Monday, October 20, 2014

Invisible Disability--The Sleep Disorder of Non-24


Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it don't hurt. ~This is Diana

Millions upon millions of people suffer every moment of every day from mental, physical, emotional and very real spiritual pain that is "invisible" or undiagnosed by the medical community and the common person. These are often called Invisible Disabilities. 

"The term invisible disabilities refers to symptoms such as debilitating pain, fatigue, dizziness, cognitive dysfunctions, brain injuries, learning differences and mental health disorders, as well as hearing and vision impairments.  These are not always obvious to the onlooker, but can sometimes or always limit daily activities, range from mild challenges to severe limitations and vary from person to person." Source

People with traditional visible disabilities face incredible social stigma in a addition to their health conditions. People look and see something wrong with certain individuals and can ascertain they have some limitations. They may see someone on a wheelchair, or a blind person with a assistance dog or cane, know someone is deaf from the physical expression a person may make or see that someone has Down's Syndrome from physical characteristics. There may be certain reactions to that person including empathy or compassion. Yes there are also negative reactions like fear, confusion and rudeness. The point is they can perceive the person has a limitation and make some conclusion from it.

Someone with an invisible disability as I have, will not show obvious outward signs. I often have to deal with having to explain to people over and over again what limitations I have. This includes physical, and emotional/mental conditions, and that is exhausting and frustrating.

Hence, in addition to the symptoms of ones condition, we have to deal with what bad-mannered, and ignorant family, colleagues and strangers are telling us which can include:

~just get help from a doctor or some other way (that clearly has not helped)
~you appear healthy, maybe you're just making it up or not as bad as you think
~for sleep disorders, try to keep a "normal" schedule, an impossibility for so many today
~(again sleep disorders) practice better sleep hygiene, a pet peeve of mine, assuming it's the sufferer's fault

I am writing about a series of these conditions because of first hand experience and experience of many of my intuitive coaching clients.The goal of these posts on invisible disabilities is to:

  • educate 
  • clarity and 
  • provide support in various ways, including validation and links, to all those suffering from a myriad of an invisible but very real condition

Let's talk about Non-24 (Hyperbychethemeral) Syndrome as an Invisible Disability
One of the invisible disabilities is some type of sleeping disorder. People are quick to minimize this for others or even themselves calling it simple insomnia. Insomnia is usually a short term problem getting restful sleep. But when the problem is chronic and severe it crosses into other areas including the one I'm about to discuss here called "Non-24" or Hypernychthermeral Syndrome. This is what is identified as a free-running circadian rhythm disorder. 

To put it in simple words, this sleeping disorder occurs in many blind people but also in sighted people. For some reason, the regular 24 night/day rhythm is longer or not synchronized. I wrote another post on The Night Owl Syndrome, DSPS and ASPS. These are connected to a degree to which the rhythm is out of synch with normal 8 hour sleep schedules. You can refer to that for more details on that.

As awfully disruptive as this condition is, it is great relief and validating to find a name to what you are suffering from. Like this you can refer the well-meaning people in your life to the links, information, resources which are now available.  

The question of treatment for non-24 is still out for the jury in my opinion. There is a new medication being marketed now for this condition. I am not a huge advocate of using medication for every human ill. With that said I do not know enough about it to discuss it here so I recommend you do your own search and see what you find. In addition to medication it is recommended for some to try light therapy for non -blind persons, and the use of Melatonin which is a natural hormone your body makes. It can be vegetarian based supplements. 

The importance of sleep cannot be emphasized enough. You need it for overall health and those who say "I'll sleep when I die" may just be closer to their goal by erroneously minimizing its importance. 

I personally believe that a therapist and spiritual coach who understands sleep disorders can be extremely helpful in addition to support groups. Something to consider...there are many conditions if not all, that originally stem from a spiritual source. Addressing this can lead to clarity, answers and pave the path to full healing.

For more on Invisible Disabilities in general check including a list of common conditions considered invisible check here:

For information on Sleeping Disorders including Non-24

If you would like more information, contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my website: and  Sign up to my email list and get a FREE E-Book!


~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

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