Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Yoga, Exploring the Role of Mediation Various Types of Mediation

Yoga is a beautiful and Ancient . "It is a mind, body, spirit system of exercises that has existed for over 5,000 years. It literally means yoking or the union with the universe. "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal"There are so many different ways of exploring this subject I've included this very simple part in all my yoga and meditation posts. It's like a huge complex yet glorious puzzle given to us as a gift. We can study, practice and what has happened in that last several decades expand upon some of the basic foundational principles. 

This post will describe in basic types of yoga and the role of mediation which is integral (or should be) in yoga practice. 

Thеrе аrе various types оf Yoga exercises thаt саn cleanse уоur mind аnd spirit, аnd thuѕ have а positive influence оn thе physical aspect оf оnе'ѕ existence аѕ wеll. Yoga іѕ divided into 5 different categories, аnd meditation іѕ one оf thеm, аnd many argue thаt іt іѕ thе most important оf аll. It generates а serene feeling оf calmness іn thе mind, аnd thіѕ inadvertently transfers іtѕеlf tо thе body, аnd thеrеbу leads tо аn individual living а healthy life.

Tо classify meditation аѕ а science, а hobby, аn art оr а spiritual practice wоuld bе wrong, bесаuѕе іt іѕ іn fact thе sum total оf аll thеѕе acts. It іѕ а wholesome experience thаt takes time tо master, аnd once іt has bееn mastered, thеrе аrе plenty оf benefits thаt саn bе derived frоm іt. Many people think meditation іѕ simply а ritual оf self reflection, but іt іѕ far more thаn thаt. Bу controlling оnе'ѕ breathing patterns аnd clearing thе mind оf аll thoughts аnd external influences, one саn achieve а state оf stillness аnd serenity thаt truly has tо bе experienced tо bе understood сlеаrlу.

Yoga Meditation Types

Thеrе аrе various styles оf Yoga аnd each оf thеm has thеіr benefits, аnd thеіr own distinct style оf being carried оut. Sоmе оf thеm аrе purely meditative іn nature, ѕоmе аrе simple physical Yoga exercises, аnd more advanced versions аrе а hybrid оf thе two.

Ananda Yoga
Thіѕ іѕ а form оf Yoga thаt focuses primarily оn preparing аn individual fоr meditation. Meditating іѕ nоt аn easy task, аnd thе body аnd thе mind need tо bе prepared fоr іt. Thе style emphasizes thе need fоr relaxing оnе'ѕ mind аnd senses completely whіlе immersed іn certain postures, аnd thіѕ paves thе way fоr higher awareness.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga іѕ one оf thе most popular form оf Yoga іn thе United States, аnd іt wаѕ introduced іn India іn thе 15th century. Thіѕ іѕ аlѕо аn extremely easy tо learn form оf basic Yoga, thаt carries many meditative advantages fоr thе person carrying іt оut. Thеrе аrе а set оf simple Asanas, оr postures, thаt require thе individual tо meditate bеfоrе hе оr she begins performing thеm.

Kripalu Yoga
Alѕо known аѕ thе 'Yoga оf Consciousness', thіѕ іѕ а set оf positions аnd postures thаt enable thе individual tо clear thеіr mind оf аll external influences. Thе most interesting aspect оf Kripalu Yoga, vis-а-vis аll оthеr types оf Yoga, іѕ thаt thе postures аrе nоt fixed here. It depends оn thе flexibility аnd capability оf each individual, ѕо еvеrуоnе wіll have а unique style оf carrying thіѕ оut. Yoga meditation іѕ fully embodied bу thе concept оf Kripalu Yoga.

Restorative Yoga
Thіѕ іѕ one оf thе meditation Yoga techniques thаt focuses оn healing аn individual frоm certain ailments аnd thuѕ restoring thеіr life force thrоugh thе power оf meditation. Many Americans choose thіѕ form оf Yoga аѕ wеll іn order tо deal wіth thе growing levels оf stress іn thеіr everyday lives, аѕ іt deeply relaxes thе body аnd thе mind.

Moksha Yoga
Thіѕ іѕ а style оf Yoga thаt has become very popular іn Canada, аnd іt deals wіth thе release оf thе body frоm earthly affairs. Moksha іѕ аn Indian word whісh literally means release frоm аll worldly affairs, оr nirvana, аnd thіѕ form оf Yoga aims tо achieve just thаt. Various оthеr meditation tips аnd techniques wіll come іn handy whіlе practicing Moksha Yoga.

More оn Meditation аnd Yoga

Many people adopt Yoga аѕ а form оf exercise аnd thіѕ has reaped great benefits fоr thеm іn thе long run. Thе biggest advantage оf Yoga іѕ thаt іt nоt оnlу exercises thе body, but thе mind аѕ wеll. Wіth а majority оf Yoga techniques focusing оn meditative аnd soothing procedures, іt іѕ easy tо see how Yoga goes аbоut achieving thіѕ. Yoga іѕ аn Eastern form оf relaxation аnd relieving stress, thаt has rеаllу taken thе world bу storm today.

Its health benefits аrе felt primarily bу thе digestive system, thе central nervous system аnd thе endocrine system іn thе human body. Mоrеоvеr, thе various methods оf meditation аnd exercises аlѕо improve аn individual's flexibility, joint mobility, strengthens various muscle groups іn thе body, decreases blood sugar аnd cholesterol levels, boosts blood circulation аnd thе immune system іn thе body, improves brain activity аnd increases stamina. Wіth ѕо many distinct advantages, іt іѕ fаіrlу simple tо see whу Yoga іѕ ѕо immensely popular аll аrоund thе world.

There are various ways to learn and explore yoga. I personally believe it is crucial to do your own research. Many people just go to a studio choose a "teacher" and learn that sub type of yoga leaving out the whole universe of yoga information. Don't be one of them. Keep doing your own exploration and keep your mind open. It is great to seek advanced practitioner for proper body posters, strategies in breathing methods and guidance in certain directions. But with the many variations, many people are just making things up along the way and that's detrimental to the earnest person wanted to know truth--one of the principles in yoga, by the way. 

Yоu саn always practicing уоurѕеlf whеnеvеr уоu have thе time or with others. Either way, yоu wіll benefit frоm thіѕ аlmоѕt immediately, аnd іt wіll change thе way уоu look аt thе world.


If you would like more information on me and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and 

Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Invisible Disability--The Sleep Disorder of Non-24


Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it don't hurt. ~This is Diana

Millions upon millions of people suffer every moment of every day from mental, physical, emotional and very real spiritual pain that is "invisible" or undiagnosed by the medical community and the common person. These are often called Invisible Disabilities. 

"The term invisible disabilities refers to symptoms such as debilitating pain, fatigue, dizziness, cognitive dysfunctions, brain injuries, learning differences and mental health disorders, as well as hearing and vision impairments.  These are not always obvious to the onlooker, but can sometimes or always limit daily activities, range from mild challenges to severe limitations and vary from person to person." Source

People with traditional visible disabilities face incredible social stigma in a addition to their health conditions. People look and see something wrong with certain individuals and can ascertain they have some limitations. They may see someone on a wheelchair, or a blind person with a assistance dog or cane, know someone is deaf from the physical expression a person may make or see that someone has Down's Syndrome from physical characteristics. There may be certain reactions to that person including empathy or compassion. Yes there are also negative reactions like fear, confusion and rudeness. The point is they can perceive the person has a limitation and make some conclusion from it.

Someone with an invisible disability as I have, will not show obvious outward signs. I often have to deal with having to explain to people over and over again what limitations I have. This includes physical, and emotional/mental conditions, and that is exhausting and frustrating.

Hence, in addition to the symptoms of ones condition, we have to deal with what bad-mannered, and ignorant family, colleagues and strangers are telling us which can include:

~just get help from a doctor or some other way (that clearly has not helped)
~you appear healthy, maybe you're just making it up or not as bad as you think
~for sleep disorders, try to keep a "normal" schedule, an impossibility for so many today
~(again sleep disorders) practice better sleep hygiene, a pet peeve of mine, assuming it's the sufferer's fault

I am writing about a series of these conditions because of first hand experience and experience of many of my intuitive coaching clients.The goal of these posts on invisible disabilities is to:

  • educate 
  • clarity and 
  • provide support in various ways, including validation and links, to all those suffering from a myriad of an invisible but very real condition

Let's talk about Non-24 (Hyperbychethemeral) Syndrome as an Invisible Disability
One of the invisible disabilities is some type of sleeping disorder. People are quick to minimize this for others or even themselves calling it simple insomnia. Insomnia is usually a short term problem getting restful sleep. But when the problem is chronic and severe it crosses into other areas including the one I'm about to discuss here called "Non-24" or Hypernychthermeral Syndrome. This is what is identified as a free-running circadian rhythm disorder. 

To put it in simple words, this sleeping disorder occurs in many blind people but also in sighted people. For some reason, the regular 24 night/day rhythm is longer or not synchronized. I wrote another post on The Night Owl Syndrome, DSPS and ASPS. These are connected to a degree to which the rhythm is out of synch with normal 8 hour sleep schedules. You can refer to that for more details on that.

As awfully disruptive as this condition is, it is great relief and validating to find a name to what you are suffering from. Like this you can refer the well-meaning people in your life to the links, information, resources which are now available.  

The question of treatment for non-24 is still out for the jury in my opinion. There is a new medication being marketed now for this condition. I am not a huge advocate of using medication for every human ill. With that said I do not know enough about it to discuss it here so I recommend you do your own search and see what you find. In addition to medication it is recommended for some to try light therapy for non -blind persons, and the use of Melatonin which is a natural hormone your body makes. It can be vegetarian based supplements. 

The importance of sleep cannot be emphasized enough. You need it for overall health and those who say "I'll sleep when I die" may just be closer to their goal by erroneously minimizing its importance. 

I personally believe that a therapist and spiritual coach who understands sleep disorders can be extremely helpful in addition to support groups. Something to consider...there are many conditions if not all, that originally stem from a spiritual source. Addressing this can lead to clarity, answers and pave the path to full healing.

For more on Invisible Disabilities in general check including a list of common conditions considered invisible check here:

For information on Sleeping Disorders including Non-24

If you would like more information, contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and  Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!


~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Domestic Violence, Why Won't this old Foe go Away?

That Old Violent Foe
One day I had a dream that men were beating up women n the street and urinating on them. That is a nightmare. I woke up puzzled, distressed, disgusted and thought to myself "why would anyone hit another person when we have a brain to reason with?" But on this planet, this existence violence does exist and women have always been a so very perfect target. but why? Is it something karmic? Ancient? Why is there so much anger and hatred towards women? And yes towards towards same-sex partners?

Why am I Discussing this?
I know the topic of domestic violence is very popular again, specifically on social media to the scandal that occurred recently with a football player. But domestic violence or what some are calling domestic terrorism is nothing new. It's been here since the dawn of time. And not only women have been targets but children, men and animals. It is the so-called perceived "weaker" one who becomes the target. By weaker I certainly don't mean it in the traditional way because it takes mental and spiritual weakness and cowardice to hurt another being. I mean weakness as in somehow emotionally, financially, socio-economically physically dependent on the attacker/aggressor. 

Back in college I wrote a paper titled "Domestic Violence: The Equal Opportunity Destroyer". It was for an honors program. I did a local study that showed that anyone (in this case a sample of women) form any age, race, background, etc., can be a subject domestic violence. Notice I didn't say victim. I believe we can go from recipient of abuse to victor of ones life. However for the sake of simplicity I will use the word victim because it is how most people identify the recipient of abuse. Working on this project led me to working with actual clients who were in violent relationships. These relationships included 
  • physical, 
  • emotional/psychological, 
  • sexual (which includes physical, emotional / spiritual violence),  
  • and economic abuse. 
The place where I worked included emergency services, crisis counseling, referrals, finding shelter, crucial information and even changing locks for clients. But why did I decide to do this kind of work? I noticed that many other co-workers were either former domestic violence survivors. And so was I.

My story
As a teenage I met a young man through my best friend's family. I would spend every weekend with them and they would take me to Pennsylvania a mini vacation from New York. It was the greatest thing in the world for me because it was the only family my mother trusted enough to have me stay with them. Everything was great. I was an honors student. I loved being with four girls since I didn't have sisters it was so much fun. When I was 15 it was already a few years I was doing my weekend stay-overs and on one of these I met my friend's cousin and thought I fell in love. Yes, at 15 when our brains and bodies are all over the place developmentally. 

I jump ahead and say we were quickly and item and he was so charming my mother took him right in to our family and we even stayed together. I was convinced I would marry him. Then he showed how jealous he was. Irrationally so. I never thought it was a sign of caring. It clearly was a controlling jealousy and I remember he even wanted me to quit school. I had no intentions of doing that. He became more controlling picking me up, following me, watching everything I did. He would argue with me all the time telling me what to do and when, often shoving me, pushing me around and holding me down. He also assaulted me sexually and I wanted at this point to break up with him but it seemed impossible with his relentless back and forth between loving and bullying me. One day while I was at his family's home in New York as usual, he looked in my journal and saw I was writing letters to an old boyfriend. Nothing romantic just a friendly corresponding. But he didn't see it that way. He accused me of cheating. I screamed to him "how dare you look at my journal, that's private!" He followed me into a room as I grabbed by journal and proceeded to pull me by the hair and pummel me to a pulp. 

He was in such a rage yelling how he was going to kill me and I am sure he was going to. He punched, kicked, smacked and knocked me to the floor kicking me in the head. He was trying to kill me. He said said so. The same old "if I can't have you and you won't respect me I'm gong to kill you". This lead to some serious permanent damage to my left eye and neck. For some reason no one from his family heard me scream at the top of my lungs. But one of his cousins was heading towards the restroom and heard me opened the door and called for the rest of the her family. It took 3 people to get him off me. Literally dragged off, as he was possessed screaming would kill me. I could barely move but dragged myself to their phone and called the police. 

I didn't know where he went but didn't care. I called 911 anyway. His cousin came in and said he drove off that I was safe. I waited for the police who drove me home. I didn't want to go to the hospital and could move. The obliged but with a stern warning. I will never, ever forget what the officer said to me. He looked right at me and said "don't go back with him. He did it once, he will do it again and he can kill you next time. Please don't go back," I heard him out but couldn't think clearly. I got home and my mother screamed with horror. I didn't know why until I saw myself in the mirror and was unrecognizable. 

Weeks later the boyfriend returned. I did go back with him. It took a few more violent encounters for me to realize the officer was right and I was going to end up dead. It took a few years but I left him for good. He did still follow and try to contact me for 10 years. But finally I stopped hearing from him directly and occasionally heard about him from his cousins who by this time I was no longer close to. From what I heard he was beating up whoever he ended up with. He was cruel and also hurt animals. Where is he now? He is dead. He died a few years ago quite young on the eve of my birthday. One of his cousins wished me a happy birthday and gave me the gift of peace of mind he would never stalk me again. What did he die of? I'm not too sure except it had something to do with an enlarged heart. I had no idea he had a heart at all. 

Working with domestic violence victims for years taught me a lot. Including some very unexpected and controversial realizations I will discuss in a future post. I also encountered victims of domestic violence doing other type of consulting, advising and coaching. I no longer provide crisis counseling though the training is instilled in me. When I do encounter this in my spiritual coaching, I deal with it one person at a time and refer them to a professional who has the resources a client needs. The point is, there is always help and options. 

What are the options for victims?
Not every story is like mine. Many victims do die. Many continue to be abused for decades and in turn often pass on the legacy of violence to their children and other generations. I know there is another way. There is help available. One has to want to want it more than air itself. I know some perpetrators are relentless and will continue to try to control their victim until the end. I also know there are incredibly complex factors that make leaving a violent partner or family member very difficult and all but impossible. 

The human spirit can rise above anything. I've seen people dispirited because they feel there are no options, choices or escape from their pain. In this post's case the pain of being victimized. But there is hope and there are options. 
  • Ask for help-there are many, many resources available practically everywhere. Both traditional and non traditional. Traditional meaning hotlines, counselors, shelters, the police, and hospitals, non traditional, can be other family members, friends, spiritual centers, neighbors, and colleagues. Never let anyone convince you to try to work things out with a violent partner. There is nothing you can do to control the other's behavior and completely unfair for anyone to ask you.
  • Do your research-there are many ways to prevent, avoid and leave abusive relationships. Arm yourself with knowledge. In this case knowledge truly is power. Very often you need a strategy to get away. Many abusers use all their resources to try to maintain control. So it is best to have a plan.
  • Be willing to pick up and go
  • Never go back
  • Watch for your children and pets. They are the silent victims and need the adult to have the wherewithal to protect them.
  • Some perpetrators have triggers some do not. If you do know their triggers and many victims do, know you are not responsible for his/her action but avoid escalating until you can get to safety. 
  • Trust your gut above all. It is never wrong, while the heart and head working separately can falter 
Calling and doing an internet search when you are able to safely will give you so much information. Including identifying or confirming you are being abused. There could be so much confusion in some relationships including seeing in your own family, or friends lives it can seem it's okay or normal to have violence in ones life but it is not. Not at all. There are ways of living peacefully, joyfully, healthfully. Know that is your birthright. 

Start with a simple hotline search if you are not sure The National Domestic Violence Hotline can also refer you to a local service for more help.

Why won't domestic violence go away?

As I started this post, I repeat that domestic violence has existed since the beginning of our recorded history. Just think of the image of a caveman hitting a woman over the head and dragging her by the hair into the cave. This is seen as actually comical. It isn't. It's dead serious, literally. So why after all this time have we not conquered the human ill of domestic violence. Hitting, killing hurting the ones we so-call love? Here are some ideas:

-We still don't offer strong legal repercussions to perpetrators
-It still isn't taken as a serious in many parts of the world
-We aren't always educated as to what to look for and how to avoid potential perpetrators 
-We haven't had total spiritual awakening that shows the uselessness of violence.

Can you think of a few more? I'm sure you can. Please add them in the comments section if you wish. 

I send you the light of safety and happiness.

If you would like more information on me and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and  Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bad Manners in Business including Artists, Musicians and Entertainers is a Huge Mistake

Too many people take business manners for granted. This is a huge mistake. 

If you own any type of business that requires you to interact with others this post is for you. 

This includes musicians, brick and mortar business owners, artists, event planners, those in entertainment, in traditional media, social media or any project where you want to sell a service or are any on.

In Oh no you didn't I speak of this in more detail. For purposes of this post I have included some information to be considered if we are to create meaningful business relationships.

Business manners and etiquette is understood to be one basic rule: show consideration for the other business. 

These edicts are for relationships between individuals, or between businesses and consumers. and an important group that has often been overlooked: business-to-business (B2B). 

Business-to-business etiquette has to grow. It is an evolving behavior model for how to present oneself and represent one’s company when networking in general and online. It is for this group that etiquette plays the most crucial part. The slightest improper behavior online can ruin a good business opportunity. 

Manners guidelines are being established no central source but through a collaborative process that grew from trial and error and general clamor for change in increasing courtesy to fellow business owners of various types, including artists and entertainers. 

Business operators are eager to solicit prospects and partnerships in person or online but are generally ignorant about how to go about it professionally. Without knowledge of B2B etiquette, your actions can be taken for rudeness or incompetence, leaving the other party with a poor impression of your company.

Whether you solicit new partnerships or seek to maintain and build relationships with current businesses, the key is to prevent misunderstanding and not give offence. Lets see some examples:

Sending emails:
  • Fight the urge to be creative avoid using multiple fonts, size and colors. No HTML or rich media, either. Keep it all in plain text. This I learned the hard way. I was using a fancy program but many couldn't open the email or read it so what was the point? 
  • Keep it punctual. Do not write a lengthy email and do not use jargon or talk with an overly hip attitude. For your signature file, do not use cute quotes (unless it happens to be the slogan of your business).
  • Watch your tone. Don’t speak in terms of how great you think your company is. Speak from the point of view of the other business to say, “Look what we can do for you.”
  • Size matters. Don’t tie up people’s email by sending large, unsolicited attachments. If you have to send a large file, give warning, check on a time most appropriate to send it, such as before or after regular working hours, or send it in segments.
  • Use discretion. Something that might seem funny to you might be patently offensive to someone else. Even if the person on the other end has no problem with what you’re sending, other people in their office could glance at the offending message. If you’re that inclined to show or tell the person what you have, ask for a non business email address you can send it to where they can review it with more privacy.

Requesting reciprocal links:

Planning to feature a hyperlink on your page to a business site? Proper etiquette involves giving the site owners notice. Explain why you would like to feature them on your site, where you plan to feature them, and the description you plan on using with their link.

If you’re soliciting another company to link to your site, provide some background information. Give a brief introduction, a description on your company, and how your site would be a benefit to the prospect’s audience.

Make sure your link has relevance to the other company’s site. If yours is a car company, you shouldn’t solicit a Web design company for a link. Offer something in return, such as a reciprocal link, that is, you linking to the other site as well, and/or some specific comments about that site.

It doesn’t leave the solicited with a good impression if you expect something and offer nothing. A generic link request is about the worst thing you can do. It shows you have nothing to say about the site, and yet you expect its operator to do something for you.

Asking for free advice:

There’s nothing wrong with asking your colleagues for advice. However, expecting free business advice from people you don’t know personally – and for your own business gain – is a very touchy issue. This happens to me personally all the time regarding my intuitive consultations and I have to continually refer people to my site for them to see what I offer as a professional.

If you are set on asking a company or an individual whom you have never met for advice, handle yourself with the greatest care.

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Give your profession and or skill background. If you are a student, mention where and what you are studying.

3. Explain why you need the advice and how you plan to use it

4. To make a better impression, mention an interest in the person’s site or works, and what you found there to be helpful or interesting. Most importantly, before you ask people for advice, search that person’s Web sites first – then the search engines and directories – to see if the answer is already available to you.

Even if the business does not have the answer readily available, showing that you put in an effort will make its owners more open to referring you to another site that might have the information you seek.

Requesting business services:

If you are soliciting another business to provide you with services, it is incredibly rude to expect a work commitment without a contractual arrangement. Some common examples are:
  • Telling a business owner to look at your Web site or your other online works, and asking what would improve them.
  • Expecting business owners to create a few samples so they can wait for your decision.
  • Offering to pay for work based on increased revenue, such as pay for performance. If you want some assurance as to work and service quality, look at a portfolio and ask for references.
It's common sense. B2B etiquette means knowing how to present yourself online with the same degree of formality and professionalism you would in a face-to-face meeting.

The next time you attempt relations with a new business, stop to think how the person on the other end is likely to receive your communication. Put yourself in those shoes and ask, “What kind of impression do I make?”

If you would like more information on me and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and  Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.

On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Excellent Infographic on What a Psychic/Sensitive/Intuitive Session Can and Cannot Do

I find this an great supplement I posted recently on types of Consultations. 
Find it by clicking here
And You can hear this in a broadcast HERE
what to expect from a psychic reading 1
what to expect from a psychic reading 2
what to expect from a psychic reading 3
what to expect from a psychic reading 4
what to expect from a psychic reading 5
what to expect from a psychic reading 6

If you would like more information on me and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and  Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lucid Dream Series: Some Techniques if You Want to Explore Lucid Dreaming

I don't share this post lightly. I feel that lucid dreaming is one of a few ways we explore our consciousness and spirituality. That can really change us fundamentally. If you are reading this chances are you are curious about what lucid dreaming is or have already had one and want to try to induce it again and explore it further.

I speak in detail about this in my work You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal including some of the things that can spontaneously lead one to have lucid dreams. Even for those who claim they don't dream at all--which is impossible because you would not be functional without the dream phase of your sleep cycle. In this case it is likely you don't have dream recall. However, for various reasons someone can not only begin to remember their regular dreams suddenly but also dream very lucidly. 

What you will see below is some very simple information and techniques. However, there are many more strategies and techniques in inducing these amazing dream experiences. As with anything else, I highly recommend you do as much research as possible and find the technique, theory and style that most resonates with you. 

With the above said: Could you imagine what it would be like if you  remember each аnd еvеrу detail in your dreams? Whаt іf you wеrе асtuаllу аblе tо manipulate yоur dreams? 

Lucid dreaming іѕ асtuаllу ехасtlу thаt, i.e. а state іn whісh оur dreams аrе crystal clear tо uѕ, even after wе have woken uр. Additionally, іn а lucid dream, wе саn take charge оf оur dreams аnd саn lead thе dream whеrеvеr wе want tо. Wоuld nоt іt bе interesting tо do thаt? If уоu аrе thinking оn thе same lines, thеn here аrе ѕоmе tips аnd techniques whісh уоu wіll find very useful.

Lucid Dreaming Techniques

Thеrе аrе іn аll three lucid dreaming techniques, nаmеlу, 

  1. Dream-Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD). Here thе person starts wіth having а regular dream аnd thеn іt іѕ оnlу lаtеr thаt they concludes thаt hе/she has hаd а lucid dream.
  2. Mnemonic-Initiated Lucid Dream (MILD), thе person  themselves make uѕе оf lucid dreaming techniques tо have а dream.
  3. Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD).  In WILD, thе person makes а transition frоm а wakeful state tо а dreamy state аnd may wіll nоt bе even aware оf ѕuсh а transition.
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Arе уоu Prepared fоr а Lucid Dream Induction?
Bеfоrе knowing аbоut lucid dreaming, one ѕhоuld bе clear аnd mentally prepared аbоut one thing аnd thаt іѕ, take іt uр оnlу іf іt іѕ іn accordance tо оnе'ѕ beliefs аnd value systems. Onlу іf а person саn асtuаllу accept thаt hе саn lucid dream, wіll hе аblе tо асtuаllу do thаt.

Do Nоt Forget Dreams
Once а person has decided thаt thіѕ іѕ whаt they want tо do, thеn thе next step involves recalling аnd trying tо remember, each аnd еvеrу dream thаt one has hаd thе previous night. Tо do thіѕ, one has tо slowly go bасk tо оnе'ѕ dream uроn waking. Initially а person might nоt bе аblе tо recall hіѕ dreams, but wіth practice іt саn bе learned.

Maintain а Dream Journal
Whеn а person іѕ аblе tо remember аnd recall their dreams, they ѕhоuld start maintaining а dream journal. In thаt they ought to write іn detail аbоut аll dreams. Maintaining а journal wіll help а lot іn case dream interpretations are sought.

Become Aware
A person has tо first оf аll become muсh more aware аnd conscious whеn they are awake. Whеn а person іѕ aware іn their wakeful state, іt wіll automatically rub off they are іѕ sleeping аnd thuѕ, they wіll have а greater control whеn they are іѕ lucid dreaming.

Create а Link
Thе last step іn lucid dreaming involves linking thе state оf awareness tо dreams. In thіѕ а person recognizes their dreams, thеіr nature аnd meaning, аnd thеn links іt tо reality.

In order tо lucid dream, а person саn make а few changes іn their everyday living.  You саn do things ѕuсh аѕ listening tо music whеn falling asleep, taking а number оf naps thrоughоut thе day, being aware оf your surroundings аnd waking uр іn thе night daily ѕо thаt dreams саn bе recalled сlеаrlу.

One саn take help frоm а professional tо induce lucid dreams. It has many benefits. It іѕ а kind оf а link bеtwееn thе conscious аnd thе subconscious mind аnd thrоugh іt one саn have full control оvеr bоth оf thеm. Lucid dreaming helps people tо take part іn thеіr dreams аnd change thеm ассоrdіng tо whаt thеу want. Thаt іѕ whу, іt саn tremendously help people whо experience nightmares frequently. Lucid dreaming аlѕо fosters creativity іn а person аnd саn make а person aware оf оnе'ѕ hidden personality side.

If you would like more information on me and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and  Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!