Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Objects have Feelings too, Excerpt from "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal!"

The Object-Energy Connection

Solid objects look solid, feel solid and act solid but look deeper the way physicist do, and you will find everything in the universe has “space” between its sub-atomic wave/particles, then up to atoms, molecules and up the scale of size. Once it reaches a certain size it seems to have the qualities of solidity, but that’s an illusion. As such it would make sense that objects can and do absorb and hold energy. Where the physics and metaphysics meet is here at this delicate place of visible and invisible. In these places there can exist positive or negative vibration, e.g., energy. Emotions are an extremely strong form of vibration and can range from hate, fear, anger, worry to love, peace, healing and positive intent.

 Some sensitives can perceive the energy in objects, and this specialty is called Psychometry. Oftentimes, people find, are given or buy objects that have an unknown history. You will hear many of them give accounts that upon having that object their energy, surroundings and events will take a turn, usually  but not always, for the worse. What is odd is that sometimes when someone is strangely attracted to an object, say at a garage sale or antique shop, there is usually some energy vibration the person is picking up from it. The person may need to touch it, own it, keep it etc. So what I’m saying is that objects can be “haunted”. If possible, it is a very good idea to get the history of the object before it enters your life.

One can accidentally open a door and inadvertently invite an unwanted entity in to our lives. This can happen with a trinket that is given to you as a gift, something purchased or anything at all. The most reliable test is your own body. If you feel a strange vibe from the object, pun intended, then think about what it could mean and ask questions about it. Should you be in a position of already having it and it is causing harm in some way, then this is when a credible person qualified in Psychometry can be contacted with more information and how to discard it appropriately. This is a very crucial point. Some people try their own ways of getting rid of things like, breaking, burning or just throwing out. That may do more harm than good. Be informed and get the right information on how to handle this kind of unwanted object. If something has positive energy, as it is healing, protective, loving energy then obviously you would want to keep it or share it with a loved one.

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