Sunday, July 11, 2010

Helping Yourself Helps Others

Do you have a loved one you are caring for? Are you a natural helper, always helping others-family, friends, neighbors, co-worker's or even strangers? Have you lost a loved one and need help coping.

Perhaps you need to read this to encourage you to take care of yourself first. It is easy to become overwhelmed with grief, responsibilities and problem solving to the point of self neglect. But how can you help anyone if you are depleted? Take a moment to care for yourself, build your own reserves and see how much more manageable things can seem. Start with simple steps like taking breaks throughout the day for drinking water, breathing, eating meals and napping. Yes, napping.

In addition, it helps tremendously to find someone to speak to about your experience. Whether it’s a counselor, or a fellow caretaker, it helps to know that although your process is uniquely yours, you are not alone. I’ve included some links to get you started. But you are in charge so do your own search that better fits your needs should you decide to get the help the helper needs. Included are support links for those who are caring for animal companions or loss a pet. Sometimes it can be very lonely caring and grieving for pets, but this need not be.

Here are more web resources for you to check should you need them.

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