Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reasons NOT to Workout

With increase of the use of Intuition, we can't help but want to change old unhealthy habits and live a healthier lifestyle. But it is helpful to look at why it takes time for us to establish healthy habits like engaging in a physical fitness program which can and does help in our mind-body-spirit alignment. With a healthier body, we activate and move energy called my many names--prana, chi, life force--through our system and heighten our overall frequency.

So, what stops us from working out? There are so many reasons why working out and a fitness routine gets put on the back burner. How many on the list below look familiar to you? I’m willing to bet there are some I have forgotten to list. Perhaps you can email us and we can add them to our list.

With what we have listed below you can begin to identify the reasons you don’t make your health and body a priority. Once you do this you can take a deeper look at your own specific situations and ask yourself, are these reasons I don’t practice fitness really valid? Is there a way around these obstacles so you can find a way to place priority on this miraculous vehicle you inhabit—your body?

Can you identify which reason(s) prevent you from working out?

__Too Busy
__Too Tried
__Not Motivated
__No Support From Others
__Lack of Strategy
__My Body Hurts
__It Doesn’t Work
__I’m Too Old
__I Don’t Need To Because I’m Naturally Fit
__It’s Too Expensive

Trust me, most of us struggle with several of these on the regular basis. This is why some people require multiple incentives to begin and stay with a fitness program. Some need the support of their family and friends, others thrive in competition, while others prefer to perform their activities in solitude.

I think beginning with small steps works well with many so let’s start there by working at your own pace and following some of the moves a personal trainer can provide for you. We also include that fitness routine includes eating healthy, not smoking, and drinking moderately. But as we said earlier, let’s start with baby steps, one move at a time and work our way up.

If you are in need of a personal trainer contact me

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