Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Self-Care, 11 Reasons Why You Don't Workout and Debunking Them For a Better You

11 Reasons Not To Workout and Debunking Them for a Better YOU

What stops us from working out? There are so many reasons why working out and a fitness routine gets put on the back burner. How many on the list below look familiar to you? I’m willing to bet there are some I have forgotten to list. Perhaps you can email us and we can reprint the list next month with the new ones added.

With what we have listed below you can begin to identify the reasons you don’t make your health and body a priority. Once you do this you can take a deeper look at your own specific situations and ask yourself, are these reasons I don’t practice fitness really valid? Is there a way around these obstacles so you can find a way to place priority on this miraculous vehicle you inhabit—your body?

Can you identify which reason(s) prevent you from working out?

__Too Busy
__No Time
__Too Tried
__Not Motivated
__No Support From Others
__Lack of Strategy
__My Body Hurts
__It Doesn’t Work
__I’m Too Old
__I Don’t Need To Because I’m Naturally Fit
__It’s Too Expensive

Trust me, most of us struggle with several of these on the regular basis. This is why some people require multiple incentives to begin and stay with a fitness program. Some need the support of their family and friends, others thrive in competition, while others prefer to perform their activities in solitude.

I think beginning with small steps works well with many so let’s start there by working at your own pace and following some of the moves Vinny and provide for you. We also include that fitness routine includes eating healthy, not smoking, and drinking moderately. But as we said earlier, let’s start with baby steps, one move at a time and work our way up. This month Vinny and I want you to try something that most people want help with; YOUR BELLY! See below for your next step to overall fitness. And next time we’ll discus reasons to start and stay with a fitness routine.

Let’s begin with de-bunking.

__TOO BUSY. This one is doozy. Most of us are no stranger to “busy-ness”. But ask yourself this; is there anything more important than the physical vehicle that carries you through this life? Probably not. Therefore, making, creating, and finding the time for fitness is possible and do-able and completely up to you. This Working Things Out newsletter tries to incorporate workout moves you can do in sets or while doing other activities. Ideally, with time it is best to give yourself the gift of time to workout. But while you are working on getting there the moves we provide can be done almost anywhere and anytime. Why not give yourself the chance to try some of these if you haven’t already?

__NO TIME. This is one of the top reasons people do not workout and is related to the above. But try to think of all the times we are just idle, doing nothing, or wasting time browsing the internet, paying games, waiting on lines etc. You can certainly fit a few minutes every other day to take care of the most important thing, and that is YOU. 

__TOO TIRED. This is my personal Achilles heel. It’s almost impossible to exercise when one is tired. Ultimately however, making the effort to workout will lead to more energy, not less. Starting with short workouts can be a starting point. Even five minutes of doing squats can begin to prepare the body for more time in the future for that and other fitness moves.

__BORED. Many people claim they get bored when they workout. One possible solution is to find a particular fitness style that challenges them or an activity that is both interesting to them and has health benefits. Whether you workout at home or in the gym there are lots of tips to make your sessions interesting. You can check fitness magazines, consult with a personal trainer, like Vinny for ideas and check local gyms for strategies they use and implement them yourself. For an example of a simple yet effective motivator, you can see how music adds fuel to most individual’s fitness sessions. Many fitness magazines and online newsletters offer tips on particular songs or music genres you can use for specific types of workouts.

__NOT MOTIVATED. This is also a challenged and can have multiple reasons. Fear, lack of strategy and impatience can be reasons not to feel motivated. One of the ways to combat this is to find support from friends, love ones, or like-minded persons. Even on the computer you can find health communities that can help you get that “oomph” to get started.

__NO SUPPORT FROM OTHERS. As you can see from above, computer communities can be a starting point. Another way is to ask friends, co-workers, family and other persons that show a similar interest. If you find someone in your life is not being supportive, you are not obligated to share you goals with them. You can either find another way of communicating to them that you desire their support or choose to find another resource to reach out to. It is your body and you ought to be the one who chooses how to best care for you.

__LACK OF STRATEGY. This can be combated by doing a tiny bit of research and creating routines and setting goals. To help you with this are again, personal trainers, coaches, online communities and even health professionals.

__MY BODY HURTS. It is always advised that you check with a physician to make sure you can engage in physical exercise. There is almost always something that can be done, whether it’s simple stretching, physical therapy, strength training (varying in intensity), yoga, etc. Make sure you have no injuries and expect to have slight soreness once you do begin any new physical routine. It is also very important to perform specific moves correctly to prevent injuries.

__IT DOESN’T WORK. Not seeing results is usually caused using incorrect workout strategies, not eating appropriately, illness, unhealthy habits or even being impatient. First, check with a physician to see what type of fitness routine you should engage in. Next, consult a personal trainer and/or nutritionist to assess where you are in your fitness goals. Then, and this is important, give it time to work.

__I’M TOO OLD. This one is just a plain myth. Anyone at any age can exercise. Just consult with a professional first to see what fitness routine is best for you. Many “older” adults reaching up to their 80’s and beyond are in better shape than many children and young adults.

__I DON’T NEED IT BECAUSE I AM NATURALLY FIT. Even people who are naturally slim can have many unhealthy habits and lifestyles. This can lead to illnesses, risk of future diseases like cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, cancer, and many more. Being healthy is a lifestyle. This includes health screenings, if money provides, of course, a healthy diet, not smoking, sun protection, keeping hydrated, reducing or managing stress, living a balanced life, not drinking alcohol or drinking in moderation.

__IT’S TOO EXPENSIVE. This is true if you are not creative and fall for the hype that fitness can only be attained by joining an expensive gym. Fitness can be attained and not necessary affect your bottom-line in a negative way. In fact, you may be saving yourself and untold amount of money by avoiding illness and other maladies.

__NO OR LITTLE SPACE. This is another challenge that can be overcome. Specific moves can be done virtually anywhere and require very little space. This is something I have much experience with. Again, a little creativity and determination is all that is really required.

Fitness is a way of life not a temporary activity performed for special events like swimsuit season or holiday parties. But as we like to emphasis it takes small, gradual changes to make the transition to a healthy life long-lasting. Be kind to yourself if you backslide and know you can ALWAYS start over. The only one judging you is you.

If you are interested in more information on self-care in the form of fitness, trainer referral or any This is Diana coaching, events and to book her on speaking engagements, go to: www.Thisisdiana.com

~On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!~

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