcement officers have no jurisdiction at racetracks and normally are not even allowed to enter the grounds. In New York State, cruelty to horses witnessed at racetracks must instead be reported to the New York Racing Association (NYRA), which has its own policelike division in charge of investigating cruelty complaints.
However, investigatory jurisdiction may not be distributed this way in your state. To find out who has the power to investigate cruelty at horse racetracks where you live—as well as at dog tracks, if applicable—your first call should be to whichever agency is endowed with general animal cruelty investigatory and arrest powers. If you are not sure what agency that is, visit our list of anti-cruelty investigatory-arrest powers by state.

You may also wish to directly contact your state’s racing and/or wagering bureau (the equivalent of the NYRA in New York) to find out who has jurisdiction at racetracks. Since state racing agencies typically are headed by governor-appointees, your governor’s office should be able to steer you in the right direction if you are unsure whom to contact.

Where can I report offensive depictions of animal cruelty in television and film?  The ASPCA shares your concern about the media’s depiction of violence and cruelty toward animals for entertainment purposes. Please know, however, that many of these instances are constitutionally protected free speech—and may not even involve a real animal.

If you are offended by something you viewed, we suggest that you contact the network that aired the program or the publisher of the film in question.
You may also wish to contact the American Humane Association Movie and Television Unit online or at (818) 501-0123. This unit oversees the use of live animals in movies and television as part of an agreement with the Screen Directors Guild.

Where can I report offensive depictions of animal cruelty on the Internet? You’re right to be concerned. Some of what is being sold and shown online crosses into the realm of criminal activity. And in some cases, there are laws against showing and selling these images.
To report websites that display acts of cruelty to animals, you should first contact the website host or sponsor. Major providers of Internet service, such as AOL and Google, have Terms of Service agreements that restrict depiction of objectionable material.
The next step is to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice. Learn more about what’s being done about online cruelty.

Where do I report animal cruelty taking place in a pet store? For concerns about animal cruelty in pet stores, please contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). You can contact its headquarters at (301) 734-7833, visit, or send an email to The USDA will direct you to the appropriate regional department to which you will be asked to submit your complaint in writing.

Where do I report cruelty by an animal breeder?  For concerns about an animal breeder, please contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). You can contact its headquarters at (301) 734-7833, visit, or send an email to The USDA will direct you to the appropriate regional department to which you will be asked to submit your complaint in writing.

What information should I have on hand when I make a report of animal cruelty? Try to gather the following information before submitting a report of animal cruelty:
  • A concise, written, factual statement of what you observed—giving dates and approximate times whenever possible—to provide to law enforcement.
  • Photographs of the location, the animals in question and the surrounding area. However, please do not put yourself in danger! Do not enter another person’s property without permission, and exercise great caution around unfamiliar animals who may be frightened or in pain.
  • If you can, provide law enforcement with the names and contact information of other people who have firsthand information about the abusive situation.
Remember, never give away a document without making a copy for yourself!

Can I remain anonymous when I file a complaint about animal cruelty? Yes, you can, and it is better to file an anonymous report than to do nothing—but please consider providing your information to the agency taking the complaint. These agencies have limited resources, and the case is more likely to be pursued when there are credible witnesses willing to stand behind the report and, if necessary, testify in court about what they may have witnessed.

If I report my suspicions that a neighbor is committing animal cruelty, and that person’s animal is taken away and put in a shelter, isn’t the animal worse off? It’s important to understand that reporting cruelty is always the right thing to do. Because of the burden it places on the system, animal control officers do not want to remove an animal from a home unless absolutely necessary. If an animal is taken from his or her owner, there was a substantial problem. A seized animal will have the chance to get the necessary help, whether that help is nutritional, medical or behavioral. Also, if an intervention by law enforcement leads to a conviction, you may inadvertently have helped spare other animals from the same abuse: in many states, convicted animal abusers are barred from owning pets.

Is there anything specific I can say when I make a report of animal cruelty to persuade law enforcement to take it seriously? Yes—let them know that you are taking the incident seriously. Make it clear that you are very interested in pursuing the case and that you are willing to lend assistance however you can. Although law enforcement agencies must pay attention to anonymous reports of serious crimes, including animal cruelty, they are more likely to follow up on cases where there are credible witnesses willing to stand behind the report and, if necessary, testify in court about what they may have witnessed.
Provide law enforcement with a concise, written statement of what you observed, giving dates and approximate times whenever possible. If you can do so without entering another person’s property without their permission, you may wish to photograph the location, the animals and the surrounding area. If you can, provide law enforcement with the names and contact information for other people who have firsthand information about the situation.

How should I follow up on my report of animal cruelty? When you report animal cruelty, it’s a good idea to keep a careful record of exactly whom you contacted, the date of the contacts, copies of any documents you provided to law enforcement or animal control, and the content and outcome of your discussion. This will make following up much easier.
If you do not receive a response from the officer assigned to your case within a reasonable length of time, make a polite follow-up call to inquire about the progress of the investigation. As a last resort, and only if you are reasonably certain that no action has been taken on your complaint, you may wish to contact a supervisory officer or a local or state government official to request action.
Please keep in mind that most law enforcement agencies operate with limited personnel and resources. Most of these agencies are doing their best to conduct timely and efficient investigations. Being respectful of the challenges they face. Giving them the benefit of the doubt when appropriate will likely get you much further than premature complaints to their superiors.

For humans and their pet children, this is a great fun site.
For legal animal advocacy try
For animals to be treated humanely in farms please check

If you would like more information please do contact me.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.

On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

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