Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Social Media Technology Love it or Hate it, It's Here to Stay

Social Media Technology: Love or Hate it

I’ve made this as a very simple, quick and easy way to get familiar or re-familiarize yourself with Social Media Technology (SMT). I have also included some links for some of the main sites should you wish to explore or try some of these.

Much of this is what I have personally discovered. continue to learn using SMT, and as someone who has a love/hate relationship with it. However, I have found that it is necessary to make an effort to at least have an idea of what's going on out there since we are all being affected in one way or another. Just look around you now, from your watch, phone, television, even appliances. SMT is part of our lives.

Due to its nature, it is impossible to include all that is related to social media technology. But ideally everyone can use this to have confirmation, learn something new, and food for thought and engage more fully their journey through the social media world. I also would like to save you the time and frustration I have gone through navigating through this new world of ours.

Social Media Technology, What is this?

What is social media?Social Media is a type of technology (SMT). One that creates very strong feelings in many of us. Many of us either hate it or love it . I personally have a love/hate relationship with it. It is my contention that for every pro there is a con. And if you are undecided on how to use it, I believe considering both sides is crucial. At minimum we should know what SMT is because it is literally everywhere and can’t be ignored, for too long anyway.

Some researchers are studying the effects social media has on us. SMT however, is constantly evolving and at an ever-increasing rate. The effect of on us is still undetermined and unfolding. It is unlikely we will come up with any definitive conclusion because of its dynamic nature. So the bad news is, resistance is truly futile when it comes to social media in our lives. Good news, there is something for everyone at any level that we can make use of.

This is what we do know thus far. More people are using SMT than ever in our known history. People are spending more time per day on one type of social media or another.

It used to be that teens and those in their twenties were the main users for SMT. Now people of all ages are using it and those 65 and older are using it at an unexpectedly high rate.
My experience,  feelings and why I use SMT
Many people don’t know this about me because they may know me as an entertainer, speaker, event lover, but I actually did my Master’s Thesis on the woes and fears of the use of evolving technology. That is because of my own fear associated with its use. Unlike many young people today, I wasn’t born with computers and other technologies being ubiquitous. In fact, we took basic typewriting courses during my high school days, on a typewriter not computer. If there was a computer it had that awful black screen with green fonts and DOS (Disk Operating System) was the main way of using it. We didn't have "window", swiping or systems the way we easily use them today.

In a fairly short time, things have evolved and changed to the point where using a basic computer seems like childsplay for most people. Just slide here, touch there, click other there and boom, you get things done.

What SMT is in a nutshell
Types of SMT range from huge to small websites, programs, applications (apps), and other technology.

Some examples SMT is used for are connecting people to each other via writing, photos, texting, work projects, video chatting, vlogs (videoblogs) networking, gaming, dating, dining, social bookmarking certain sites and general entertainment (streaming movies and shows online).

There are more and more devices using SMT. We have the traditional computer,  mobile smart phones, tablets, cameras, shopping registers, and emerging technology devices like Google glasses with a computer attached. Anywhere you go, even at home, these are there. And they are somehow becoming interconnected with each other. Did you notice that many websites now allow you to sign in not just through themselves but through other sites like Facebook and Twitter?

The Human Factor
We as humans have to find a way to adapt to this in one way or another. Some refuse to engage and go live in a technology-less sub-cultural systems. But that is quite rare and very challenging. So more of us are using SMT as said above. That means we will come in contact with all kinds of characters through this virtual world. These include, regular everyday folks, friends, family, business owners, huge business entities, artists, entertainers, the vain, people with political agendas, those who want to do good for the world, bullies...the list goes on. We have to learn how to use common sense manners and caution to get through our days avoiding the bad seeds out there.

Benefits and Transformation
SMT has changed from simply sharing information in a virtual environment, to a way of creating and establishing a presence and reputation in both the virtual and real world. This includes making money, career, health, social engagement and many other facets of our lives. It is literally changing the way we as humans communicate, process about share information.

Our brains have something Neuro-scientists call Neuroplasticity. That is, are brains our much more flexible in its neural connection that we ever thought possible. We can learn new things in amazing, previously unknown ways. With social media and current technology our brains are literally processing information/data differently.

Why Love SMT
It can make life easier in many ways if used properly. From paying bills, finding information fast. to sending out instant messages. The days of the carrier pigeons are gone. In addition, the below is also possible:
  • Anyone can be a “star”
  • Connections with things you care about (niche interests)
  • Money can potentially be made (e-commerce) and other goods and services can be exchanged
  • There is a global reach. At no other time, have we been able to reach anyone, anywhere in the world about anything. As long as they have access to the technology, we can reach out to each other. So when we say the world wide web or interconnection, it is quite literal. 
  • It has become one of the best for hearing about breaking news anywhere in the world.
  • It can help create romantic relationships, business liaisons, and humane causes
  • Can have a positive impact psychologically by being in the know on so many issues and information that otherwise be inaccessible 
  • Used for teaching and working better

Why Hate SMT
The reasons to hate SMT are the opposite of the reasons to love it.
  • It’s complexity--it can be extremely hard to use and understand
  • Bombardment of info--too much too fast
  • Feeling disconnected
  • Relationships can be destroyed (all kinds)
  • One can be bullied, staked by predators including sexual predators from anywhere, at anytime
  • A target by spammers, scammers and all kinds cyber criminals
  • Our privacy is decreasing exponentially (cameras everywhere) we can even be seen by our monitors and home cameras in our own home
  • We can be left behind by society if we are not caught up with this virtual world movement

Despite Loving or Hating, What to do with it?

Although the feelings toward SMT are all over the place, there are benefits to using any of these platforms. It all depends on what your goals are. The tricky issue is that much of this technology is moving so fast it's hard to figure out if your goals are in tune with the technology itself. Either way, you have to start somewhere and probably already have. So consider:

~If you just like to watch, read, learn and observe any of these will be fun to try.

~If you want to participate, communicate actively, write, add photos, videos, or any content, each of these has different ways you can do this and it depends on what is your favorite style.

~If you want to avoid it as much as possible, at least know what any particular SMT is being used for and if one day it will affect you directly or indirectly.

The Big and Popular ones ones...I have either put the general link (if it's available) or a link to a page I use for you to see how I'm using some of these.

Niche Social Media and applications for reviews, discounts and more

Other niche, evolving apps
  • QR code
  • Goto Meeting- virtual business meetings, webinars and conferences (online search)
Sites and Apps For Dating
There are sites for travel discounts, service and product reviews, you name it. All you have to do is do a search and try not to get overwhelmed. The more popular ones will likely appear first but some gems can appear later on in the search pages so take a look at what's there too.

As the title states, SMT is here to stay. You can hate it, love it but will eventually use it so why not get to know it.  

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are you Breathing?? Make EVERYTHING Better with Conscious Breathing


What is Pranayama (conscious) Breathing?

How are you breathing right now? I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself breathing shallow and too fast. This is due to the years of anxiety attacks I've had. But with time, information and tons of practice I remind myself to breathe a little deeper and slower. I'll share what I've learned below about what they call in Yoga Pranayama. This is conscious breathing.

It is hard to believe that what we think it a natural function can be done the wrong way. Meaning not effectively to provide us with the sustenance we need to be healthy, e.g. provide enough oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. In yoga, conscious effective breathing can be as simple as just being aware of how you are breathing to very complex exercises that should be done with the right guidance. For now, we are going for the simple but VERY effective first step--awareness. 

This can be done wherever you are. Just notice how deeply or shallow you are breathing. Also notice how often. Do this for a few seconds. You can slowly transition to try to breathe in a bit more deeply but down into your belly (not your upper chest because you won't get the air in the lungs and may hyperventilate). Exhale, but try to control it and do it a bit more slowly than normal. Simply practice. 

So I ask you, have you had the opportunity to give yourself the gift of breathing consciously? The good news since we take millions of breaths during our lifetime you have plenty of upcoming chances. Regardless of what is happening in your life breath is your one constant. Your reminder of the spirit the lives within your physical body. This force, “air”, is always available and free for us to use. Not even water is free is most places these days. So enjoy air and breathing. Should you be concerned about breathing clean, healthy air, you are not alone.

If you want to see how to improve your breathing habits overall try one of these options:

~ Go to a source of nature that has little pollution around,like by the sea. Sadly, this is not always feasible to many for it requires, travel and some financial expense. 

~Find local parks and gardens in your area via websites, there are surprising lovely places just waiting to be discovered.

~Make the investment of purchasing air purifier for you home and/or work space. This can provide you with some peace of mind that the air you are breathing is clean, healthy and the precious mixture we all need to survive. Air purifiers come in different price ranges, sizes, and levels of sound. A side note, while some prefer silent purifiers, many traditional “noisy” ones provide an excellent source of white to mask and neutralize other unpleasant noises.

~The humble plant. This is the best and most natural purifier known. Get a few, love them and they will reward you with fresh air, beauty and much more.

Continue to pay attention to your breathing to insure healthy habits that increase your oxygen intake and lessen the effects of bad breathing habits. It is a really good idea to practice pranayama anytime you remember to do so. It has an incredible way of making you more mindful and self-aware. Please use this section as a reminder to practice the simple form of pranayama we did above—belly-breathing. 

And if you need convincing, here is what simple conscious breathing can help you with:
  • In alleviating panic and anxiety attacks
  • When feeling chronic stress
  • When fatigued
  • If you have cloudy thinking
  • With problems sleeping (and I'm an expert in that area)
  • In romantic moments (really!), it makes it 100 times better
  • While waiting for news (good or bad)
  • Exercising (all types)
  • While getting a doctors exam
  • Digesting food better
  • Honestly, everything
There are many resources you can use to learn more. If you specifically want yoga breathing exercises go to your local yoga studio or do an online check for a qualified teacher. In the meantime, just do a book search or internet search and try what works for you.

And here is our constant reminder of what your breath tells you on the regular basis.
When you are feeling relaxed, like when you are sleeping, your exhalation is twice as long as your inhalation. Keep in mind that anger, your breathing is shallow. Imagine how little oxygen your brain is getting during this time. and when feeling frightened or anxious you tend to hold your breath. No oxygen = no good. So as I always say....BREATHE

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

Yoga's Secret--Mudras (Hand Postures)

Source: Free Digital Photos. net

Millions of people do yoga. But many don't know about one of the secrets of the movement of energy lie in your hands. They are the hand postures called Mudras.

What are Mudras?

Did you know you do Mudras everyday? Unbeknownst to many of us, we use what is defined as hand gestures. But it gets more interesting. These hand gestures have symbolic meaning and also the ability to move the energy within us and around in certain ways. 

In other words, they are connected to yoga. In addition to physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and vocalization, mudras can enhance your ability to yoke and balance your life in an elegant manner. You don’t have to be an expert in any religion or science to enjoy the benefits mudras can bring. In fact, it’s a great way to enhance any meditation or relaxation practice. Mudras can also be used in physical hand therapies and help in the process of emotional healing. In fact, madras can be used to manifest certain outcomes.

The beauty of mudras is that they can be practiced anywhere and be held as long as you like. With practice, an innate knowledge usually develops on which gestures work best for each individual. Like the rest of our bodies, the hands process quite a bit of physical and subtle/non-physical energy. Whether we mean simple circulation or a person to person communication tool, our hands are incredibly powerful. Mudras can be used to promote healthy and optimum energy flow to and from our hands.

We are mostly familiar with mudras that have a so-called neutral meaning like pointing your finger or crossing our fingers. We also are familiar with mudras that have an insulting intention, like giving someone “the finger”. However, there are mudras that we actively do on the regular basis that have an incredible power potential once we are attuned to it. 

The Linga Mudra
Linga Mudra

Here is an example of one of a commonly used mudras; but this time with intention and purpose.

We’ll work with fingers crossed mudra. It is called upright mudra or Linga mudra as seen in the above illustration. 

Place both hands together with one thumb remaining upright. 

This has benefits that make worth doing it on the regular basis. 

The Linga Mudra:
  • Can help assist in your weight loss goals when used in conjunction to a healthy diet, drinking lots of water and increase in physical activity. 
  • Increased resistance to colds, coughs and any infection of the chest. 
  • And if you suffer respiratory problems, this mudra can help loosen mucus in the lungs. 
It can be done several times a day and held for 5 to 15 minutes per session. This can be done when the opportunity arises or a specially selected time. Worth giving a shot isn't it?

There is so much more info out there on postures you can use and I trust you are excited to find out more. 

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Manners Back!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

This is Diana News, Updates and Events

Hello and Happy Spring to YOU!!!

I’m happy to be able to send you an update because you know it’s been awhile. First, let me thank all of you who have been with me for the past several years.

You know the ups and downs I have experienced and how I like to share love and assistance no matter what. I want to welcome those who have recently signed up to be in the know of all that This Is Diana is.

I have fine tuned what I do and ask you to join me on my quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back and facilitate Spiritual Awakening and Emergence.

Let me take this opportunity to answer some of your questions and update you on a few services and events via newsletters, and social media. My Facebook business Page can be accessed and “Liked” . I have am almost at the milestone of 1000 likes so go ahead and check if you haven’t already.

Events and Singing
Yes I am still doing events but I have learned quite a bit from the ones I’ve done in the past few years. I always strive to do events where we are all celebrating something, making new connections and can walk away with something to cherish.

The next scheduled event is my birthday. I like to think of this way of getting people together to thank them for being in my life in celebratory way. If you have not received your invite, which send via Evites, and or Facebook, please let know and I will resend it to you. All details are there and I am really looking forward to turning the big 44!

Psychic Readings
Yes and no. I am doing Spiritual Coaching which is a more accurate description for what I’ve always done and continue to do. You can find so much more on my website which I have yet again improved to make it easy and enjoyable to browse. I have also enabled it to be used for mobile devices so you can schedule a session from anywhere. Simply check  This is Diana

I have been working on my two books and am almost done with both. The first is  1) You’re not Crazy, It’s Paranormal! Real Stories, Insights and Photos of Orbs For Those Who Think They’re Going Insane because of a Spiritual Awakening or the Supernatural, and
2) Oh No You Didn’t: The Quest to Eliminate Rudeness and Bring Common Sense Manners Back

Each of these have been in the making for years so it is no wonder why you will see more and more about these two projects. I will keep you updated on when they will be published and how to get your copy. In the meantime, I will still do topical blog entries and other writings.

Radio and Commentary
I still do have the “This is Diana” radio on Blog Talk Radio. You can check that on my website or on theirs any time. I do shows depending on guests and topics hence will announce them accordingly. I am also having more media sources interview as I continue to work on my writings, do my work with “The Psychics” and my future one woman show.

Aside from singing I am on board with New Apple Productions and working on “The Psychics” as I just mentioned. Please do check that page as well on The Psychics TV Show on Facebook.

You are now caught up! If you have any questions, contact me and I’ll be happy to answer it. Enjoy the Spring time and every moment as it comes.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Manners Back!