Sunday, May 31, 2015

Abundance Prayer for Everyone

Abundance for Everyone (for the highest good)

Unlike what we have been programmed to believe, I strongly feel we are in a world of abundance. The question is, how do we get to experience our own share of it. Perhaps we can start by thinking of abundance as infinite resources instead of just money, or a car, or a phone, etc. Then ask. Then receive and give freely, knowing there is more than enough.

First see the myth truth image

Now try the prayer and break past false beliefs

The Abundance Prayer

From The Light of Universe that I Am.
From The Love of Universe that I Am.
From The Power of Universe that I Am.
From The Heart of Universe that I Am.

I Decree-

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance
of Universe is my Infinite Source.
The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me
into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected
avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.

I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good
to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen. With
the Universe as my Source, Nothing amazes me.
I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is
gone. The other is yet to come.

By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful
fearless actions and my deep rapport with the Universe,
my future is created and my abundance made manifest.
I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment
into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.
From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into
life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase.
Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. The Universe
provides for me in wondrous ways.
I AM indeed grateful. And I let it be so.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Objects have Feelings too, Excerpt from "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal!"

The Object-Energy Connection

Solid objects look solid, feel solid and act solid but look deeper the way physicist do, and you will find everything in the universe has “space” between its sub-atomic wave/particles, then up to atoms, molecules and up the scale of size. Once it reaches a certain size it seems to have the qualities of solidity, but that’s an illusion. As such it would make sense that objects can and do absorb and hold energy. Where the physics and metaphysics meet is here at this delicate place of visible and invisible. In these places there can exist positive or negative vibration, e.g., energy. Emotions are an extremely strong form of vibration and can range from hate, fear, anger, worry to love, peace, healing and positive intent.

 Some sensitives can perceive the energy in objects, and this specialty is called Psychometry. Oftentimes, people find, are given or buy objects that have an unknown history. You will hear many of them give accounts that upon having that object their energy, surroundings and events will take a turn, usually  but not always, for the worse. What is odd is that sometimes when someone is strangely attracted to an object, say at a garage sale or antique shop, there is usually some energy vibration the person is picking up from it. The person may need to touch it, own it, keep it etc. So what I’m saying is that objects can be “haunted”. If possible, it is a very good idea to get the history of the object before it enters your life.

One can accidentally open a door and inadvertently invite an unwanted entity in to our lives. This can happen with a trinket that is given to you as a gift, something purchased or anything at all. The most reliable test is your own body. If you feel a strange vibe from the object, pun intended, then think about what it could mean and ask questions about it. Should you be in a position of already having it and it is causing harm in some way, then this is when a credible person qualified in Psychometry can be contacted with more information and how to discard it appropriately. This is a very crucial point. Some people try their own ways of getting rid of things like, breaking, burning or just throwing out. That may do more harm than good. Be informed and get the right information on how to handle this kind of unwanted object. If something has positive energy, as it is healing, protective, loving energy then obviously you would want to keep it or share it with a loved one.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What the Writer of "Ghost" the Movie said about "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal!"

Like millions of other people around the world, I loved Ghost the movie. I loved it so much I even became Broadway Partner when it became a musical on Broadway a few years ago. The movie is not only a beautiful story of how love conquers all including death itself, but it is also very funny and insightful. As a psychic empath (though I was not practicing professionally when the movie first came out), I particularly enjoyed the role of the psychic who first started as a phony but soon realized she really could see dead people. 

 If you enjoyed this movie as much as I did, you could imagine the joy and pleasure I had the meeting  the Screenwriter of this and other great movies, Bruce Joel Rubin. I met him a few years ago at a meditation session retreat at his former home in Upstate New York . It was an intense open eye meditation that was a very profound experience for me. I then was able to share my book with him some time later when I published it on and asked what he thought of it and here is what he said below.

You can see this and more comments on my book's front pages:

“The spiritual search begins when life and the world as you once knew it transforms into something other, something often unexplainable and incomprehensible.   This book will introduce you to ancient thoughts and concepts to help guide you on your way.  Trust the journey.”

~Bruce Joel Rubin  

Screenwriter, GHOST, JACOB’S LADDER, MY LIFE, 1991 Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Screenplay for the 1990 psychological thriller Jacob's Ladder.

As a first time indie author, I could not have asked for a more powerful endorsement, yet I did get some more incredible ones from amazing individuals, for which I am truly grateful for. Why am I sharing this? It is because I want to share with you the many years of pain, fear and subsequent healing I got from situations that are difficult to explain with mainstream psychology, medicine and cultural beliefs. I trust this will help turn a crisis you may be experiencing into a an opportunity for growth and awakening. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Releasing Negative Energy Through Dance

Many of us are private people. We internalize our emotional pain and stresses. But stress can render a body ill when it gets out of control. Instead of throwing it back at yourself, release that negative energy in your life with a little movement.

Dancing has long been a form of self-expression. It might be ballet, ballroom dancing, salsa or hip hop. Movement can express what we feel inside but can’t seem to get out any other way.

Negative energy can change your entire outlook on life. It can: 

  • lead to low self-esteem, 
  • lead to lack of confidence, 
  • cause a myriad of physical health issues and
  • led to anger issues and antisocial behavior
None of these are productive and can harm a person.

Enter, dancing. There are many benefits to taking part in a form of dancing that will appeal to you. One, dancing is exercise. No one wants to admit that, because it is so much fun when you are doing it.

Moving your body in successive motions for a certain period of time is essentially physical exercise. Endorphins are secreted during such activities. They increase well-being and improve mood. These substances also promote clarity and focus. What was bothering you when you stepped into the dance studio or turned on the iPod can be seen in a clearer light after twirling around on the floor.

Such movement also releases stress. Stress can cause internal changes in our bodies. People who suffer from chronic stress are typically more tense and prone to negative thoughts. Stretching the muscles of the body as you dance, releases that tension in the muscles.

Over time, dancing can help you to lower your heart rate and increase your endurance. You are getting in shape. A person in shape is better able to combat negative energy and turn it into a positive. 

So, what type of dancing do you have to do? Any type of dance that appeals to you is the simplest answer. Many inner city kids have found an alternative to violence with a new urban style of dancing called krumping. It is characterized by sharp movements that are essentially put together by the dancer. Whatever they are feeling dictates how they will move.

Instead of fighting in the streets, they are holding dance competitions to battle with their bodies. Through movement negative feelings, fears, hate and drama are displayed to an audience. Some say that dancing has saved their lives. By giving their feelings an outlet, they no longer have to waste their energy on violence.

Dancing allows the body to move in different ways, releasing negative energy and tension from the muscles and the mind. It doesn’t matter what form of dance you participate in so long as it speaks to your need to embrace positive thoughts and energy. 

Can You Explain this Strange Image

Enlarged section of the orb 

This close up image above was taken by me at a fundraiser a few holidays ago. It is in my book in the "orbs" section. Below you will see the original photo in context. I was very moved by it and many other photos taken that night. As I have said in my book  and whenever I speak of this, orbs are very controversial and interesting. 

Many skeptics simply dismiss them as, 

  • dust, 
  • water, 
  • bugs, 
  • sand,
  • snow,
  • a hoax
  • or camera malfunction. 
Although these explanations do work or certain anomalies, they cannot explain all of them. Certainly not so many I've caught directly on my camera under certain specific circumstances. So I ask:

Can you explain this beautiful orb and what it means? 

Image from book "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal!"

The gentleman with the orb above was in the Military though I cannot say whether the orb is directly related to him or not. However, you will see several other orbs in the photo. One in on his right arm near his bicep and others are a bit more faded spread throughout the image. 

I ask that you take a look at the many more images in my book along your own photos and see what appears in them you may not have noticed before. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Connected (some of) the dots of the Paranormal

“When convention and science offer us no answers, might we not finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?” – David Duchovny as Fox Mulder (The X-Files, “Pilot”)

I think one of the most misunderstood things about the paranormal is that it may be "normal". There is so much we don’t understand. Perhaps simply don’t possess the technology yet to be able to fully understand the phenomena out there. If we did, wouldn’t those paranormal investigators be out of a job? Their area of study would just be “normal investigation”, nothing “para” about it. Nevertheless, their work must be done as the modern and mainstream accepted sciences want no part of it for the time being. Whatever is happening across the world, regarding all types of paranormal events and phenomena, it’s pretty clear something is going on. Unless the entire planet is in varying states of hallucination and hysteria, and let’s hope we find out if that’s true if it’s indeed happening…

Take another look at the strange happenings in our world. Perhaps, only the fantastic can be proven by the fantastic. Our world’s ecosystems are interconnected through the efforts of plants, animals, and the world around them to keep the circle of life moving. The paranormal maybe connected in the same way. Connected, both in it’s own separate existence from us, and with us moving in concert with our known ecosystems and life cycles. So, in the approach to this large area of the paranormal,  think of ways to connect the dots of the paranormal in such a way that they don’t contradict something else already existing, either in the world as we know it or maybe something that exists to us only in folklore.

To knock a few off the top, the existence of UFOs does not contradict whether the Loch Ness Monster exists or not. Both could co-exist at the same time. Likewise, prophets and their prophecies don’t contradict the existence of ghosts. The cryptozoology field itself has a natural basis for everything in it to be true, just undiscovered. In another direction, the idea of enhanced consciousness and levels of spirituality naturally contradict nothing in the psychical world. 

Science is moving in leaps and bounds in certain aspects of this area and it may one day be proven, but for now, telekinesis, telepathy and other mind powers remain in the paranormal category. No “mind power” contradicts any of the above either, it too can exist at the same time. To change directions again, Scottish legends of Little People could fall in a number of categories. It could simply be cryptozoology being a race of pygmies in different areas of the Earth.

It all must be approached with a healthy bit of skepticism of course. There are hoaxed tales and hoaxed evidence to all of the above subjects I listed. The thing to remember is that we’ve got tens of thousands of years of folklore, stories, legends and our modern sights to draw on for information. I believe all the pieces are there to solve some of the puzzle. We just don’t know what the big picture is supposed to look like. The vast majority of this field makes the average person take a leap of faith too far for them most of the time, but if enough people don’t do it, how are we ever to going to the bottom of our planet’s mysteries?

For a much more detailed look at the paranormal and how to know something you are experiencing may be explainable, click below. 

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