Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are you Breathing?? Make EVERYTHING Better with Conscious Breathing


What is Pranayama (conscious) Breathing?

How are you breathing right now? I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself breathing shallow and too fast. This is due to the years of anxiety attacks I've had. But with time, information and tons of practice I remind myself to breathe a little deeper and slower. I'll share what I've learned below about what they call in Yoga Pranayama. This is conscious breathing.

It is hard to believe that what we think it a natural function can be done the wrong way. Meaning not effectively to provide us with the sustenance we need to be healthy, e.g. provide enough oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. In yoga, conscious effective breathing can be as simple as just being aware of how you are breathing to very complex exercises that should be done with the right guidance. For now, we are going for the simple but VERY effective first step--awareness. 

This can be done wherever you are. Just notice how deeply or shallow you are breathing. Also notice how often. Do this for a few seconds. You can slowly transition to try to breathe in a bit more deeply but down into your belly (not your upper chest because you won't get the air in the lungs and may hyperventilate). Exhale, but try to control it and do it a bit more slowly than normal. Simply practice. 

So I ask you, have you had the opportunity to give yourself the gift of breathing consciously? The good news since we take millions of breaths during our lifetime you have plenty of upcoming chances. Regardless of what is happening in your life breath is your one constant. Your reminder of the spirit the lives within your physical body. This force, “air”, is always available and free for us to use. Not even water is free is most places these days. So enjoy air and breathing. Should you be concerned about breathing clean, healthy air, you are not alone.

If you want to see how to improve your breathing habits overall try one of these options:

~ Go to a source of nature that has little pollution around,like by the sea. Sadly, this is not always feasible to many for it requires, travel and some financial expense. 

~Find local parks and gardens in your area via websites, there are surprising lovely places just waiting to be discovered.

~Make the investment of purchasing air purifier for you home and/or work space. This can provide you with some peace of mind that the air you are breathing is clean, healthy and the precious mixture we all need to survive. Air purifiers come in different price ranges, sizes, and levels of sound. A side note, while some prefer silent purifiers, many traditional “noisy” ones provide an excellent source of white to mask and neutralize other unpleasant noises.

~The humble plant. This is the best and most natural purifier known. Get a few, love them and they will reward you with fresh air, beauty and much more.

Continue to pay attention to your breathing to insure healthy habits that increase your oxygen intake and lessen the effects of bad breathing habits. It is a really good idea to practice pranayama anytime you remember to do so. It has an incredible way of making you more mindful and self-aware. Please use this section as a reminder to practice the simple form of pranayama we did above—belly-breathing. 

And if you need convincing, here is what simple conscious breathing can help you with:
  • In alleviating panic and anxiety attacks
  • When feeling chronic stress
  • When fatigued
  • If you have cloudy thinking
  • With problems sleeping (and I'm an expert in that area)
  • In romantic moments (really!), it makes it 100 times better
  • While waiting for news (good or bad)
  • Exercising (all types)
  • While getting a doctors exam
  • Digesting food better
  • Honestly, everything
There are many resources you can use to learn more. If you specifically want yoga breathing exercises go to your local yoga studio or do an online check for a qualified teacher. In the meantime, just do a book search or internet search and try what works for you.

And here is our constant reminder of what your breath tells you on the regular basis.
When you are feeling relaxed, like when you are sleeping, your exhalation is twice as long as your inhalation. Keep in mind that anger, your breathing is shallow. Imagine how little oxygen your brain is getting during this time. and when feeling frightened or anxious you tend to hold your breath. No oxygen = no good. So as I always say....BREATHE

Want to know more? Schedule a coaching session on this and other issues at This is Diana.

~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

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