Friday, August 19, 2016

Yoga for Beginners or Those Returning is Easier Than You Think

Beginning or Returning to Yoga

So you’ve been thinking about starting or returning a yoga routine but aren’t really sure where you should (re)start, what you’ll need or if you want to try it from home or go to the local yoga studio. Most anyone can do yoga and you don’t need much to get started.  It’s actually pretty easy to get started.

Sometimes the hardest part of yoga is to simply get started with it.  You have excuses, like not enough time, money, energy, motivation.. (fill in your excuse).  But, once you’ve made that decision you need to follow through on it.  Get a video that you can use at home, or look up some free ones on Youtube, because they are out there everywhere, and just start.  

Start small and do a few poses for ten minutes, every day for seven days, and see what you think about it.  Anyone can commit to doing something for ten minutes a day for seven days.  Heck, we all waste much more than ten minutes a day so why not start a new habit.  The more you do it, the more you’ll like it.

To get started all you really need is a yoga mat.  If you have hardwood floors you should probably get one that is a little thicker because some of the poses require you to be on your knees during the practice.

As you progress you can see about getting some yoga blocks, a yoga bolster and any other accessories you might like to have.  It’s all up to you, but getting that mat and getting started right away is what is most important.  

Some Basic Poses

You will need to know the basic poses for yoga but you will learn more and more as you get further into practicing yoga.  The basic poses for yoga that you will see the most are:

The Mountain Pose
The Downward Dog
Warrior Post
Tree Pose
Boat Pose
Triangle Pose
Seated Twist
Upward Facing Dog
Crow Pose
Child’s Pose
Standing Forward Bend

Getting a sequence together is also important for the beginner.  One of the easiest things to start with is the child’s pose.  Taking a few deep breaths and relaxing for a few minutes will help to get your relaxed so you can begin your routine.

Move into the downward dog pose and hold for about five breaths and move on to standing forward bend and hold for five breaths.  Next you can go into the upward facing dog pose and hold for five breaths. From there you will be able to easily move into Warrior pose and will hold for five breaths, then switch sides and hold for five more breaths.

From here move into triangle pose and hold for five breaths and switching sides to hold for five more breaths.   From the triangle pose you can move into the boat pose and hold for five breaths.  To end, lie flat on your back in the savasana pose.  Once you are comfortable and breathing easily enjoy this break for about ten to fifteen minutes.  

You now know the basics and what you can do to get started with yoga.  

This is just one of the things you can do to bring balance to your life. For information on books I've written please check here.

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