Friday, September 5, 2014

How to be Your Own Coach When You Need It

How to Encourage and Coach Yourself

As an Psychic Empath and a person with a counseling background, I know how important it is to have a constant support structure. Doctors need doctors, psychologists need therapy, psychic need their own spiritual sessions but what can you do when you can't find another person to coach, motivate and support you?

Working on your own is a great way to gain freedom and flexibility, but finding self-motivation can be one of the biggest road blocks.  The key to succeeding as your own boss is that you have to act like a boss.  You boss is someone who gets you on the right track and keeps you going.  Here are a few tips on how to be your own motivator.

Make goals.  It’s pretty hard to stay focused on work if all it is to you is work.  To keep yourself motivated you have to have something to work towards.  If you’re starting to get yourself motivated, the first thing you need to do is set goals.  It might be a business goal, a financial goal, or something you’ll be able to do once you get your business going. This could be visualizing the kind of life you desire to live. 

 If you’ve been going for a while, remind yourself of what you started working for. Write them down or use a mobile so you have them right there with you.

Don’t forget.  Once you set your goals, be sure to find a way to keep them in your mind.  Keep a written statement of your goals somewhere you can see them often, or post pictures on the walls of your office of your family or things you want to do when you make the money.  Anything that will remind you of what you’re working for will help.

Get help.  If just having goals isn’t enough to keep you on track, why not try going to a professional.  You don’t have to spend all the money to hire a traditional coach.  There are plenty of courses and systems available with methods to help keep you on track.  The key is finding the right one.  Why not find successful people you know and ask them to point you in the right direction.

Think positive.  While positive thinking is a hard skill to master, it’s one of the most beneficial things you’ll ever learn.  It can not only help you achieve your goals, you’ll probably find yourself happier and more satisfied in your personal life as well.  You can try things like positive affirmations or even meditation. This doesn't mean your head is in the clouds. It is simply a way to stay centered and away from constant negative chatter that might come your way.

Stay healthy.  A healthy mind is fueled by a healthy body.  You don’t have to be a pro athlete, but if you eat a sensible diet and get regular exercise, you’ll probably find yourself feeling better and working better too. This can be done one step at time. Seriously, try sipping water throughout the day so you are hydrated, or try doing small physical moves like stretches to keep yourself energized and flexible. The options are endless.

Take breaks.  If you feel like you can’t concentrate, take a break and get yourself back in focus.  The same thing applies long term.  If you’re feeling burnt out and just can’t get yourself going, why not take a few days off.  You can go on a vacation, or just take a stay-cation and rediscover what’s in your own back yard.  Once you go back, you’ll feel re-energized and ready to take on any challenge.  
If you would like more information on me my BOOKS and my quest please do contact me. I am of course on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and BlogTalkRadio and all can be accessed via my 

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~Always with Love, Light and Common Sense Manners~

Diana Navarro, M.S.
On a Quest to Bring Common Sense Manners Back!

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